# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- =begin Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Takashi SUGA You may use and/or modify this file according to the license described in the LICENSE.txt file included in this archive. =end module When::BasicTypes class M17n # from https://raw.github.com/svenfuchs/rails-i18n/master/rails/locale/cs.yml Locale_cs = {"date"=> {"abbr_day_names"=>["Ne", "Po", "Út", "St", "Čt", "Pá", "So"], "abbr_month_names"=> [nil, "Led", "Úno", "Bře", "Dub", "Kvě", "Čvn", "Čvc", "Srp", "Zář", "Říj", "Lis", "Pro"], "day_names"=> ["Neděle", "Pondělí", "Úterý", "Středa", "Čtvrtek", "Pátek", "Sobota"], "formats"=>{"default"=>"%d. %m. %Y", "long"=>"%d. %B %Y", "short"=>"%d %b"}, "month_names"=> [nil, "Leden", "Únor", "Březen", "Duben", "Květen", "Červen", "Červenec", "Srpen", "Září", "Říjen", "Listopad", "Prosinec"], "order"=>[:day, :month, :year]}, "time"=> {"am"=>"am", "formats"=> {"default"=>"%a %d. %B %Y %H:%M %z", "long"=>"%A %d. %B %Y %H:%M", "short"=>"%d. %m. %H:%M", "time"=>"%H:%M %z"}, "pm"=>"pm"}, "datetime"=> {"distance_in_words"=> {"about_x_hours"=> {"one"=>"asi hodinou", "few"=>"asi %{count} hodinami", "other"=>"asi %{count} hodinami"}, "about_x_months"=> {"one"=>"asi měsícem", "few"=>"asi %{count} měsíci", "other"=>"asi %{count} měsíci"}, "about_x_years"=> {"one"=>"asi rokem", "few"=>"asi %{count} roky", "other"=>"asi %{count} roky"}, "almost_x_years"=> {"one"=>"téměř rokem", "few"=>"téměř %{count} roky", "other"=>"téměř %{count} roky"}, "half_a_minute"=>"půl minutou", "less_than_x_minutes"=> {"one"=>"necelou minutou", "few"=>"ani ne %{count} minutami", "other"=>"ani ne %{count} minutami"}, "less_than_x_seconds"=> {"one"=>"necelou sekundou", "few"=>"ani ne %{count} sekundami", "other"=>"ani ne %{count} sekundami"}, "over_x_years"=> {"one"=>"více než rokem", "few"=>"více než %{count} roky", "other"=>"více než %{count} roky"}, "x_days"=> {"one"=>"24 hodinami", "few"=>"%{count} dny", "other"=>"%{count} dny"}, "x_minutes"=> {"one"=>"minutou", "few"=>"%{count} minutami", "other"=>"%{count} minutami"}, "x_months"=> {"one"=>"měsícem", "few"=>"%{count} měsíci", "other"=>"%{count} měsíci"}, "x_seconds"=> {"one"=>"sekundou", "few"=>"%{count} sekundami", "other"=>"%{count} sekundami"}}, "prompts"=> {"day"=>"Den", "hour"=>"Hodina", "minute"=>"Minuta", "month"=>"Měsíc", "second"=>"Sekunda", "year"=>"Rok"}}} end end