require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper' describe "Acts As Taggable On" do before(:each) do clean_database! end it "should provide a class method 'taggable?' that is false for untaggable models" do UntaggableModel.should_not be_taggable end describe "Taggable Method Generation" do before(:each) do [TaggableModel, Tag, Tagging, TaggableUser].each(&:delete_all) @taggable = => "Bob Jones") end it "should respond 'true' to taggable?" do @taggable.class.should be_taggable end it "should create a class attribute for tag types" do @taggable.class.should respond_to(:tag_types) end it "should create an instance attribute for tag types" do @taggable.should respond_to(:tag_types) end it "should have all tag types" do @taggable.tag_types.should == [:tags, :languages, :skills, :needs, :offerings] end it "should generate an association for each tag type" do @taggable.should respond_to(:tags, :skills, :languages) end it "should generate a cached column checker for each tag type" do TaggableModel.should respond_to(:caching_tag_list?, :caching_skill_list?, :caching_language_list?) end it "should add tagged_with and tag_counts to singleton" do TaggableModel.should respond_to(:tagged_with, :tag_counts) end it "should add saving of tag lists and cached tag lists to the instance" do @taggable.should respond_to(:save_cached_tag_list) @taggable.should respond_to(:save_tags) end it "should generate a tag_list accessor/setter for each tag type" do @taggable.should respond_to(:tag_list, :skill_list, :language_list) @taggable.should respond_to(:tag_list=, :skill_list=, :language_list=) end it "should generate a tag_list accessor, that includes owned tags, for each tag type" do @taggable.should respond_to(:all_tags_list, :all_skills_list, :all_languages_list) end end describe "Single Table Inheritance" do before do @taggable = => "taggable") @inherited_same = => "inherited same") @inherited_different = => "inherited different") end it "should pass on tag contexts to STI-inherited models" do @inherited_same.should respond_to(:tag_list, :skill_list, :language_list) @inherited_different.should respond_to(:tag_list, :skill_list, :language_list) end it "should have tag contexts added in altered STI models" do @inherited_different.should respond_to(:part_list) end end describe "Reloading" do it "should save a model instantiated by Model.find" do taggable = TaggableModel.create!(:name => "Taggable") found_taggable = TaggableModel.find( end end describe "Related Objects" do it "should find related objects based on tag names on context" do taggable1 = TaggableModel.create!(:name => "Taggable 1") taggable2 = TaggableModel.create!(:name => "Taggable 2") taggable3 = TaggableModel.create!(:name => "Taggable 3") taggable1.tag_list = "one, two" taggable2.tag_list = "three, four" taggable3.tag_list = "one, four" taggable1.find_related_tags.should include(taggable3) taggable1.find_related_tags.should_not include(taggable2) end it "should find other related objects based on tag names on context" do taggable1 = TaggableModel.create!(:name => "Taggable 1") taggable2 = OtherTaggableModel.create!(:name => "Taggable 2") taggable3 = OtherTaggableModel.create!(:name => "Taggable 3") taggable1.tag_list = "one, two" taggable2.tag_list = "three, four" taggable3.tag_list = "one, four" taggable1.find_related_tags_for(OtherTaggableModel).should include(taggable3) taggable1.find_related_tags_for(OtherTaggableModel).should_not include(taggable2) end it "should not include the object itself in the list of related objects" do taggable1 = TaggableModel.create!(:name => "Taggable 1") taggable2 = TaggableModel.create!(:name => "Taggable 2") taggable1.tag_list = "one" taggable2.tag_list = "one, two" taggable1.find_related_tags.should include(taggable2) taggable1.find_related_tags.should_not include(taggable1) end end describe "Matching Contexts" do it "should find objects with tags of matching contexts" do taggable1 = TaggableModel.create!(:name => "Taggable 1") taggable2 = TaggableModel.create!(:name => "Taggable 2") taggable3 = TaggableModel.create!(:name => "Taggable 3") taggable1.offering_list = "one, two"! taggable2.need_list = "one, two"! taggable3.offering_list = "one, two"! taggable1.find_matching_contexts(:offerings, :needs).should include(taggable2) taggable1.find_matching_contexts(:offerings, :needs).should_not include(taggable3) end it "should find other related objects with tags of matching contexts" do taggable1 = TaggableModel.create!(:name => "Taggable 1") taggable2 = OtherTaggableModel.create!(:name => "Taggable 2") taggable3 = OtherTaggableModel.create!(:name => "Taggable 3") taggable1.offering_list = "one, two" taggable2.need_list = "one, two" taggable3.offering_list = "one, two" taggable1.find_matching_contexts_for(OtherTaggableModel, :offerings, :needs).should include(taggable2) taggable1.find_matching_contexts_for(OtherTaggableModel, :offerings, :needs).should_not include(taggable3) end it "should not include the object itself in the list of related objects" do taggable1 = TaggableModel.create!(:name => "Taggable 1") taggable2 = TaggableModel.create!(:name => "Taggable 2") taggable1.tag_list = "one" taggable2.tag_list = "one, two" taggable1.find_related_tags.should include(taggable2) taggable1.find_related_tags.should_not include(taggable1) end end describe 'Tagging Contexts' do it 'should eliminate duplicate tagging contexts ' do TaggableModel.acts_as_taggable_on(:skills, :skills) TaggableModel.tag_types.freq[:skills].should_not == 3 end it "should not contain embedded/nested arrays" do TaggableModel.acts_as_taggable_on([:array], [:array]) TaggableModel.tag_types.freq[[:array]].should == 0 end it "should _flatten_ the content of arrays" do TaggableModel.acts_as_taggable_on([:array], [:array]) TaggableModel.tag_types.freq[:array].should == 1 end it "should not raise an error when passed nil" do lambda { TaggableModel.acts_as_taggable_on() }.should_not raise_error end it "should not raise an error when passed [nil]" do lambda { TaggableModel.acts_as_taggable_on([nil]) }.should_not raise_error end end end