iiii jjjj
i::::i j::::j
iiii jjjj
rrrrr rrrrrrrrr iiiiiii ooooooooooo jjjjjjj ssssssssss
r::::rrr:::::::::r i:::::i oo:::::::::::oo :::::: j:::::j ss::::::::::s
r:::::::::::::::::r i::::i o:::::::::::::::o :::::: j::::jss:::::::::::::s
rr::::::rrrrr::::::ri::::i o:::::ooooo:::::o :::::: j::::js::::::ssss:::::s
r:::::r r:::::ri::::i o::::o o::::o j::::j s:::::s ssssss
r:::::r rrrrrrri::::i o::::o o::::o j::::j s::::::s
r:::::r i::::i o::::o o::::o j::::j s::::::s
r:::::r i::::i o::::o o::::o :::::: j::::jssssss s:::::s
r:::::r i::::::io:::::ooooo:::::o :::::: j::::js:::::ssss::::::s
r:::::r i::::::io:::::::::::::::o :::::: j::::js::::::::::::::s
r:::::r i::::::i oo:::::::::::oo j::::j s:::::::::::ss
rrrrrrr iiiiiiii ooooooooooo j::::j sssssssssss
jjjj j::::j
j::::jj j:::::j
@name rio
The rio namespace is the root of the entire framework, through which you can access all of the classes and
- apps - contains instances of rio.Application
- components - contains instances of rio.Component
- models - contains instances of rio.Model
- pages - contains instances of rio.Page
- environment - configuration for the current environment
- environments - configurations varying by environment
- console - stuff related to the development console
- boot - configuration related to the application boot process
- AIM - manages AJAX file uploads
- Application - root of application instances
- Attr - root of most rio classes (Application, Component, Model, Page)
- Binding - represents a bindable attribute
- Tag - a collection of methods for building HTML tags
- Utils - a collection of random helper methods
- log - adds a log message to the rio console
- app - the currently running application instance
@author Jason Tillery
@copyright 2008-2009 Thinklink LLC
var w = window;
(function() {
if (!window.console) { window.console = { log: Prototype.emptyFunction }; }
var initialWindowKeys = Object.keys(window);
var bootOptions = window.bootOptions || {};
Object.extend(rio, {
url: function(url) {
return url + "?" + rio.cacheKey;
components: {},
models: {},
apps: {},
pages: {},
console: {},
log: Prototype.emptyFunction,
warn: Prototype.emptyFunction,
error: Prototype.emptyFunction,
boot: {
errors: [],
isMac: navigator.appVersion.toLowerCase().indexOf("mac") != -1,
root: "/javascripts/",
appRoot: bootOptions.appRoot || "",
rioPath: bootOptions.rioPath || "lib/",
prototypePath: bootOptions.prototypePath || "prototype/",
prototypePollution: [
"$", "$$", "$A", "$F", "$H", "$R", "$break", "$continue", "$w", "_eventID", "Abstract", "Ajax", "Autocompleter", "Builder", "Class", "Draggable", "Draggables", "Droppables", "Effect", "Element", "Enumerable", "Field", "Form", "Hash", "Insertion", "ObjectRange", "PeriodicalExecuter", "Position", "Prototype", "Selector", "Sortable", "SortableObserver", "Template", "Toggle", "Try"
googleAnalyticsPollution: ["gaGlobal", "gaJsHost", "_gat", "pageTracker"],
noConsole: bootOptions.noConsole,
initialWindowKeys: initialWindowKeys,
prototypeScripts: [],
rioScripts: [],
rioScriptsDigest: {},
appScriptsDigest: {},
prototypeScriptsDigest: {},
loadedFiles: [],
loadedStylesheets: [],
loadedTemplates: [],
loadFunctions: {},
appScripts: function() {
return rio.boot.loadedFiles.reject(function(f) {
return rio.boot.prototypeScripts.include(f) || rio.boot.rioScripts.include(f);
pollution: function() {
return Object.keys(window).reject(function(key) {
return rio.boot.initialWindowKeys.include(key) ||
rio.boot.prototypePollution.include(key) ||
failBoot: function() {
if (rio.environment.bootFailedUrl) {
document.location.href = rio.environment.bootFailedUrl;
} else {
printErrors: function() {
var msg = "Boot failed
msg += "";
rio.boot.errors.each(function(e) {
if (e.e) {
msg += "
msg += "" + e.msg + "
" + e.e + "
msg += "
} else if (e.lint) {
e.lint.each(function(err) {
msg += err.toHtml() + "
$$("body")[0].insert("" + msg + "
$$("script").each(function(script) {
var src = script.src;
if(src.match(/boot\.js/) && src.indexOf('?') != -1) {
var options = src.split('?')[1].split(',');
if (options.length >= 1) { rio.boot.appName = options[0]; }
if (options.length >= 2) { rio.boot.environment = options[1]; }
if (options.length >= 3) { rio.boot.bootCompressed = (options[2] == "compressed"); }
Object.extend(rio.environment, rio.environments[rio.boot.environment]);
Object.extend(rio.boot, rio.environment.boot);
if (bootOptions.noConsole === undefined) {
rio.boot.noConsole = (rio.environment.console == undefined) ? false : !rio.environment.console;
rio.require = function(fileName, options) {
options = Object.extend({
force: false,
track: true
}, options || {});
if (!rio.boot.loadedFiles.include(fileName)) {
if (rio.boot.bootCompressed && options.force) {
if (options.track) { rio.boot.loadedFiles.push(fileName); }
} else if (!rio.boot.bootCompressed) {
if (rio.boot.loadFunctions[fileName]) {
} else {
var path = rio.boot.root + fileName + ".js";
new Ajax.Request(rio.url(path), {
asynchronous: false,
method: "get",
evalJSON: false,
evalJS: false,
onSuccess: function(response) {
try {
} catch(e) {
rio.error(e, "Failed parsing file: " + path);
if (!rio.app) {
if (fileName != "lib/rio_lint") {
rio.require("lib/rio_lint", { track: false });
var lintIt = function(fileName) {
rio.RioLint.checkFileSyntax(fileName, {
onComplete: function(errors) {
rio.boot.errors.push({ lint: errors });
if (fileName == "lib/rio_concat") {
new Ajax.Request(rio.url("/javascripts/lib/rio.build"), {
asynchronous: false,
method: "get",
evalJSON: false,
evalJS: false,
onSuccess: function(response) {
var files = response.responseText.split("\n");
files.without("lib/swfobject").each(function(f) {
} else if (fileName == "apps/" + rio.boot.appName + "_concat") {
} else {
rio.boot.errors.push({ e: e, msg: "Failed parsing file: " + path });
onFailure: function() {
rio.log("Failed loading file: " + path);
if (options.track) { rio.boot.loadedFiles.push(fileName); }
if (rio.boot.bootCompressed) {
// rio.require(rio.boot.appRoot + "prototype/compressed/prototype", { force: true });
rio.require(rio.boot.rioPath + "compressed/rio", { force: true });
rio.require(rio.boot.appRoot + "apps/compressed/" + rio.boot.appName, { force: true });
if (rio.boot.environment == "development") {
rio.require(rio.boot.rioPath + "rio_development_concat", { force: true });
} else {
try {
rio.require(rio.boot.appRoot + "prototype/prototype_concat", { track: false });
rio.require(rio.boot.rioPath + "rio_concat", { track: false });
rio.require(rio.boot.appRoot + "apps/" + rio.boot.appName + "_concat", { track: false });
rio.require(rio.boot.appRoot + "apps/" + rio.boot.appName);
} catch(e) {
// Let the errors print on load
if (rio.environment.autoConcatCss) {
if (rio.boot.bootCompressed) {
} else {
if (rio.environment.supportSelenium) {
rio.require(rio.boot.rioPath + "event.simulate", { force: true, noPrefix: true });
rio.require(rio.boot.rioPath + "selenium_extensions", { force: true, noPrefix: true });
document.observe('dom:loaded', function() {
if (rio.environment.push && !rio.push) {
if (rio.preloadTemplates) {
rio.JsTemplate.preload("apps/" + (rio.boot.bootCompressed ? "compressed/" + rio.boot.appName : rio.boot.appName + "_concat"));
if (rio.environment.failOnBootError && rio.boot.errors.length > 0) {
try {
window.initialOptions = window.initialOptions || {};
rio.app = new rio.apps[rio.boot.appName.camelize()](initialOptions);
} catch(e) {
rio.boot.errors.push({ e: e, msg: "Failed inititializing or launching application" });