/** * Copyright 2004-2008 Ricard Marxer * * This file is part of Geomerative. * * Geomerative is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * Geomerative is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * Geomerative. If not, see . */ package geomerative; import processing.core.PApplet; import processing.core.PGraphics; /** * RGeomElem is an interface to any geometric element that can be drawn and * transformed, such as shapes, polygons or meshes. * */ public abstract class RGeomElem { /** * */ public static final int SHAPE = 0; /** * */ public static final int SUBSHAPE = 1; /** * */ public static final int COMMAND = 2; /** * */ public static final int POLYGON = 3; /** * */ public static final int CONTOUR = 4; /** * */ public static final int MESH = 5; /** * */ public static final int TRISTRIP = 6; /** * */ public static final int GROUP = 7; /** * */ public static final int UNKNOWN = 8; /** * Shape document width. */ public float width; /** * Shape document height. */ public float height; float origWidth; float origHeight; // Functions dependent of the type of element // They must be overrided public abstract void draw(PGraphics g); /** * * @param g */ public abstract void draw(PApplet g); public void draw() { this.draw(RG.parent()); } public abstract RPoint getPoint(float t); public abstract RPoint getTangent(float t); public abstract RPoint[] getHandles(); public abstract RPoint[] getPoints(); public abstract RPoint[] getTangents(); public abstract RPoint[][] getHandlesInPaths(); public abstract RPoint[][] getPointsInPaths(); public abstract RPoint[][] getTangentsInPaths(); public abstract boolean contains(RPoint p); /** * Use this method to test if the shape contains all the points of another * shape. * * @param shp contains * @return boolean, true if the shape contains all the points of the other * shape * containsBounds ( ) * containsHandles ( ) */ public boolean containsShape(RShape shp) { return containsPoints(shp.getPoints()); } /** * Use this method to test if the shape contains the bounding box of another * shape. * * @param shp contains * @return boolean, true if the shape contains the bounding box of the other * shape * contains ( ) * containsHandles ( ) */ public boolean containsBounds(RGeomElem shp) { RPoint tl = shp.getTopLeft(); RPoint tr = shp.getTopRight(); RPoint bl = shp.getBottomRight(); RPoint br = shp.getBottomLeft(); return this.contains(tl) && this.contains(tr) && this.contains(bl) && this.contains(br); } /** * Use this method to test if the shape contains the handles of another shape. * This method is faster than contains(), but the results might not be * perfect. * * @param shp contains * @return boolean, true if the shape contains all the handles of the other * shape * containsBounds ( ) * contains ( ) */ public boolean containsHandles(RGeomElem shp) { return containsPoints(shp.getHandles()); } /** * Use this method to test if the shape contains an array of points. * * @param pts contains * @return boolean, true if the shape contains all the points * containsShape ( ) * containsBounds ( ) * containsHandles ( ) */ public boolean containsPoints(RPoint[] pts) { if (pts.length == 0) { return false; } boolean inside = true; for (RPoint pt : pts) { if (!contains(pt)) { inside = false; break; } } return inside; } /** * Use this method to test if the shape intersects another shape. * * @param shp intersects * @return boolean, true if the shape intersects all the points of the other * shape * intersectsBounds ( ) * intersectsHandles ( ) */ public boolean intersects(RGeomElem shp) { return intersects(shp.getPoints()); } /** * Use this method to test if the shape intersects the bounding box of another * shape. * * @param shp intersects * @return boolean, true if the shape intersects the bounding box of the other * shape * intersects ( ) * intersectsHandles ( ) */ public boolean intersectsBounds(RGeomElem shp) { RPoint tl = shp.getTopLeft(); RPoint tr = shp.getTopRight(); RPoint bl = shp.getBottomRight(); RPoint br = shp.getBottomLeft(); return (this.contains(tl) || this.contains(tr) || this.contains(bl) || this.contains(br)); } /** * Use this method to test if the shape intersects the handles of another * shape. This method is faster than intersects(), but the results might not * be perfect. * * @param shp intersects * @return boolean, true if the shape intersects all the handles of the other * shape * intersectsBounds ( ) * intersects ( ) */ public boolean intersectsHandles(RGeomElem shp) { return intersects(shp.getHandles()); } /** * Use this method to test if the shape intersects an array of points. * * @param ps intersects * @return boolean, true if the shape intersects all the points * intersects ( ) * intersectsBounds ( ) * intersectsHandles ( ) */ public boolean intersects(RPoint[] ps) { boolean intersects = false; if (ps != null) { for (RPoint p : ps) { intersects |= this.contains(p); } } return intersects; } public abstract int getType(); //public abstract RMesh toMesh(); //public abstract RPolygon toPolygon(); public abstract RShape toShape(); public void print() { } ; protected float[] lenCurves; protected float lenCurve = -1F; public String name = ""; protected RStyle style = new RStyle(); public void setFill(boolean _fill) { style.setFill(_fill); } public void setFill(int _fillColor) { style.setFill(_fillColor); } public void setFill(String str) { style.setFill(str); } public void setStroke(boolean _stroke) { style.setStroke(_stroke); } public void setStroke(int _strokeColor) { style.setStroke(_strokeColor); } public void setStroke(String str) { style.setStroke(str); } public void setStrokeWeight(float value) { style.setStrokeWeight(value); } public void setStrokeWeight(String str) { style.setStrokeWeight(str); } public void setStrokeCap(String str) { style.setStrokeCap(str); } public void setStrokeJoin(String str) { style.setStrokeJoin(str); } public void setStrokeAlpha(int opacity) { style.setStrokeAlpha(opacity); } public void setStrokeAlpha(String str) { style.setStrokeAlpha(str); } public void setFillAlpha(int opacity) { style.setFillAlpha(opacity); } public void setFillAlpha(String str) { style.setFillAlpha(str); } public void setAlpha(float opacity) { style.setAlpha(opacity); } public void setAlpha(int opacity) { style.setAlpha(opacity); } public void setAlpha(String str) { style.setAlpha(str); } public RStyle getStyle() { return this.style; } protected void saveContext(PGraphics g) { style.saveContext(g); } protected void saveContext(PApplet p) { style.saveContext(p); } protected void saveContext() { style.saveContext(); } protected void restoreContext(PGraphics g) { style.restoreContext(g); } protected void restoreContext(PApplet p) { style.restoreContext(p); } protected void restoreContext() { style.restoreContext(); } protected void setContext(PGraphics g) { style.setContext(g); } protected void setContext(PApplet p) { style.setContext(p); } protected void setContext() { style.setContext(); } public void setStyle(RStyle s) { style = s; } protected void setStyle(RGeomElem p) { name = p.name; width = p.width; height = p.height; origWidth = p.origWidth; origHeight = p.origHeight; style = new RStyle(p.style); } protected void setStyle(String styleString) { style.setStyle(styleString); } public void setName(String str) { this.name = str; } protected void calculateCurveLengths() { PApplet.println("Feature not yet implemented for this class."); } /** * Use this to return arclengths of each command on the curve. * getCurveLength * @return float[], the arclengths of each command on the curve. * */ public float[] getCurveLengths() { /* If the cache with the commands lengths is empty, we fill it up */ if (lenCurves == null) { calculateCurveLengths(); } return lenCurves; } /** * Use this to return the length of the curve. * getCurveLength * @return float, the arclength of the path. * */ public float getCurveLength() { /* If the cache with the commands lengths is empty, we fill it up */ if (lenCurve == -1F) { calculateCurveLengths(); } return lenCurve; } public RPolygon toPolygon() { return toShape().toPolygon(); } public RMesh toMesh() { return toShape().toPolygon().toMesh(); } // Functions independent of the type of element // No need of being overrided public void transform(RMatrix m) { RPoint[] ps = getHandles(); if (ps == null) { return; } for (RPoint p : ps) { p.transform(m); } } /** * Transform the geometric object to fit in a rectangle defined by the * parameters passed. * * @param x * @param y * @param w * @param h * @param keepAspectRatio getBounds * getCenter ( ) */ public void transform(float x, float y, float w, float h, boolean keepAspectRatio) { RMatrix mtx = new RMatrix(); RRectangle orig = this.getBounds(); float orig_w = orig.getMaxX() - orig.getMinX(); float orig_h = orig.getMaxY() - orig.getMinY(); mtx.translate(-orig.getMinX(), -orig.getMinY()); if (keepAspectRatio) { mtx.scale(Math.min(w / orig_w, h / orig_h)); } else { mtx.scale(w / orig_w, h / orig_h); } mtx.translate(x, y); this.transform(mtx); } public void transform(float x, float y, float w, float h) { this.transform(x, y, w, h, true); } /** * Use this method to get the bounding box of the element. * getBounds * @return RRectangle, the bounding box of the element in the form of a * four-point contour * getCenter ( ) */ public RRectangle getBounds() { float xmax = Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; float ymax = Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; float xmin = Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY; float ymin = Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY; RPoint[] points = getHandles(); if (points != null) { for (RPoint point : points) { float tempx = point.x; float tempy = point.y; if (tempx < xmin) { xmin = tempx; } if (tempx > xmax) { xmax = tempx; } if (tempy < ymin) { ymin = tempy; } if (tempy > ymax) { ymax = tempy; } } } RRectangle c = new RRectangle(new RPoint(xmin, ymin), new RPoint(xmax, ymax)); return c; } /** * Use this method to get the points of the bounding box of the element. * getBounds * @return RRectangle, the bounding box of the element in the form of a * four-point contour * getCenter ( ) */ public RPoint[] getBoundsPoints() { return getBounds().getPoints(); } /** * Use this method to get the top left position of the element. * * @e * @return example getX * getTopRight ( ) * getBottomLeft ( ) * getBottomRight ( ) * getWidth ( ) * getHeight ( ) * getCenter ( ) */ public RPoint getTopLeft() { RRectangle orig = this.getBounds(); return new RPoint(orig.getMinX(), orig.getMinY()); } /** * Use this method to get the top right position of the element. * * @return getX * getTopRight ( ) * getBottomLeft ( ) * getBottomRight ( ) * getWidth ( ) * getHeight ( ) * getCenter ( ) */ public RPoint getTopRight() { RRectangle orig = this.getBounds(); return new RPoint(orig.getMaxX(), orig.getMinY()); } /** * Use this method to get the bottom left position of the element. * * @return getX * getTopRight ( ) * getBottomLeft ( ) * getBottomRight ( ) * getWidth ( ) * getHeight ( ) * getCenter ( ) */ public RPoint getBottomLeft() { RRectangle orig = this.getBounds(); return new RPoint(orig.getMinX(), orig.getMaxY()); } /** * Use this method to get the bottom right position of the element. * * @return getX * getTopRight ( ) * getBottomLeft ( ) * getBottomRight ( ) * getWidth ( ) * getHeight ( ) * getCenter ( ) */ public RPoint getBottomRight() { RRectangle orig = this.getBounds(); return new RPoint(orig.getMaxX(), orig.getMaxY()); } /** * Use this method to get the x (left side) position of the element. * getX * @return float, the x coordinate of the element * getY ( ) * getWidth ( ) * getHeight ( ) * getCenter ( ) */ public float getX() { RRectangle orig = this.getBounds(); return orig.getMinX(); } /** * Use this method to get the y position of the element. * getY * @return float, the y coordinate of the element * getY ( ) * getWidth ( ) * getHeight ( ) * getCenter ( ) */ public float getY() { RRectangle orig = this.getBounds(); return orig.getMinY(); } /** * Use this method to get the original height of the element. * getOrigHeight * @return float, the original height of the element before applying any * transformations * getCenter ( ) */ public float getOrigHeight() { return origHeight != 0.0 ? origHeight : getHeight(); } /** * Use this method to get the original width of the element. * getOrigWidth * @return float, the original width of the element before applying any * transformations * getCenter ( ) */ public float getOrigWidth() { return origWidth != 0.0 ? origWidth : getWidth(); } protected void updateOrigParams() { this.origWidth = this.getWidth(); this.origHeight = this.getHeight(); } /** * Use this method to get the width of the element. * getWidth * @return float, the width of the element * getCenter ( ) */ public float getWidth() { RRectangle orig = this.getBounds(); return orig.getMaxX() - orig.getMinX(); } /** * Use this method to get the height of the element. * getHeight * @return float, the height of the element * getCenter ( ) */ public float getHeight() { RRectangle orig = this.getBounds(); return orig.getMaxY() - orig.getMinY(); } /** * Use this method to get the center point of the element. * RGroup_getCenter * @return RPoint, the center point of the element * getBounds ( ) */ public RPoint getCenter() { RRectangle c = getBounds(); return new RPoint((c.getMaxX() + c.getMinX()) / 2, (c.getMaxY() + c.getMinY()) / 2); } /** * Use this method to get the centroid of the element. * RGroup_getCentroid * @return RPoint, the centroid point of the element * getBounds ( ) * getCenter ( ) */ public RPoint getCentroid() { RPoint[] ps = getPoints(); float areaAcc = 0.0f; float xAcc = 0.0f; float yAcc = 0.0f; for (int i = 0; i < ps.length - 1; i++) { areaAcc += ps[i].x * ps[i + 1].y - ps[i + 1].x * ps[i].y; xAcc += (ps[i].x + ps[i + 1].x) * (ps[i].x * ps[i + 1].y - ps[i + 1].x * ps[i].y); yAcc += (ps[i].y + ps[i + 1].y) * (ps[i].x * ps[i + 1].y - ps[i + 1].x * ps[i].y); } areaAcc /= 2.0f; RPoint p = new RPoint(xAcc / (6.0f * areaAcc), yAcc / (6.0f * areaAcc)); return p; } /** * Use this method to get the area of an element. * RGroup_getArea * @return float, the area point of the element * getBounds ( ) * getCenter ( ) * getCentroid ( ) */ public float getArea() { RPoint[] ps = getPoints(); float areaAcc = 0.0f; for (int i = 0; i < ps.length - 1; i++) { areaAcc += ps[i].x * ps[i + 1].y - ps[i + 1].x * ps[i].y; } areaAcc /= 2.0f; return Math.abs(areaAcc); } /** * Use this method to know if the shape is inside a graphics object. This * might be useful if we want to delete objects that go offscreen. * RShape_isIn * Geometry * @param g the graphics object * @return boolean, whether the shape is in or not the graphics object */ public boolean isIn(PGraphics g) { RRectangle c = getBounds(); float x0 = g.screenX(c.topLeft.x, c.topLeft.y); float y0 = g.screenY(c.topLeft.x, c.topLeft.y); float x1 = g.screenX(c.bottomRight.x, c.topLeft.y); float y1 = g.screenY(c.bottomRight.x, c.topLeft.y); float x2 = g.screenX(c.bottomRight.x, c.bottomRight.y); float y2 = g.screenY(c.bottomRight.x, c.bottomRight.y); float x3 = g.screenX(c.topLeft.x, c.bottomRight.y); float y3 = g.screenY(c.topLeft.x, c.bottomRight.y); float xmax = Math.max(Math.max(x0, x1), Math.max(x2, x3)); float ymax = Math.max(Math.max(y0, y1), Math.max(y2, y3)); float xmin = Math.min(Math.min(x0, x1), Math.min(x2, x3)); float ymin = Math.min(Math.min(y0, y1), Math.min(y2, y3)); return !((xmax < 0 || xmin > g.width) && (ymax < 0 || ymin > g.height)); } public boolean isIn(PApplet g) { RRectangle c = getBounds(); float x0 = g.screenX(c.topLeft.x, c.topLeft.y); float y0 = g.screenY(c.topLeft.x, c.topLeft.y); float x1 = g.screenX(c.bottomRight.x, c.topLeft.y); float y1 = g.screenY(c.bottomRight.x, c.topLeft.y); float x2 = g.screenX(c.bottomRight.x, c.bottomRight.y); float y2 = g.screenY(c.bottomRight.x, c.bottomRight.y); float x3 = g.screenX(c.topLeft.x, c.bottomRight.y); float y3 = g.screenY(c.topLeft.x, c.bottomRight.y); float xmax = Math.max(Math.max(x0, x1), Math.max(x2, x3)); float ymax = Math.max(Math.max(y0, y1), Math.max(y2, y3)); float xmin = Math.min(Math.min(x0, x1), Math.min(x2, x3)); float ymin = Math.min(Math.min(y0, y1), Math.min(y2, y3)); return !((xmax < 0 || xmin > g.width) && (ymax < 0 || ymin > g.height)); } /** * Use this method to get the transformation matrix in order to fit and center * the element on the canvas. Scaling and translation damping parameters are * available, in order to create animations. * RGeomElem_getCenteringTransf * @return RMatrix, the transformation matrix * @param g the canvas to which to fit and center the path * @param margin the margin to take into account when fitting * @param sclDamping a value from 0 to 1. The damping coefficient for the * scale, if the value is 0, then no scaling is applied. * @param trnsDamping a value from 0 to 1. The damping coefficient for the * translation, if the value is 0, then no translation is applied. * getBounds ( ) */ public RMatrix getCenteringTransf(PGraphics g, float margin, float sclDamping, float trnsDamping) throws RuntimeException { RMatrix transf; float mrgn = margin * 2; RRectangle c = getBounds(); float scl = (float) Math.min((g.width - mrgn) / (float) Math.abs(c.getMinX() - c.getMaxX()), (g.height - mrgn) / (float) Math.abs(c.getMinY() - c.getMaxY())); RPoint trns = getCenter(); transf = new RMatrix(); if (sclDamping != 0) { transf.scale(1 + (scl - 1) * sclDamping); } if (trnsDamping != 0) { transf.translate(-trns.x * trnsDamping, -trns.y * trnsDamping); } return transf; } public RMatrix getCenteringTransf(PGraphics g) throws RuntimeException { return getCenteringTransf(g, 0, 1, 1); } public RMatrix getCenteringTransf(PGraphics g, float margin) throws RuntimeException { return getCenteringTransf(g, margin, 1, 1); } public void centerIn(PGraphics g) { transform(getCenteringTransf(g)); } public void centerIn(PGraphics g, float margin) { transform(getCenteringTransf(g, margin, 1, 1)); } public void centerIn(PGraphics g, float margin, float sclDamping, float trnsDamping) throws RuntimeException { transform(getCenteringTransf(g, margin, sclDamping, trnsDamping)); } /** * Apply a translation to the element, given translation coordinates. * RGeomElem_translate * Geometry * @param tx the coefficient of x translation * @param ty the coefficient of y translation * transform ( ) * rotate ( ) * scale ( ) */ public void translate(float tx, float ty) { RMatrix transf = new RMatrix(); transf.translate(tx, ty); transform(transf); } /** * Apply a translation to the element, given a point. * RGeomElem_translate * Geometry * @param t the translation vector to be applied * transform ( ) * rotate ( ) * scale ( ) */ public void translate(RPoint t) { RMatrix transf = new RMatrix(); transf.translate(t); transform(transf); } /** * Apply a rotation to the element, given an angle and optionally a rotation * center. * RPoint_rotate * Geometry * @param angle the angle of rotation to be applied * @param vx the x coordinate of the center of rotation * @param vy the y coordinate of the center of rotation * transform ( ) * translate ( ) * scale ( ) */ public void rotate(float angle, float vx, float vy) { RMatrix transf = new RMatrix(); transf.rotate(angle, vx, vy); transform(transf); } public void rotate(float angle) { RMatrix transf = new RMatrix(); transf.rotate(angle); transform(transf); } /** * Apply a rotation to the element, given an angle and optionally a rotation * center. * RPoint_rotate * Geometry * @param angle the angle of rotation to be applied * @param v the position vector of the center of rotation * transform ( ) * translate ( ) * scale ( ) */ public void rotate(float angle, RPoint v) { RMatrix transf = new RMatrix(); transf.rotate(angle, v); transform(transf); } /** * Apply a scale to the element, given scaling factors and optionally a * scaling center. * RPoint_scale * Geometry * @param sx the scaling coefficient over the x axis * @param sy the scaling coefficient over the y axis * @param p the position vector of the center of the scaling * transform ( ) * translate ( ) * rotate ( ) */ public void scale(float sx, float sy, RPoint p) { RMatrix transf = new RMatrix(); transf.scale(sx, sy, p); transform(transf); } public void scale(float sx, float sy) { RMatrix transf = new RMatrix(); transf.scale(sx, sy); transform(transf); } /** * Apply a scale to the element, given scaling factors and optionally a * scaling center. * RPoint_scale * Geometry * @param sx the scaling coefficient over the x axis * @param sy the scaling coefficient over the y axis * @param x x coordinate of the position vector of the center of the scaling * @param y y coordinate of the position vector of the center of the scaling * transform ( ) * translate ( ) * rotate ( ) */ public void scale(float sx, float sy, float x, float y) { RMatrix transf = new RMatrix(); transf.scale(sx, sy, x, y); transform(transf); } /** * Apply a scale to the element, given scaling factors and optionally a * scaling center. * RPoint_scale * Geometry * @param s the scaling coefficient for a uniform scaling * @param p the position vector of the center of the scaling * transform ( ) * translate ( ) * rotate ( ) */ public void scale(float s, RPoint p) { RMatrix transf = new RMatrix(); transf.scale(s, p); transform(transf); } public void scale(float s) { RMatrix transf = new RMatrix(); transf.scale(s); transform(transf); } /** * Apply a scale to the element, given scaling factors and optionally a * scaling center. * RPoint_scale * Geometry * @param s the scaling coefficient for a uniform scaling * @param x x coordinate of the position vector of the center of the scaling * @param y y coordinate of the position vector of the center of the scaling * transform ( ) * translate ( ) * rotate ( ) */ public void scale(float s, float x, float y) { RMatrix transf = new RMatrix(); transf.scale(s, x, y); transform(transf); } /** * Apply a horizontal skew to the element, given skewing angle * RMatrix_skewing * @param angle skewing angle * Geometry * rotate ( ) * scale ( ) * translate ( ) */ public void skewX(float angle) { RMatrix transf = new RMatrix(); transf.skewY(angle); transform(transf); } /** * Apply a vertical skew to the element, given skewing angle * RMatrix_skewing * @param angle skewing angle * Geometry * rotate ( ) * scale ( ) * translate ( ) */ public void skewY(float angle) { RMatrix transf = new RMatrix(); transf.skewY(angle); transform(transf); } /** * Apply a shear to the element, given shearing factors * RMatrix_translate * @param shx x coordinate shearing * @param shy y coordinate shearing * Geometry * rotate ( ) * scale ( ) * translate ( ) */ public void shear(float shx, float shy) { RMatrix transf = new RMatrix(); transf.shear(shx, shy); transform(transf); } }