%= render :partial => "open_conference_ware/proposals/admin_controls" %>
<%= @event.open_text.try(:html_safe) %> <%= link_to "Edit", edit_manage_event_path(@event), :class => :editable if admin? %>
About you |
<%= required_field %><%= f.label :presenter, "Name" %> | <%= f.text_field :presenter %> |
<%= required_field %><%= f.label :email, "Email (kept private)" %> | <%= f.text_field :email %> |
<%= f.label :affiliation, "Affiliation" %> | <%= f.text_field :affiliation %> |
<%= f.label :website, "Website" %> | <%= f.text_field :website %> |
<%= required_field %><%= f.label :biography, "Biography" %> | <%= f.text_area :biography, :rows => 5 %> |
Preview of Proposal: <%= @proposal.title %><% if proposal_excerpts? %>Excerpt
<%= preserve_formatting_of @proposal.excerpt %>
<% end %>
<%= display_textile_for @proposal.description %>
<% if multiple_presenters? %> About this presentation <% else %> About your presentation <% end %> |
<%= required_field %><%= f.label :title, "Title" %> |
<% if @event.proposal_titles_locked? && ! (admin? || @proposal.new_record?) -%>
<%= @proposal.title %>
<% else -%>
<%= f.text_field :title %>
<% end -%>
<% if @event.proposal_titles_locked? && ! @proposal.new_record? %>
Editing of <%= @proposal.kind_label %> titles has been locked.
<% if admin? %>
<%= required_field %><%= f.label :track_id, "Track" %> |
<%= required_field %><%= f.label :session_type_id, "Session Type" %> |
<%= required_field %><%= f.label :session_type_id, "Audience level" %> |
<%= OpenConferenceWare::Proposal.audience_level_hint %> |
<%= required_field %><%= f.label :excerpt, "Excerpt" %> | <%= f.text_area :excerpt, :rows => 2 %> |
<%= required_field %><%= f.label :description, "Description" %> (<%= display_textile_help_link %>) |
<%= f.text_area :description, :rows => 9 %> |
<%= f.label :tag_list, "Tags" %> |
<%= f.text_field :tag_list %>
(comma-separated) |
<%= required_field %><%= f.label :speaking_experience, "Speaking experience" %> |
<%= f.text_area :speaking_experience, :rows => 3 %>
(Tell us about your past speaking experience at other conferences and events, with links to related slides, videos, and/or audio. Also let us know if you've given this talk before.) |
<%= f.label :note_to_organizers, "Note to organizers (Optional, kept private)".html_safe %> |
<%= f.text_area :note_to_organizers, :rows => 3 %>
(Is there anything else we should know about the room requirements or plans for your talk? E.g. you will be tapdancing, throwing broccoli into the audience, and need to rehearse beforehand.) |
<%= f.label :audio_url %> | <%= f.text_field :audio_url %> |
<%= required_field %><%= f.label :agreement, "Agreement" %> | <%= f.check_box :agreement %> <% unless OpenConferenceWare.agreement.blank? %> <%= OpenConferenceWare.agreement.try(:html_safe) %> <% else %> I understand that my talk may be recorded and posted online for the whole world to see. I understand that <%= OpenConferenceWare.organization %> is not the appropriate place for commercial promotion ("spam") of a product, service or solution and this is not welcomed by the audience. <% end %> |
<%= f.submit(@proposal.new_record? ? "Create" : "Update") %>
<%= submit_tag 'Preview', :name => 'preview' %>
<%= yield :form_controls %>
<%= link_to("Cancel", (@proposal.new_record? ? event_proposals_path(@event) : proposal_path(@proposal)), :class => "cancelable") %>
<%= required_field %> Fields marked with a red asterisk are required and must be filled. |