Feature: Index - Page Title Modifying the page title on the index screen Scenario: Set a string as the title Given an index configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.register Post do index title: "Awesome Title" end """ Then I should see the page title "Awesome Title" Scenario: Set the title using a proc Given an index configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.register Post do index title: proc{ 'Custom title from proc' } end """ Then I should see the page title "Custom title from proc" Scenario: Set the title using a proc that uses the available resource class Given an index configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.register Post do index title: proc{ "List of #{resource_class.model_name.plural}" } end """ Then I should see the page title "List of posts" Scenario: Set the title in controller Given an index configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.register Post do controller do before_action { @page_title = "List of #{resource_class.model_name.plural}" } end end """ Then I should see the page title "List of posts"