# 0.3.2 * Install chef gem to rvm default gemset rather than @global * Install chef gem with --no-rdoc --no-ri # 0.3.1 * Remove rvm_sugar installation (customization overkill). # 0.3.0 * Add --config flag and read config from ~/.capstraprc by default. * Refactor method_option blocks on tasks (dry it up). # 0.2.2 * Add task method options for overriding git init/update behavior * Add version task * Update method_option from :banner to :desc (oops) * Handle git submodule init/update or rake update strategies # 0.2.1 * Add `update` task to pull new cookbook and configuration updates and re-run chef # 0.2.0 * Rename `chefsolo` task to chef * Add `solo` task to install chef cookbook and configuration repositories * Add `execute` task to run chef-solo once environment is prepared * Refactorings of chef capistrano recipes # 0.1.0 * Initial release