require 'modalsettings' # This is a hybrid between HoboFields and model annotators. # # It works like other annotators, by updating the model annotations from the DB schema. # But the annotations are syntactic Ruby as in HoboFields rather than comments. # # Apart from looking better to my eyes, this allows triggering special functionality # from the field declations (such as specifying validations). # # The annotations are kept up to date by the migration tasks. # Comments and validation, etc. specifications modified manually are preserved, at least # if the field block syntax is kept as generated (one line per field, one line for the # block start and end...) # # Custom type fields and hooks can be define in files (e.g. fields.rb) in config/initializers/ # module ModalFields SPECIFIERS = [:indexed, :unique, :required] COMMON_ATTRIBUTES = {:default=>nil, :null=>true} # We'll use a somewhat conservative kind of 'blank slate' base for DSLs. that # works on Ruby 1.9 & 1.8 class DslBase instance_methods.each { |m| undef_method m unless m =~ /^(__|instance_)/ } end class FieldDeclaration <, :type, :specifiers, :attributes) def self.declare(name, type, *args) attributes = args.extract_options! new(name, type, args, attributes) end def replace!(replacements={}) replacements.each_pair do |key, value| self[key] = value end self end def remove_attributes!(*attrs) self.attributes = self.attributes.except(*attrs) self end def add!(attrs) self.attributes.merge! attrs self end def to_s code = "#{name} :#{type}" code << ", "+specifiers.inspect[1...-1] unless specifiers.empty? unless attributes.empty? code << ", "+attributes.keys.sort_by{|attr| attr.to_s}.map{|attr| v = attributes[attr] v = v.kind_of?(BigDecimal) ? "BigDecimal('#{v.to_s}')" : v.inspect ":#{attr}=>#{v}" }*", " end code end end class DefinitionsDsl < DslBase def field(name, attributes={}) ModalFields.definitions[name.to_sym] = COMMON_ATTRIBUTES.merge(attributes) end def method_missing(name, *args) field(name, *args) end end class HooksDsl < DslBase def field_type(type, &blk) ModalFields.hooks[type.to_sym] = lambda{|model, column_declaration| blk[model, column_declaration] } end # geric filter applied to all the fields (after a specific filter for the type, if there is one) def all_fields(&blk) field_type :all_fields, &blk end def method_missing(name, *args, &blk) field_type name, *args, &blk end end class DeclarationsDsl < DslBase def initialize(model) @model = model end def field(name, type, *args) declaration = FieldDeclaration.declare(name, type, *args) specific_hook = ModalFields.hooks[type.to_sym] general_hook = ModalFields.hooks[:all_fields] [specific_hook, general_hook].compact.each do |hook| hook[@model, declaration] if hook end if ModalFields.validate(declaration) @model.fields_info << declaration end end def timestamps field :created_at, :datetime field :updated_at, :datetime end def method_missing(name, type, *args) field(name, type, *args) end end module FieldDeclarationClassMethods def fields(param=nil, &blk) if param == :omitted unless self.respond_to?(:fields_info) self.instance_eval do def fields_info :omitted end end end else @fields_info ||= [] unless self.respond_to?(:fields_info) self.instance_eval do def fields_info @fields_info end end end end end end @show_primary_keys = false @hooks = {} @definitions = {} @column_to_field_declaration_hook = nil @type_aliases = {} @parameters = Settings[ :check_all_models => false, # consider all models (including those defined in plugins) for migration & check :check_dynamic_models => false, # consider models that may have been defined dynamically not in model files :update_vendor_models => false # update also model files in vendor ] class <parameters.check_all_models, :dynamic_models=>parameters.check_dynamic_models, :exclude_sti_models=>true, :include_files=>true, :only_app_files=>!parameters.update_vendor_models, :only_app_tree_files=>parameters.update_vendor_models } end def map_column_to_field_declaration(column) if @column_to_field_declaration_hook @column_to_field_declaration_hook[column] else type = column.type.to_sym attributes = {} attrs = definitions[type] attrs.keys.each do |attr| v = column.send(attr) attributes[attr] = v unless attrs[attr]==v end, type, [], attributes) end end # Compare the declared fields of a model (in the fields block) to the actual model columns (in the schema). # returns the difference as [new_fields, modified_fields, deleted_fields] # where: # * new_fields are field declarations not present in the model (corresponding to model columns not declared # in the fields declaration block). # * modified_fields are field declarations corresponding to model columns that are different from their existing # declarations. # * deleted_fields are fields declared in the fields block but not present in the current schema. def diff(model) # model.columns will fail if the table does not exist existing_fields = model.columns rescue [] deleted_model = existing_fields.empty? submodels = model.send(:subclasses) assocs = model.reflect_on_all_associations(:belongs_to) +{|sc| sc.reflect_on_all_associations(:belongs_to)}.flatten association_fields ={ |r| # up to ActiveRecord 3.1 we had primary_key_name in AssociationReflection; now it's foreign_key cols = [r.respond_to?(:primary_key_name) ? r.primary_key_name : r.foreign_key] if r.options[:polymorphic] t = r.options[:foreign_type] t ||= r.foreign_type if r.respond_to?(:foreign_type) t ||= cols.first.sub(/_id\Z/,'_type') cols << t end cols } pk_fields = Array(model.primary_key).map(&:to_s) case show_primary_keys when true pk_fields = [] when :id pk_fields = pk_fields.reject{|pk| pk=='id'} when :except_id pk_fields ={|pk| pk=='id'} end if model.respond_to?(:fields_info) return [[]]*4 if model.fields_info==:omitted declared_fields = model_fields_info(model) declared_fields +={|sc| Array(model_fields_info(sc))}.flatten indices = model.connection.indexes(model.table_name) # name, columns, unique, spatial existing_declared_fields = [] existing_undeclared_fields = [] existing_fields.each do |f| name = if declared_fields.detect{|df|} || association_fields.include?(name) || pk_fields.include?(name) existing_declared_fields << f else existing_undeclared_fields << f end end implicit_fields = association_fields.reject{|name| existing_declared_fields.detect{|df|} } deleted_fields = declared_fields.reject{|f| name = existing_declared_fields.detect{|df|} } deleted_fields +={|name|, :integer, [], {}) } modified_fields = (declared_fields - deleted_fields).map{ |field_declaration| column = existing_declared_fields.detect{|f| ==} identical = false column = map_column_to_field_declaration(column) if unified_type(field_declaration.type) == unified_type(column.type.to_sym) attrs = definitions[column.type.to_sym] attr_keys = attrs.keys decl_attrs ={|a| v = field_declaration.attributes[a] v==attrs[a] ? nil : (v==false ? nil : v) } col_attrs ={|a| v = column.attributes[a] v==attrs[a] ? nil : (v==false ? nil : v) } if decl_attrs == col_attrs identical=true # specifiers are defined only in declarations end end column.specifiers = field_declaration.specifiers identical ? nil : column }.compact else modified_fields = deleted_fields = [] existing_undeclared_fields = existing_fields.reject{|f| name = association_fields.include?(name) || pk_fields.include?(name) } end new_fields = { |f| attributes = {} attrs = definitions[f.type.to_sym] attrs.keys.each do |attr| v = f.send(attr) attributes[attr] = v unless attrs[attr]==v end, f.type.to_sym, [], attributes) } [new_fields, modified_fields, deleted_fields, deleted_model] end # Break up the lines of a model definition file into sections delimited by the fields declaration. # An empty fields declaration is added to the result if none is present in the file. # The split result is an array with these elements: # * pre: array of lines before the fields declaration # * start_fields: line which opens the fields block # * fields: array of triplets [line, name, comment] with the lines inside th fields block. # Name is the name of the field defined in the line, if any and comment is a comment including in the line; # both name and comment may be absent. # * end_fields: line which closes the fields declaration # * post: array of lines after the fields block # All the lines include a trailing end-of-line separator. def split_model_file(file) code = pre = [] start_fields = nil fields = [] end_fields = nil post = [] state = :pre line_no = 0 field_block_end = nil code.each_line do |line| # line.chomp! line_no += 1 case state when :pre if line =~ /^\s*fields\s+do(?:\s(.+))?$/ field_block_end = /^\s*end(?:\s(.+))?$/ start_fields = line state = :fields elsif line =~ /^\s*fields\s+\{(?:\s(.+))?$/ field_block_end = /^\s*\}(?:\s(.+))?$/ start_fields = line state = :fields else pre << line end when :fields if line =~ field_block_end end_fields = line state = :post else if line =~ /^\s*field\s+:(\w+).+?(#.+)?$/ name = $1 comment = $2 elsif line =~ /^\s*field\s+['"](.+?)['"].+?(#.+)?$/ name = $1 comment = $2 elsif line =~ /^\s*(\w+).+?(#.+)?$/ name = $1 comment = $2 else name = comment = nil end fields << [line, name, comment] end when :post post << line end end if !start_fields i = 0 (0...pre.size).each do |i| break if pre[i] =~ /^\s*class\b/ end raise "Model declaration not found in #{file}" unless i