#! /usr/bin/env ruby require 'spec_helper' require 'puppet/transaction/resource_harness' describe Puppet::Transaction::ResourceHarness do include PuppetSpec::Files before do @mode_750 = Puppet.features.microsoft_windows? ? '644' : '750' @mode_755 = Puppet.features.microsoft_windows? ? '644' : '755' path = make_absolute("/my/file") @transaction = Puppet::Transaction.new(Puppet::Resource::Catalog.new, nil, nil) @resource = Puppet::Type.type(:file).new :path => path @harness = Puppet::Transaction::ResourceHarness.new(@transaction) @current_state = Puppet::Resource.new(:file, path) @resource.stubs(:retrieve).returns @current_state end it "should accept a transaction at initialization" do harness = Puppet::Transaction::ResourceHarness.new(@transaction) harness.transaction.should equal(@transaction) end it "should delegate to the transaction for its relationship graph" do @transaction.expects(:relationship_graph).returns "relgraph" Puppet::Transaction::ResourceHarness.new(@transaction).relationship_graph.should == "relgraph" end describe "when evaluating a resource" do it "produces a resource state that describes what happened with the resource" do status = @harness.evaluate(@resource) status.resource.should == @resource.ref status.should_not be_failed status.events.should be_empty end it "retrieves the current state of the resource" do @resource.expects(:retrieve).returns @current_state @harness.evaluate(@resource) end it "produces a failure status for the resource when an error occurs" do the_message = "retrieve failed in testing" @resource.expects(:retrieve).raises(ArgumentError.new(the_message)) status = @harness.evaluate(@resource) status.should be_failed events_to_hash(status.events).collect do |event| { :@status => event[:@status], :@message => event[:@message] } end.should == [{ :@status => "failure", :@message => the_message }] end it "records the time it took to evaluate the resource" do before = Time.now status = @harness.evaluate(@resource) after = Time.now status.evaluation_time.should be <= after - before end end def events_to_hash(events) events.map do |event| hash = {} event.instance_variables.each do |varname| hash[varname.to_sym] = event.instance_variable_get(varname) end hash end end def make_stub_provider stubProvider = Class.new(Puppet::Type) stubProvider.instance_eval do initvars newparam(:name) do desc "The name var" isnamevar end newproperty(:foo) do desc "A property that can be changed successfully" def sync end def retrieve :absent end def insync?(reference_value) false end end newproperty(:bar) do desc "A property that raises an exception when you try to change it" def sync raise ZeroDivisionError.new('bar') end def retrieve :absent end def insync?(reference_value) false end end newproperty(:baz) do desc "A property that raises an Exception (not StandardError) when you try to change it" def sync raise Exception.new('baz') end def retrieve :absent end def insync?(reference_value) false end end newproperty(:brillig) do desc "A property that raises a StandardError exception when you test if it's insync?" def sync end def retrieve :absent end def insync?(reference_value) raise ZeroDivisionError.new('brillig') end end newproperty(:slithy) do desc "A property that raises an Exception when you test if it's insync?" def sync end def retrieve :absent end def insync?(reference_value) raise Exception.new('slithy') end end end stubProvider end context "interaction of ensure with other properties" do def an_ensurable_resource_reacting_as(behaviors) stub_type = Class.new(Puppet::Type) stub_type.class_eval do initvars ensurable do def sync (@resource.behaviors[:on_ensure] || proc {}).call end def insync?(value) @resource.behaviors[:ensure_insync?] end end newparam(:name) do desc "The name var" isnamevar end newproperty(:prop) do newvalue("new") do #noop end def retrieve "old" end end attr_reader :behaviors def initialize(options) @behaviors = options.delete(:behaviors) super end def exists? @behaviors[:present?] end def present?(resource) @behaviors[:present?] end def self.name "Testing" end end stub_type.new(:behaviors => behaviors, :ensure => :present, :name => "testing", :prop => "new") end it "ensure errors means that the rest doesn't happen" do resource = an_ensurable_resource_reacting_as(:ensure_insync? => false, :on_ensure => proc { raise StandardError }, :present? => true) status = @harness.evaluate(resource) expect(status.events.length).to eq(1) expect(status.events[0].property).to eq('ensure') expect(status.events[0].name.to_s).to eq('Testing_created') expect(status.events[0].status).to eq('failure') end it "ensure fails completely means that the rest doesn't happen" do resource = an_ensurable_resource_reacting_as(:ensure_insync? => false, :on_ensure => proc { raise Exception }, :present? => false) expect do @harness.evaluate(resource) end.to raise_error(Exception) @logs.first.message.should == "change from absent to present failed: Exception" @logs.first.level.should == :err end it "ensure succeeds means that the rest doesn't happen" do resource = an_ensurable_resource_reacting_as(:ensure_insync? => false, :on_ensure => proc { }, :present? => true) status = @harness.evaluate(resource) expect(status.events.length).to eq(1) expect(status.events[0].property).to eq('ensure') expect(status.events[0].name.to_s).to eq('Testing_created') expect(status.events[0].status).to eq('success') end it "ensure is in sync means that the rest *does* happen" do resource = an_ensurable_resource_reacting_as(:ensure_insync? => true, :present? => true) status = @harness.evaluate(resource) expect(status.events.length).to eq(1) expect(status.events[0].property).to eq('prop') expect(status.events[0].name.to_s).to eq('prop_changed') expect(status.events[0].status).to eq('success') end it "ensure is in sync but resource not present, means that the rest doesn't happen" do resource = an_ensurable_resource_reacting_as(:ensure_insync? => true, :present? => false) status = @harness.evaluate(resource) expect(status.events).to be_empty end end describe "when a caught error occurs" do before :each do stub_provider = make_stub_provider resource = stub_provider.new :name => 'name', :foo => 1, :bar => 2 resource.expects(:err).never @status = @harness.evaluate(resource) end it "should record previous successful events" do @status.events[0].property.should == 'foo' @status.events[0].status.should == 'success' end it "should record a failure event" do @status.events[1].property.should == 'bar' @status.events[1].status.should == 'failure' end end describe "when an Exception occurs during sync" do before :each do stub_provider = make_stub_provider @resource = stub_provider.new :name => 'name', :baz => 1 @resource.expects(:err).never end it "should log and pass the exception through" do lambda { @harness.evaluate(@resource) }.should raise_error(Exception, /baz/) @logs.first.message.should == "change from absent to 1 failed: baz" @logs.first.level.should == :err end end describe "when a StandardError exception occurs during insync?" do before :each do stub_provider = make_stub_provider @resource = stub_provider.new :name => 'name', :brillig => 1 @resource.expects(:err).never end it "should record a failure event" do @status = @harness.evaluate(@resource) @status.events[0].name.to_s.should == 'brillig_changed' @status.events[0].property.should == 'brillig' @status.events[0].status.should == 'failure' end end describe "when an Exception occurs during insync?" do before :each do stub_provider = make_stub_provider @resource = stub_provider.new :name => 'name', :slithy => 1 @resource.expects(:err).never end it "should log and pass the exception through" do lambda { @harness.evaluate(@resource) }.should raise_error(Exception, /slithy/) @logs.first.message.should == "change from absent to 1 failed: slithy" @logs.first.level.should == :err end end describe "when auditing" do it "should not call insync? on parameters that are merely audited" do stub_provider = make_stub_provider resource = stub_provider.new :name => 'name', :audit => ['foo'] resource.property(:foo).expects(:insync?).never status = @harness.evaluate(resource) expect(status.events).to be_empty end it "should be able to audit a file's group" do # see bug #5710 test_file = tmpfile('foo') File.open(test_file, 'w').close resource = Puppet::Type.type(:file).new :path => test_file, :audit => ['group'], :backup => false resource.expects(:err).never # make sure no exceptions get swallowed status = @harness.evaluate(resource) status.events.each do |event| event.status.should != 'failure' end end end describe "when applying changes" do it "should not apply changes if allow_changes?() returns false" do test_file = tmpfile('foo') resource = Puppet::Type.type(:file).new :path => test_file, :backup => false, :ensure => :file resource.expects(:err).never # make sure no exceptions get swallowed @harness.expects(:allow_changes?).with(resource).returns false status = @harness.evaluate(resource) Puppet::FileSystem.exist?(test_file).should == false end end describe "when determining whether the resource can be changed" do before do @resource.stubs(:purging?).returns true @resource.stubs(:deleting?).returns true end it "should be true if the resource is not being purged" do @resource.expects(:purging?).returns false @harness.should be_allow_changes(@resource) end it "should be true if the resource is not being deleted" do @resource.expects(:deleting?).returns false @harness.should be_allow_changes(@resource) end it "should be true if the resource has no dependents" do @harness.relationship_graph.expects(:dependents).with(@resource).returns [] @harness.should be_allow_changes(@resource) end it "should be true if all dependents are being deleted" do dep = stub 'dependent', :deleting? => true @harness.relationship_graph.expects(:dependents).with(@resource).returns [dep] @resource.expects(:purging?).returns true @harness.should be_allow_changes(@resource) end it "should be false if the resource's dependents are not being deleted" do dep = stub 'dependent', :deleting? => false, :ref => "myres" @resource.expects(:warning) @harness.relationship_graph.expects(:dependents).with(@resource).returns [dep] @harness.should_not be_allow_changes(@resource) end end describe "when finding the schedule" do before do @catalog = Puppet::Resource::Catalog.new @resource.catalog = @catalog end it "should warn and return nil if the resource has no catalog" do @resource.catalog = nil @resource.expects(:warning) @harness.schedule(@resource).should be_nil end it "should return nil if the resource specifies no schedule" do @harness.schedule(@resource).should be_nil end it "should fail if the named schedule cannot be found" do @resource[:schedule] = "whatever" @resource.expects(:fail) @harness.schedule(@resource) end it "should return the named schedule if it exists" do sched = Puppet::Type.type(:schedule).new(:name => "sched") @catalog.add_resource(sched) @resource[:schedule] = "sched" @harness.schedule(@resource).to_s.should == sched.to_s end end describe "when determining if a resource is scheduled" do before do @catalog = Puppet::Resource::Catalog.new @resource.catalog = @catalog end it "should return true if 'ignoreschedules' is set" do Puppet[:ignoreschedules] = true @resource[:schedule] = "meh" @harness.should be_scheduled(@resource) end it "should return true if the resource has no schedule set" do @harness.should be_scheduled(@resource) end it "should return the result of matching the schedule with the cached 'checked' time if a schedule is set" do t = Time.now @harness.expects(:cached).with(@resource, :checked).returns(t) sched = Puppet::Type.type(:schedule).new(:name => "sched") @catalog.add_resource(sched) @resource[:schedule] = "sched" sched.expects(:match?).with(t.to_i).returns "feh" @harness.scheduled?(@resource).should == "feh" end end it "should be able to cache data in the Storage module" do data = {} Puppet::Util::Storage.expects(:cache).with(@resource).returns data @harness.cache(@resource, :foo, "something") data[:foo].should == "something" end it "should be able to retrieve data from the cache" do data = {:foo => "other"} Puppet::Util::Storage.expects(:cache).with(@resource).returns data @harness.cached(@resource, :foo).should == "other" end end