= Rails-LaTeX * Git: http://github.com/jacott/rails-latex * Author: Geoff Jacobsen * Copyright: 2009-2010 * License: MIT-LICENSE == Description rails-latex is a renderer for rails 3 which allows tex files with erb to be turned into an inline pdf. == Synopsis app/helpers/application_helper.rb: def lesc(text) LatexToPdf.escape_latex(text) end app/views/stories/show.html.erb: ... <%= link_to "print", story_path(@story,:format => :pdf) %> app/views/stories/show.pdf.erb: ... <%= lesc @story.name % > app/views/layouts/application.pdf.erbtex: \documentclass[12pt,a4paper,sloppy,< %= @landscape % >]{article} ... < %= yield % > \end{document} config/initializers/mime_types.rb: ... Mime::Type.register "application/pdf", :pdf, ['text/pdf'], ['pdf'] Only the file containing the \\documentclass should be of type: .pdf.erbtex . Partials and views (when there is a layout) should be of type .pdf.erb . If a LaTeX package requires two parses then add the following to the .pdf.erbtex file: <% @latex_config={:parse_twice => true} %> You can override the defaults like so: LatexToPdf.config.merge! :command => 'xetex', :arguments => ['-etex'], :parse_twice => true The defaults are: command: 'pdflatex' arguments: [] parse_twice: false The last log file is moved to tmp/rails-latex/input.log . If the PDF is no produced the build directory is not removed; an archive script should be written to occasionally clean up the tmp/rails-latex directory. See the rails application under examples/rails-latex-demo/ for a working example. === Generating a String If you need to generate the LaTeX document as a string you can use the +render_to_string+ method. You will probably need to pass the :layout => true option to invoke the PDF generator. Here is an example to generate an email attachment: In the controller you will have something along the lines of: def send_email_method output = render_to_string(:template => "/your_model/your_view.pdf.erb", :layout => true) MyMailer.email_sender(current_user, output).deliver end The thing to note is the :layout => true which is needed so that the pdf template can grab the application erbtex layout. Then in your mailer: def email_sender(user, pdf_attachment) @user = user attachments["attachment_name.pdf"] = {:mime_type => 'application/pdf', :content => pdf_attachment} mail( .... ) end == Requirements * ruby 1.8 or 1.9 * rails 3 == Install * gem install rails-latex == Development Developing rails-latex requires jeweler * rake test * rake build == Contributions * Tommaso Patrizi * Klaus Reske