class CodeRunner class Gs2 # for backwards compatibility, and because I'm lazy # one day someone should get rid of this! AxisKit = GraphKit::AxisKit DataKit = GraphKit::DataKit def auto_axiskits(name, options) hash = cache[:auto_axiskits] ||= {'t' => ['Time', ''], 'phi2tot_over_time' => ['Phi^2 Total', ''], 'apar2_over_time' => ['Apar^2 Total', ''], 'growth_rate_by_ky_over_time' => ['Growth Rate by ky', ''], 'growth_rate_by_kx_over_time' => ['Growth Rate by ky', ''], 'growth_rate_by_mode_over_time' => ["Growth Rate by mode", ''], 'phi2_by_ky_over_time' => ['Phi^2 by ky', ''], 'phi2_by_kx_over_time' => ['Phi^2 by ky', ''], 'es_heat_by_ky_over_time' => ['Phi^2 by ky', ''], 'es_heat_by_kx_over_time' => ['Phi^2 by ky', ''], 'phi2_by_mode_over_time' => ["Phi^2 by mode", ''], 'tpar2_by_mode_over_time' => ["(delta T_parallel)^2 by mode", '%'], 'tperp2_by_mode_over_time' => ["(delta T_perp)^2 by mode", '%'], 'hflux_tot' => ['Total Heat Flux', ''], 'es_heat_par' => ['Parallel electrostatic heat flux', ''], 'es_heat_perp' => ['Perpendicular electrostatic heat flux', ''], 'ky' => ['ky', "1/rho_#{species_letter}"], 'kx' => ['kx', "1/rho_#{species_letter}"], 'kpar' => ['kpar', "2 pi/qR"], 'growth_rate_over_kx' => ['Growth Rate', "v_th#{species_letter}/a", 1], 'growth_rate_over_ky' => ['Growth Rate', "v_th#{species_letter}/a", 1], 'frequency_over_ky' => ['Frequency', "v_th#{species_letter}/a", 1], 'transient_es_heat_flux_amplification_over_kx' => ['Transient Electrostatic Heat Amplification', "", 1], 'transient_es_heat_flux_amplification_over_ky' => ['Transient Electrostatic Heat Amplification', "", 1], 'transient_amplification_over_kx' => ['Transient Amplification', "", 1], 'transient_amplification_over_ky' => ['Transient Amplification', "", 1], 'spectrum_over_kx' => ["Spectrum at t = #{sprintf("%.3f" ,(options[:t] or list(:t)[options[:t_index]] or list(:t).values.max))}", '', 1], 'zonal_spectrum' => ["Zonal spectrum at t = #{sprintf("%.3f" ,(options[:t] or list(:t)[options[:t_index]] or list(:t).values.max))}", '', 1], 'spectrum_over_ky' => ["Spectrum at t = #{sprintf("%.3f" ,(options[:t] or list(:t)[options[:t_index]] or list(:t).values.max))}", '', 1], 'es_heat_over_ky' => ["Heat Flux at t = #{sprintf("%.3f" ,(options[:t] or list(:t)[options[:t_index]] or list(:t).values.max))}", 'Q_gB', 1], 'growth_rate_over_ky_over_kx' => ["Growth Rate", "v_th#{species_letter}/a", 2], 'es_heat_flux_over_ky_over_kx' => ["Heat flux at t = #{sprintf("%.3f" ,(options[:t] or list(:t)[options[:t_index]] or list(:t).values.max))}", '', 2], 'spectrum_over_kpar' => ["Spectrum at t = #{sprintf("%.3f" ,(options[:t] or list(:t)[options[:t_index]] or list(:t).values.max))}", '', 1], 'spectrum_over_ky_over_kx' => ["Spectrum at t = #{sprintf("%.3f" ,(options[:t] or list(:t)[options[:t_index]] or list(:t).values.max))}", '', 2], 'spectrum_over_ky_over_kpar' => ["Spectrum at t = #{sprintf("%.3f" ,(options[:t] or list(:t)[options[:t_index]] or list(:t).values.max))}", '', 2], 'phi0_over_x_over_y' => ["Phi at t = #{sprintf("%.3f" ,(options[:t] or list(:t)[options[:t_index]] or list(:t).values.max))}", '', 2], 'es_mom_flux_over_time' => ["#{species_type((options[:species_index] or 1)).capitalize} Momentum Flux", '', 1] } return hash[name] end def axiskit(name, options={}) logf :axiskit if info = auto_axiskits(name, options) if info[2] and info[2] == 2 axis = GraphKit::AxisKit.autocreate({data: gsl_matrix(name, options), title: info[0], units: info[1]}) elsif !info[2] or info[2] == 1 axis = GraphKit::AxisKit.autocreate({data: gsl_vector(name, options), title: info[0], units: info[1]}) log 'successfully created axis' end return axis end case name when 'phi_along_field_line' title = options[:imrc].to_s.capitalize + " Phi" units = "" return GraphKit::AxisKit.autocreate(data: gsl_vector(name, options), title: title, units: units) when 'theta_along_field_line' title = options[:z] ? "z/l_B" : 'Theta' units = options[:z] ? '' : 'radians' return GraphKit::AxisKit.autocreate(data: gsl_vector(name, options), title: title, units: units) when 'es_heat_flux' type = species_type(options[:species_index]).capitalize units = '' return GraphKit::AxisKit.autocreate(data: gsl_vector('es_heat_flux_over_time', options), title: "#{type} Heat Flux", units: units) # when 'spectrum_by_ky' # return AxisKit.autocreate(data: gsl_vector('spectrum_by_ky', options), title: "Phi^2 at t = #{list(:t)[options[:t_index]]}", units: '') when 'es_heat_par' puts "heat par" type = species_type(options[:species_index]).capitalize units = '' return GraphKit::AxisKit.autocreate(data: gsl_vector('es_heat_par_over_time', options), title: "#{type} parallel es heat flux", units: units) # when 'spectrum_by_ky' # return AxisKit.autocreate(data: gsl_vector('spectrum_by_ky', options), title: "Phi^2 at t = #{list(:t)[options[:t_index]]}", units: '') end raise"Unknown axis kit: #{name}") end def self.cache @cache ||= {} @cache end def self.generate_graphs_rdoc_file'graphs_rdoc.rb', 'w') do |file| graphs = self.instance_methods.find_all{|m| m.to_s =~ /_graphkit$/}.sort_by{|m| m.to_s} run = new(nil) file.puts "class #{self.to_s}::GraphKits\n" graphs.each do |graph| help = run.send(graph, command: :help) options = run.send(graph, command: :options) file.puts "# #{help}" if options and options.size > 0 file.puts "# Options:" options.each do |op| file.puts "#\n# #{op}: #{GRAPHKIT_OPTIONS_HELP[op]}" end end file.puts "def #{graph}\nend" end file.puts "end" end end def self.help_graphs # @@runner ||= CodeRunner.fetch_runner(U: true, graphs = self.instance_methods.find_all{|m| m.to_s =~ /_graphkit$/}.sort_by{|m| m.to_s} run = new(nil) puts "-------------------------------------------\n Available Graphs For #{self.to_s}\n-------------------------------------------\n" graphs.each do |graph| help = run.send(graph, command: :help) options = run.send(graph, command: :options) puts "\n------------------------------------\n#{graph.to_s.sub(/_graphkit/, '')}\n------------------------------------\n\n#{help}" if options and options.size > 0 puts "\n\tOptions:" options.each do |op| puts "\t\t#{op}: #{GRAPHKIT_OPTIONS_HELP[op]}" end end end end GRAPHKIT_OPTIONS_HELP = { t_index_window: "[begin, end], window of time indices to plot (e.g. t_index_window: [0,10])", t_index: "integer, index of time at which to plot (e.g. t_index: 20)", t: "float, value of time at which to plot (e.g. t: 2.45)", ky_index: "integer, index of ky at which to plot (e.g. ky_index: 20)", ky: "float, value of ky at which to plot (e.g. ky: 0.1)", kx_index: "integer, index of kx at which to plot (e.g. kx_index: 20)", kx: "float, value of kx at which to plot (e.g. kx: 0.1)", with: "Gnuplot Option (may not apply when using other packages), e.g. with: 'lp' or with 'pm3d palette'", rgbformulae: "Gnuplot Option (may not apply when using other packages), sets colour mapping. See gnuplot help set rgbformulae", limit: "Limit the range of quantity begin plotted - any values of the quantity outside the limits will be set to the limit: eg. limit: [0,80]", flip: 'Flip the y axis, e.g. flip: true', rev: 'Reverse the x axis, e.g. rev: true', z: 'Plot quantities vs z = theta/shat rather than theta. See Beer, Cowley Hammet 1996, eg. z: true', norm: 'Normalise the graph so that its maximum is 1, e.g. norm: true', mag: 'Plot the magnitude, e.g. mag: true', species_index: "Which GS2 species to plot the graph for (1-based).", strongest_non_zonal_mode: "Plot the graph requested for the mode with the highest value of phi^2. Overrides ky, kx, ky_index, kx_index. Can be set true or false; e.g. strongest_non_zonal_mode: true", no_zonal: "Don't plot the ky=0 part (boolean, e.g. no_zonal: true)", no_kpar0: "Don't plot the kpar=0 part (boolean, e.g. no_kpar0: true)", log: "Plot the log of a given quantity (exact meaning varies). boolean", Rmaj: "The major radius in metres. This has no effect on the shape of the graph: it merely multiplies every length", n0: " The toroidal mode number of the longest y mode. In effect it is the number of periodic copies of the flux tube that will fit in the torus. Periodicity requires that n0 q is also an integer. If you specify :n0 where this is not the case, q will automatically be adjusted until it is", rho_star: " The ratio of the reference Lamour radius to the GS2 normalising length a. Cannot be specified at the same time as n0. If specified, both n0 and q will be adjusted to ensure periodicity", t_index: "The (1-based) time index", nakx: "The number of radial wave numbers to include in the plot. In effect, it is a low pass filter which reduces the resolution in the radial direction without changing the shape of the final surface. Minimum value is 4", naky: "The number of kys to include in the plot. In effect, it is a low pass filter which reduces the resolution in the y direction without changing the shape of the final surface. Minimum value is 4", gs2_coordinate_factor: "When set to 1, plot the graph in GS2 coordinates. When set to 0 plot the graph in real space. Can be set at any value between 0 and 1: the graph will smoothly distort between the two limits", xmax: "The (0-based) index of the maximum value of x to include in the plot", xmin: "The (0-based) index of the minimum value of x to include in the plot", ymax: "The (0-based) index of the maximum value of y to include in the plot", ymin: "The (0-based) index of the minimum value of y to include in the plot", thetamax: "The (0-based) index of the maximum value of theta to include in the plot", thetamin: "The (0-based) index of the minimum value of theta to include in the plot", ncopies: " The number of periodic copies of the flux tube to include", torphi_values: "An array of two values of the toroidal angle. The graph will be plotted in between those two values with poloidal cross sections at either end", magnify: " The magnification factor of the small section. It can take any value greater than or equal to 1", } # def graphkit(name, options={}) # unless [:Failed, :Complete].include? status # return get_graphkit(name, options) # else # return cache[[:graphkit, name, options]] ||= get_graphkit(name, options) # end # end def graphkit(name, options={}) logf :graphkit # If an array of t, kx or ky values is provided, plot one graph for each value and then sum the graphs together [:t, :kx, :ky].each do |var| #ep 'index', var if options[var].class == Symbol and options[var] == :all options[var] = list(var).values elsif options[var+:_index].class == Symbol and options[var+:_index] == :all #ep 'Symbol' options[var+:_index] = list(var).keys end if options[var].class == Array return options[var].map{|value| graphkit(name, options.dup.absorb({var => value}))}.sum elsif options[var+:_index].class == Array #ep 'Array' return options[var+:_index].map{|value| graphkit(name, options.dup.absorb({var+:_index => value}))}.sum end if options[var].class == Symbol and options[var] == :max options[var] = list(var).values.max elsif options[var+:_index].class == Symbol and options[var+:_index] == :max ep 'Symbol' options[var+:_index] = list(var).keys.max end end options[:t_index] ||= options[:frame_index] if options[:frame_index] # If a method from the new GraphKits module can generate this graphkit use it #ep name + '_graphkit' #ep self.class.instance_methods.find{|meth| (name + '_graphkit').to_sym == meth} if method = self.class.instance_methods.find{|meth| (name + '_graphkit').to_sym == meth} options[:graphkit_name] = name return send(method, options) end raise "Graph #{name} not found" end module GraphKits def apar2_by_kx_vs_time_graphkit(options={}) options[:direction] = :kx apar2_by_kxy_or_mode_vs_time_graphkit(options) end def apar2_by_ky_vs_time_graphkit(options={}) options[:direction] = :ky apar2_by_kxy_or_mode_vs_time_graphkit(options) end def apar2_by_kxy_or_mode_vs_time_graphkit(options={}) case options[:command] when :help return "'apar2_by_ky_vs_time' or 'apar2_by_kx_vs_time' or 'apar2_by_mode_vs_time': Apar^2 over time for a given kx or ky, integrated over the other direction, or apar^2 vs time for a given kx and ky" when :options return [:ky, :ky_index, :kx, :kx_index] else kxy = options[:direction] # i.e. apar2_by_ky_vs_time or apar2_by_kx_vs_time or apar2_by_mode_vs_time nt_options = options.dup # 'no time' options nt_options.delete(:t_index) if nt_options[:t_index] nt_options.delete(:frame_index) if nt_options[:frame_index] phiax = axiskit("apar2_by_#{kxy}_over_time", nt_options) kit = GraphKit.autocreate({x: axiskit('t', options), y: phiax})[0].title = "Phi^2 total: #{kxy} = #{options[kxy]}" if options[:t_index] # p 'hello' array_element = options[:t_index_window] ? options[:t_index] - options[:t_index_window][0] : options[:t_index] - 1 # p, array_element # p options[:t_index], options[:t_index_window] time = DataKit.autocreate({x: {data: GSL::Vector.alloc([list(:t)[options[:t_index]]])}, y: {data: GSL::Vector.alloc([[array_element]]) } }) time.pointsize = 3.0 # p time #[0].axes[:x].data =[0].axes[:x].data time if options[:with_moving_efn] and kxy==:ky tmax =[0].axes[:x].data[-1] # p 'tmax', tmax theta_max = @g_exb * tmax * options[:ky] * 2 * Math::PI / list(:kx)[2] kit.each_axiskit(:x) do |axiskit| # p axiskit = / tmax * theta_max - theta_max end end end if options[:norm] xrange, yrange = kit.plot_area_size kit.each_axiskit(:y) do |axiskit| /= yrange[1] / (options[:height] or 1.0) end end kit.log_axis = 'y'[0].title = "gs2:#@run_name"[0].with = "l" #"linespoints" kit.file_name = options[:graphkit_name] kit end end def efnim_graphkit(options={}) options[:imrc] = :im efn_graphkit(options) end def efnmag_graphkit(options={}) options[:imrc] = :mag efn_graphkit(options) end def efn_graphkit(options={}) case options[:command] when :help return "Plot the eigenfunction along the extended domain. Options mag, norm, z can be specified by using a short hand in the name of the graph, eg. efnmagnormz, efnmag, efnnorm etc. If the range is set to 0, it plots the whole eigenfunction. Otherwise it plot a small bit of it. Only specify kx or kx_index if magnetic shear is 0." when :options return [:mag, :norm, :z, :flip, :range, :kx_index, :ky_index, :kx, :ky, :strongest_non_zonal_mode] when :plot, nil eputs "Starting efn, this can take a while..." options[:imrc] ||= :real ep options options.convert_to_index(self, :ky) #ep 'converted options: ', options #decode naming scheme #mag = nil #options[:imrc] = :real #case name #when /im/ #options[:imrc] = :im #when /mag/ #options[:imrc] = :mag #options[:mag] = true #when /corr/ #options[:imrc] = :corr #end #options[:flip] = true if name =~ /flip/ #options[:norm] = true if name =~ /norm/ #options[:rev] = true if name =~ /rev/ #options[:z] = true if name =~ /z/ kit = GraphKit.autocreate({x: axiskit('theta_along_field_line', options), y: axiskit('phi_along_field_line', options)}) # ep kit[0].title = "gs2:efn#{options[:imrc]}:#@run_name" kit.title = "#{options[:mag] ? "Magnitude of" : ""} Eigenfunction for ky=#{list(:ky)[options[:ky_index]]}, g_exb=#{@g_exb.to_f.to_s}, shat=#{@shat.to_s}" kit.file_name = "efn_for_#@run_name" # kit.pointsize = 1.0 kit.modify(options) kit.title += sprintf(" time = %3.1f", list(:t)[options[:t_index]]) if options[:t_index][0].with = "linespoints" #[0].axes[:x].data *= -1 #if options[:rev] #(eputs 'reversing'; gets) if (@s_hat_input||@shat).abs >= 1.0e-5 range = options[:range] == 0 ? nil : (options[:range] or options[:z] ? 1 / (@s_hat_input||@shat) : 2 * Math::PI / (@s_hat_input||@shat)) kit.xrange = [-range, range] if range end return kit end end alias :eigenfunction_graphkit :efn_graphkit def es_heat_flux_vs_ky_vs_kx_graphkit(options={}) case options[:command] when :help return "Graph of electrostatic contribution to heat flux at a given time vs kx and ky" when :options return [:with] else zaxis = axiskit('es_heat_flux_over_ky_over_kx', options) = kit = GraphKit.autocreate({y: axiskit('ky', options), x: axiskit('kx', options), z: zaxis}) kit.title = "Heat flux"[0].with = (options[:with] or 'pm3d palette') kit.file_name = options[:graphkit_name] return kit end end def es_heat_vs_ky_graphkit(options={}) case options[:command] when :help return "Heat flux vs ky" when :options return [:ky_index, :species_index] else return es_heat_flux_vs_kxy_graphkit(options.absorb({direction: :ky})) end end def es_heat_vs_kxy_graphkit(options={}) case options[:command] when :help return "Heat flux vs options[:direction] (kx or ky)" when :options return [:ky_index, :species_index] else kxy = options[:direction]||options[:kxy] kit = GraphKit.autocreate({x: axiskit(kxy.to_s, options), y: axiskit("es_flux_vs_#{kxy}", options)}) kit.title = "Heat flux vs #{kxy} for species #{options[:species_index]}" kit.file_name = options[:graphkit_name] + options[:t_index].to_s[0].with = 'lp' #kit.ylabel = "Phi^2 #{kxy}^2" kit.pointsize = 2.0 end end def es_heat_flux_vs_time_graphkit(options={}) case options[:command] when :help return "Heat flux vs time for each species." when :options return [:t_index_window, :species_index] else kit = GraphKit.autocreate({x: axiskit('t', options), y: axiskit('es_heat_flux', options)})[0].title = "#{species_type(options[:species_index])} hflux: #@run_name"[0].with = "l" #"lines" kit.file_name = options[:graphkit_name] kit end end def es_heat_par_vs_time_graphkit(options={}) case options[:command] when :help return "Graph of parallel electrostatic heat flux vs time." when :options return [:t_index_window, :species_index] else kit = GraphKit.autocreate({x: axiskit('t', options), y: axiskit('es_heat_par', options)})[0].title = "#{species_type(options[:species_index])} es_heat_par: #@run_name"[0].with = "l" #"lines" kit.file_name = options[:graphkit_name] # kit.log_axis = 'y' kit end end def es_heat_perp_vs_time_graphkit(options={}) case options[:command] when :help return "Graph of perpendicular electrostatic heat flux vs time." when :options return [:t_index_window, :species_index] else kit = GraphKit.autocreate({x: axiskit('t', options), y: axiskit('es_heat_perp', options)})[0].title = "#{species_type(options[:species_index])} es_heat_perp: #@run_name"[0].with = "l" #"lines" kit.file_name = options[:graphkit_name] # kit.log_axis = 'y' kit end end def es_heat_all_vs_time_graphkit(options={}) es_heat_par_vs_time_graphkit(options) es_heat_perp_vs_time_graphkit(options) end def es_mom_flux_vs_time_graphkit(options={}) case options[:command] when :help return "Momentum flux vs time for each species." when :options return [:t_index_window, :species_index] else kit = GraphKit.autocreate({x: axiskit('t', options), y: axiskit('es_mom_flux_over_time', options)})[0].title = "#{species_type(options[:species_index])} momflux: #@run_name"[0].with = "l" #"lines" kit.file_name = options[:graphkit_name] # kit.log_axis = 'y' return kit end end def transient_es_heat_flux_amplification_vs_kx_graphkit(options={}) options[:kxy] = :kx transient_es_heat_flux_amplification_vs_kxy_graphkit(options) end def transient_es_heat_flux_amplification_vs_ky_graphkit(options={}) options[:kxy] = :ky transient_es_heat_flux_amplification_vs_kxy_graphkit(options) end def transient_es_heat_flux_amplification_vs_kxy_graphkit(options={}) case options[:command] when :help return "transient_es_heat_flux_amplification_vs_ky or transient_es_heat_flux_amplification_vs_kx. Growth rates vs either ky or kx for phi^2 integrated over the other direction. For growth rates at a specific kx AND ky, see /transient_es_heat_flux_amplification_vs_kx_vs_ky/. " when :options return [] else #raise "Growth Rates are not available in non-linear mode" if @nonlinear_mode == "on" kxy = options[:kxy] kit = GraphKit.autocreate({x: axiskit(kxy.to_s, options), y: axiskit("transient_es_heat_flux_amplification_over_#{kxy}", options)}) kit.title = "Transient Amplification of the ES Heat flux for species #{options[:species_index]} by #{kxy}"[0].with = "lp"[0].title = @run_name kit.file_name = options[:graphkit_name] kit end end def transient_amplification_vs_kx_graphkit(options={}) options[:kxy] = :kx transient_amplification_vs_kxy_graphkit(options) end def transient_amplification_vs_ky_graphkit(options={}) options[:kxy] = :ky transient_amplification_vs_kxy_graphkit(options) end def transient_amplification_vs_kxy_graphkit(options={}) case options[:command] when :help return "transient_amplification_vs_ky or transient_amplification_vs_kx. Growth rates vs either ky or kx for phi^2 integrated over the other direction. For growth rates at a specific kx AND ky, see /transient_amplification_vs_kx_vs_ky/. " when :options return [] else #raise "Growth Rates are not available in non-linear mode" if @nonlinear_mode == "on" kxy = options[:kxy] kit = GraphKit.autocreate({x: axiskit(kxy.to_s, options), y: axiskit("transient_amplification_over_#{kxy}", options)}) kit.title = "Transient Amplification by #{kxy}"[0].with = "lp"[0].title = @run_name kit.file_name = options[:graphkit_name] kit end end def growth_rate_vs_kx_graphkit(options={}) options[:kxy] = :kx growth_rate_vs_kxy_graphkit(options) end def growth_rate_vs_ky_graphkit(options={}) options[:kxy] = :ky growth_rate_vs_kxy_graphkit(options) end def growth_rate_vs_kxy_graphkit(options={}) case options[:command] when :help return "growth_rate_vs_ky or growth_rate_vs_kx. Growth rates vs either ky or kx for phi^2 integrated over the other direction. For growth rates at a specific kx AND ky, see /growth_rate_vs_kx_vs_ky/. " when :options return [] else raise "Growth Rates are not available in non-linear mode" if @nonlinear_mode == "on" kxy = options[:kxy] kit = GraphKit.autocreate({x: axiskit(kxy.to_s, options), y: axiskit("growth_rate_over_#{kxy}", options)}) kit.title = "Growth Rates by #{kxy}"[0].with = "lp"[0].title = @run_name kit.file_name = options[:graphkit_name] kit end end def growth_rate_vs_kx_vs_ky_graphkit(options={}) case options[:command] when :help return "3D plot of growth rates vs ky and kx for phi^2" when :options return [:with] else zaxis = axiskit('growth_rate_over_ky_over_kx', options) = kit = GraphKit.autocreate({y: axiskit('ky', options), x: axiskit('kx', options), z: zaxis}) kit.title = "Growth Rate by kx and ky"[0].with = (options[:with] or 'pm3d palette') kit.file_name = options[:graphkit_name] kit end end def frequency_vs_ky_graphkit(options={}) case options[:command] when :help return "Frequencies vs ky. You need the parameter write_line set to \".true.\". " when :options return [] else raise "Frequencies are not available in non-linear mode" if @nonlinear_mode == "on" kxy = options[:kxy] kit = GraphKit.autocreate({x: axiskit('ky', options), y: axiskit("frequency_over_ky", options)}) kit.title = "Frequencies vs ky"[0].gp.with = "lp"[0].gp.title = @run_name kit.file_name = options[:graphkit_name] kit end end def hflux_tot_vs_time_graphkit(options={}) case options[:command] when :help return "Graph of total heat flux vs time. No options" when :options return [] else kit = GraphKit.autocreate({x: axiskit('t', options), y: axiskit('hflux_tot', options)})[0].title = "hflux tot:#@run_name"[0].with = "l" #"lines" kit.file_name = options[:graphkit_name] # kit.log_axis = 'y' kit end end def kpar_spectrum_graphkit(options={}) case options[:command] when :help return "Graph of the k_parallel at a given kx and ky" when :options return [:kx, :ky, :strongest_non_zonal_mode] else kit = GraphKit.autocreate({x: axiskit('kpar', options), y: axiskit('spectrum_over_kpar', options)})[0].title = "Spectrum at t = #{list(:t).values.max}" kit.file_name = options[:graphkit_name][0].with = 'lp' kit end end def kx_spectrum_graphkit(options={}) options[:kxy] = :kx kxy_spectrum_graphkit(options) end def ky_spectrum_graphkit(options={}) options[:kxy] = :ky kxy_spectrum_graphkit(options) end def kxy_spectrum_graphkit(options={}) case options[:command] when :help return "ky_spectrum or kx_spectrum: Graph of phi^2 vs kx or ky" when :options return [:t, :t_index] else # ie ky_spectrum or kx_spectrum kxy = options[:kxy] kit = GraphKit.autocreate({x: axiskit(kxy.to_s, options), y: axiskit("spectrum_over_#{kxy}", options)}) kit.title = "#{kxy} Spectrum" kit.file_name = options[:graphkit_name] + options[:t_index].to_s[0].with = 'lp' kit.ylabel = "Phi^2 #{kxy}^2" kit.pointsize = 2.0 kit end end def lagrangian_kx_graphkit(options={}) case options[:command] when :help return "A graph of the evolution of a single Lagrangian kx vs Eulerian kx and ky. Principally for debugging purposes" when :options return [] else kyax = axiskit('ky', options) kyk = list(:ky).keys kx_list = list(:kx) begin kx_data = do |ky_index| options[:ky_index] = ky_index options[:kx_index] =1 ekx_index = eulerian_kx_index(options) kx_list[ekx_index] end rescue #ArgumentError kyk.pop retry end lky = list(:ky) ={|k| lky[k]} kit = GraphKit.autocreate(x: {data: kx_data, title: 'Eulerian kx (i.e. location on the GS2 grid)'}, y: kyax )[0].title = 'Lagrangian kx=0' kit.xrange = [kx_list.values.min, 0] kit.yrange = [0, lky.values.max] kit.title = 'Evolution of a Single Lagrangian kx vs ky' kit.file_name = 'lagrangian_kx_graphkit' return kit end end def field_flux_tube_boundary_surface_graphkit(options={}) case options[:command] when :help return "The field options[:field_name] as a function of cartesian coordinates, on one specified side of the flux tube (specified using the options :coordinate (:x, :y, :theta) and :side (:min, :max))" when :options return [:Rgeo, :n0, :rho_star, :t_index, :nakx, :naky, :gs2_coordinate_factor, :xmax, :xmin, :ymax, :ymin, :thetamax, :thetamin, :ncopies, :side, :coordinate, :torphi_values] else field = options[:field] || field_real_space_gsl_tensor(options) if options[:ncopies] ops = options.dup ops.delete(:ncopies) return (options[:ncopies] do |n| ops[:ncopy] = n field_flux_tube_boundary_surface_graphkit(ops) end).sum end side = options[:side] coord = options[:coordinate] shp = field.shape #raise " asdfal" unless shp opside = side == :max ? :min : :max ops = options.dup ops[coord+opside] = ops[coord+side] || case side when :max case coord when :y shp[0]-1 when :x shp[1]-1 when :theta shp[2]-1 end when :min 0 end opscut = ops.dup opscut[:ymin] = ((opscut[:ymin]||0) - (options[:ymin]||0)) opscut[:ymax] = ((opscut[:ymax]||shp[0]-1) - (options[:ymin]||0)) #ep 'opscut', opscut, (opscut[:xmax]||shp[1]-1), shp opscut[:xmin] = ((opscut[:xmin]||0) - (options[:xmin]||0)) opscut[:xmax] = ((opscut[:xmax]||shp[1]-1) - (options[:xmin]||0)) #ep 'opscut', opscut #ep 'opscut', opscut opscut[:thetamin] = ((opscut[:thetamin]||0) - (options[:thetamin]||0)) opscut[:thetamax] = ((opscut[:thetamax]||shp[2]-1) - (options[:thetamin]||0)) #p opscut;#gets if options[:cyl] coords = cylindrical_coordinates_gsl_tensor(ops) #.transpose(0,1,2,3) else coords = cartesian_coordinates_gsl_tensor(ops) end #ep ['coords', coords.shape, field.shape]; gets newshape = coords.shape.slice(1..3) x = coords[0, false]; x.reshape!(*newshape) y = coords[1, false]; y.reshape!(*newshape) z = coords[2, false]; z.reshape!(*newshape) #ep shp , '...' range = [ opscut[:ymin]||0..opscut[:ymax]||shp[0]-1, opscut[:xmin]||0..opscut[:xmax]||shp[1]-1, opscut[:thetamin]..opscut[:thetamax] #((ops[:thetamin]||0) - (options[:thetamin]||0))..((ops[:thetamax]||shp[2]-1) - (options[:thetamin]||0)) ] #ep ['range', range, 'field.shape', field.shape] fieldside = field[*range ] #ep ['coords', x.shape, fieldside.shape]; gets kit = GraphKit.quick_create([x,y,z,fieldside]) # Create a map of this surface onto a continuous surface between two poloidal planes if ops[:torfield_values] is specified if torphi_values = ops[:torphi_values] raise "Can't take a poloidal cut at constant y or theta" if coord == :y #or coord == :theta raise "Can't take a poloidal cut with a limited y range (Remove :ymin and :ymax from ops)" if options[:ymin] or options[:ymax] torphi_values = torphi_values.sort cyls = cylindrical_coordinates_gsl_tensor(ops.absorb(extra_points: true)) torphi_const0 = constant_torphi_surface_gsl_tensor(ops.absorb(torphi: torphi_values[0])) #ep torphi_const0, ops #torphi_const1 = constant_torphi_surface_gsl_tensor(ops.absorb(torphi: torphi_values[1])) raise "torphi_should be of rank 1: #{torphi_const0.shape}" unless torphi_const0.shape.include? 1 #Get the number of points in the y direction between the two poloidal planes deltorphi = cyls[2,-1,0,0] - cyls[2,0,0,0] i = i1 = istart = torphi_const0[0,0] displacement = torphi_values[0] - cyls[2,i,0,0] # which copy of the flux tube are we in? #ep 'displacement', displacement shpc = cyls.shape ny = shpc[1]-1 # remove extra point while cyls[2,i%ny,0,0] + displacement < torphi_values[1] #ep ['displacement', displacement, 'torphi', torphi = cyls[2,i%ny,0,0] + displacement, 'i', i] displacement=(cyls[2,i%ny+1,0,0]+displacement-cyls[2,0,0,0]) if (i+1)%ny == 0 i+=1 end ysize = i - i1 #ep ['torphil', torphi = cyls[2,i%ny,0,0] + displacement, 'ysize', ysize] #exit #ysize = (torphi_const0[-1] - torphi_const1[0] ).abs + 1 #case coord #when :x shpside = fieldside.shape fieldcut = GSL::Tensor.float(ysize, shpside[1], shpside[2]) xcut = GSL::Tensor.float(ysize, shpside[1], shpside[2]) ycut = GSL::Tensor.float(ysize, shpside[1], shpside[2]) zcut = GSL::Tensor.float(ysize, shpside[1], shpside[2]) #ep shpside shpcut = fieldcut.shape for k in 0...shpcut[2] # 1 of these 2 loops for j in 0...shpcut[1] # will have size 1 istart = torphi_const0[j,k] displacement = torphi_values[0] - cyls[2,istart,j,k] # where in the torus does this copy of the flux tube start compared to where we want to be? #p torphi_const0[i,j], torphi_const1[i,j] for n in 0...shpcut[0] # index along our cut surface i = istart + n #icut = i%ysize #cyls = cylindrical_coordinates_gsl_tensor(ops.absorb(extra_points: true)) #.transpose(0,1,2,3) #ep ['displacement', displacement, n, i, ny, 'torphi', torphi = cyls[2,i%ny,j,k] +displacement] # We chop off the surface # between two y gridpoints # Hence we must interpolate # the field between those # gridpoints if n == 0 torphi0 = torphi_values[0] s = Math.sin(torphi0) c = Math.cos(torphi0) d2 = cyls[2,(i+1)%ny,j,k] + displacement - torphi0 d1 = torphi0 - (cyls[2,i%ny,j,k] + displacement) dfac = d1 / (d1+d2) elsif n == ysize-1 torphi1 = torphi_values[1] s = Math.sin(torphi1) c = Math.cos(torphi1) d2 = cyls[2,(i+1)%ny,j,k] + displacement - torphi1 d1 = torphi1 - (cyls[2,i%ny,j,k] + displacement) dfac = d1 / (d1+d2) else s = Math.sin(cyls[2,i%ny,j,k] + displacement) c = Math.cos(cyls[2,i%ny,j,k] + displacement) dfac = 0 end #ep [(fieldside[i%ny,j,k] * (1-dfac) + fieldside[(i+1)%ny,j,k] * dfac).class, i,j,k, fieldside.shape, ny ] fieldcut[n,j,k] = fieldside[i%ny,j,k] * (1-dfac) + fieldside[((i+1)%ny),j,k] * dfac rad = cyls[0,i%ny,j,k] xcut[n,j,k] = rad * c ycut[n,j,k] = rad *s zcut[n,j,k] = cyls[1,i%ny,j,k] displacement=(cyls[2,i%ny+1,j,k]+displacement-cyls[2,0,j,k]) if (i+1)%ny == 0 #displacement+=cyls[2,i,j,k] if (i+1)%ny == 0 end #exit end end kit = GraphKit.quick_create([xcut,ycut,zcut,fieldcut]) end[0].gp.with = "pm3d" return kit end end def density_real_space_standard_representation_graphkit(options={}) case options[:command] when :help return "The density as a function of cartesian coordinates showing showing the standard way of representing the turbulence, with two poloidal cuts and the inner and outer radial surfaces. Multiple copies of the flux tube are used to fill the space." when :options return [:Rgeo, :n0, :rho_star, :t_index, :nakx, :naky, :xmax, :xmin, :thetamax, :thetamin, :torphi_values, :species_index] else field_real_space_standard_representation_graphkit(options.absorb({field_name: :density})) end end def phi_real_space_standard_representation_graphkit(options={}) case options[:command] when :help return "The potential as a function of cartesian coordinates showing showing the standard way of representing the turbulence, with two poloidal cuts and the inner and outer radial surfaces. Multiple copies of the flux tube are used to fill the space." when :options return [:Rgeo, :n0, :rho_star, :t_index, :nakx, :naky, :xmax, :xmin, :thetamax, :thetamin, :torphi_values] else field_real_space_standard_representation_graphkit(options.absorb({field_name: :phi})) end end def field_real_space_standard_representation_graphkit(options={}) case options[:command] when :help return "The field options[:field_name] as a function of cartesian coordinates showing showing the standard way of representing the turbulence, with two poloidal cuts and the inner and outer radial surfaces. Multiple copies of the flux tube are used to fill the space." when :options return [:Rgeo, :n0, :rho_star, :t_index, :nakx, :naky, :xmax, :xmin, :thetamax, :thetamin, :torphi_values] else field = field_real_space_gsl_tensor(options) options[:field] = field poloidal_planes = options[:torphi_values] #ep poloidal_planes; gets raise "Please set options[:torphi_values] to an array of two values" unless poloidal_planes.kind_of? Array and poloidal_planes.size==2 options[:torphi] = poloidal_planes[0] kit1 = field_real_space_poloidal_plane_graphkit(options) options[:torphi] = poloidal_planes[1] kit2 = field_real_space_poloidal_plane_graphkit(options) options[:coordinate] = :x options[:side] = :min kit3 = field_flux_tube_boundary_surface_graphkit(options) options[:side] = :max kit4 = field_flux_tube_boundary_surface_graphkit(options) #kit= kit1+kit2 #kit = kit3 +kit4 kit = kit1+kit2+kit3+kit4 if options[:thetamax] or options[:thetamin] options[:coordinate] = :theta options[:side] = :min kit5 = field_flux_tube_boundary_surface_graphkit(options) options[:side] = :max kit6 = field_flux_tube_boundary_surface_graphkit(options) kit += kit5+kit6 end = "depthorder" kit.xlabel = 'X (m)' kit.ylabel = 'Y (m)' kit.zlabel = "'Z (m)' rotate by 90" kit.title = "3-D Potential" return kit end end def phi_real_space_poloidal_plane_graphkit(options={}) case options[:command] when :help return "The potential as a function of cartesian coordinates showing a cut at one toroidal angle, with multiple periodic copies of the flux tube used to fill the whole circle.." when :options return [:Rgeo, :n0, :rho_star, :t_index, :nakx, :naky, :xmax, :xmin, :thetamax, :thetamin, :torphi] else return field_real_space_poloidal_plane_graphkit(options.absorb(field_name: :phi)) end end def density_real_space_poloidal_plane_graphkit(options={}) case options[:command] when :help return "The density as a function of cartesian coordinates showing a cut at one toroidal angle, with multiple periodic copies of the flux tube used to fill the whole circle.." when :options return [:Rgeo, :n0, :rho_star, :t_index, :nakx, :naky, :xmax, :xmin, :thetamax, :thetamin, :torphi] else return field_real_space_poloidal_plane_graphkit(options.absorb({field_name: :density})) end end def field_real_space_poloidal_plane_graphkit(options={}) case options[:command] when :help return "The potential as a function of cartesian coordinates showing a cut at one toroidal angle, with multiple periodic copies of the flux tube used to fill the whole circle.." when :options return [:Rgeo, :n0, :rho_star, :t_index, :nakx, :naky, :xmax, :xmin, :thetamax, :thetamin, :torphi] else #if options[:ncopies] #ops = options.dup #ops.delete(:ncopies) #return (options[:ncopies] do |n| #ops[:ncopy] = n #field_real_space_surface_graphkit(ops) #end).sum #end #zaxis = axiskit('field0_over_x_over_y', options) = #shape = #carts = cartesian_coordinates_gsl_tensor(options) #torphiout = 2.6 torphiout = options[:constant_torphi] || options[:torphi] field = options[:field] || field_real_space_gsl_tensor(options) torphi_const = constant_torphi_surface_gsl_tensor(options) cyls = cylindrical_coordinates_gsl_tensor(options.absorb({extra_points: true})) #p torphi_const[0,true].to_a; #p 'sh', cyls.shape[1], '','','',''; #exit #carts = cartesian_coordinates_gsl_tensor(options) shp = field.shape shpc = cyls.shape #ep 'shapes', shp, cyls.shape new_field = GSL::Tensor.alloc(shp[1], shp[2]) new_X = GSL::Tensor.alloc(shp[1], shp[2]) new_Y = GSL::Tensor.alloc(shp[1], shp[2]) new_Z = GSL::Tensor.alloc(shp[1], shp[2]) #y = gsl_vector('y', options) #y = y.connect([2*y[-1] - y[-2]].to_gslv).dup #c = Math.cos(torphiout) #s = Math.sin(torphiout) #theta_vec = gsl_vector('theta', options) #x_vec = gsl_vector('x', options) #y_vec = gsl_vector('y', options) #field.iterate do |i,j,k| #lastbracketed = nil #lastj = -1 #field.iterate_row_maj do |i,j,k| for k in 0...shp[2] #theta loop for j in 0...shp[1] #xloop #raise "Missed #{[j,k].inspect}, #{lastj}" unless lastj == j-1 #ep [i,j,k], cyls.shape i = torphi_const[j,k] torphi1 = cyls[2,i,j,k] torphi2 = cyls[2,i+1,j,k] #ep cyls[2,true,j,k].to_a deltorphi = cyls[2,shpc[1]-1,j,k] - cyls[2,0,j,k] #raise "Periodicity not satisfied: #{(2*Math::PI/deltorphi+1.0e-8)%1.0}, #{(2*Math::PI/deltorphi+1.0e-5)}" unless ((2*Math::PI/deltorphi)+1.0e-8)%1.0 < 1.0e-5 m1 = (torphi1 )%deltorphi m2 = (torphi2 )%deltorphi m3 = (torphiout)%deltorphi #bracketed = ((m1-m3).abs < 1.0e-4) || ( #(m2-m3.abs) > 1.0e-4 && #(m2 - m3) * #(m1 - m3) * #(m2 - m1) * #(torphi2 - torphi1) < 0) ##p 'n0', (2*Math::PI/deltorphi).round #bracketed2 = (2*Math::PI/deltorphi + 1).round.times.inject(false) do |b,n| #epsn = 1.0e-4 #eps2 = 1.0e-4 #upp = torphiout + deltorphi * n #lwr = torphiout - deltorphi * n ##measure = ((torphi1 < upp or (torphi1 - upp).abs < epsn) and upp+epsn < torphi2) or ((torphi1 < lwr or (torphi1-lwr).abs < eps) and lwr + eps < torphi2) #a1 = a2 = a3 = b1 = b2 = b3 = 'q' ##measure = (( ###a1=((torphi1-upp).abs < (torphi2-upp).abs) and ##(a1=((torphi2-upp).abs > 1.0e-7)) and ##(a2=((torphi1 < upp or (torphi1 - upp).abs < epsn))) and ##(a3=(upp < torphi2)) ##) or ( ###b1=((torphi1-lwr).abs < (torphi2-lwr).abs) and ##(b1=((torphi2-lwr).abs > 1.0e7)) and ##(b2=(torphi1 < lwr or (torphi1-lwr).abs < epsn)) and ##(b3 = (lwr < torphi2)) ##)) #a1=((torphi2-upp).abs > eps2) #a2=((torphi1 < upp or (torphi1 - upp).abs < epsn)) #a3=(upp < torphi2) #b1=(torphi2-lwr).abs > eps2 #b2=(torphi1 < lwr or (torphi1-lwr).abs < epsn) #b3 = (lwr < torphi2) #measure = ((a1 and a2 and a3) or (b1 and b2 and b3)) ##ep 'measure', measure, [torphi1, torphi2, upp, lwr , n, deltorphi, a1, a2, a3, b1, b2, b3, (torphi2-lwr).abs, (torphi2-lwr).abs > eps2] if measure #; gets if [j,k] == [5,8] # if measure #b or measure #end ##bracketed = bracketed2 #raise "Measures don't agree #{bracketed}, #{bracketed2}" unless bracketed2 == bracketed # # ##d2 = torphi2 - torphiout ##d1 = torphiout - torphi1 #if bracketed #y1 = d2 = m2 - m3 d1 = m3 - m1 if torphi2 > torphi1 d1+=deltorphi if d1 < 0 else d2-=deltorphi if d2 > 0 end dfac = d1 / (d1+d2) #n = 0 #loop do #ep [torphi1, torphi2, cyls[2,shpc[1]-1,j,k] , cyls[2,0,j,k], deltorphi, m1, m2, m3] #ep (mod2 - mod3)/(mod1 - mod3) < 0,"********" #raise "Doubled up" if lastbracketed == [j,k] #raise "Missed: #{i},#{j}, #{lastbracketed.inspect} " unless lastbracketed == [j-1,k] or lastbracketed == [shp[1]-1, k-1] if lastbracketed #ep bracketed,"********" #ep ['bracketed', i, j, k] #ep ['field', field[i,j,k]] #new_phi[j,k] = theta_vec[k] new_field[j,k] = field[i,j,k] * (1-dfac) + field[(i+1)%shp[0],j,k] * dfac #raise "Mismatched radii" unless #new_X[j,k] = cyls[0,i,j,k] * Math.cos(cyls[2,i,j,k]) #new_X[j,k] = x_vec[j] new_X[j,k] = cyls[0,i,j,k] * Math.cos(torphiout) #new_Y[j,k] = cyls[0,i,j,k] * Math.sin(cyls[2,i,j,k]) #new_Y[j,k] = y_vec[i] new_Y[j,k] = cyls[0,i,j,k] * Math.sin(torphiout) #new_Z[j,k] = theta_vec[k] new_Z[j,k] = cyls[1,i,j,k] #lastbracketed = [j,k] #lastj = j #end end # xloop end # theta loop #exit kit = GraphKit.quick_create([new_X, new_Y, new_Z, new_field]) kit.xlabel = 'X' kit.ylabel = 'Y'[0].gp.with = "pm3d" return kit #end sides = [:max, :min] kits = [] #[].each_with_index do |coord,i| #sides.each_with_index do |side,j| [[:y, :min, 0], [:y, :max, Math::PI]].each do |coord, side, toroidalphi| #[0].each do |toroidalphi| #raise unless i.kind_of? Integer #return kit if coord + side == :xmax options[:field] = field options[:side] = side options[:coordinate] = coord options[:toroidal_projection] = coord == :x ? nil : toroidalphi next if coord == :x and toroidalphi == Math::PI kit = field_flux_tube_boundary_surface_graphkit(options) kits.push kit end #end #end k = kits.sum #k = kits[5] + kits[4] + kits[3] + kits[2] + kits[1] + kits[0] #k = kits[5] + kits[4] + kits[1] + kits[0] = "depthorder" #k.compress_datakits = true return k end end #def phi_flux_tube_poloidal_cut_graphkit(options={}) ######case options[:command] ######when :help ######return "The potential as a function of cartesian coordinates, cut at two toroidal angles." ######when :options ######return [:rgbformulae, :limit, :t_index] ######end #poloidal_planes = options[:torphi_values] ##ep poloidal_planes; gets #raise "Please set options[:torphi_values] to an array of two values" unless poloidal_planes.kind_of? Array and poloidal_planes.size==2 #field = options[:phi] || phi_real_space_gsl_tensor(options) #options[:torphi] = poloidal_planes[0] #torphi_const1 = constant_torphi_surface_gsl_tensor(options.dup.absorb(no_copies: true)) #options[:torphi] = poloidal_planes[1] #torphi_const2 = constant_torphi_surface_gsl_tensor(options.dup.absorb(no_copies: true)) #x1 = # First poloidal face #y1 = #z1 = #field1 = #x2 = # Second poloidal #y2 = # face #z2 = #field2 = #xmaxx = # Connecting #ymaxx = # surface of the #zmaxx = # flux tube #fieldmaxx = # max x #xminx = # Connecting #yminx = # surface of the #zminx = # flux tube #fieldminx = #xmaxth = # Connecting #ymaxth = # surface of the #zmaxth = # flux tube #fieldmaxth = #xminth = # Connecting #yminth = # surface of the #zminth = # flux tube #fieldminth = #xsurf = [xmaxx, xminx, xmaxth, xminth] #ysurf = [ymaxx, yminx, ymaxth, yminth] #zsurf = [zmaxx, zminx, zmaxth, zminth] #fieldsurf = [fieldmaxx, fieldminx, fieldmaxth, fieldminth] #cyls = cylindrical_coordinates_gsl_tensor(options) #shp = cyls.shape #ysize = shp[1] ## Find out how far each cut ## poloidal face of the flux ## tube extends in theta and x #k1min =[2]) #k1max =[2]) #k2min =[2]) #k2max =[2]) #k1min[true] = shp[3]; k1max[true] = 0 #k2min[true] = shp[3]; k2max[true] = 0 #j1min =[3]) #j1max =[3]) #j2min =[3]) #j2max =[3]) #j1min[true] = shp[2]; j1max[true] = 0 #j2min[true] = shp[2]; j2max[true] = 0 ##ep j1max;gets #for j in 0...shp[2] #for k in 0...shp[3] #i1 = torphi_const1[j,k] #i2 = torphi_const2[j,k] #i1 = 0 if i1==-1 #i2 = 0 if i2==-1 #i1 = ysize-1 if i1==ysize #i2 = ysize-1 if i2==ysize #if i1%ysize==i1 #k1min[j] = [k, k1min[j]].min #k1max[j] = [k, k1max[j]].max #j1min[k] = [j, j1min[k]].min #j1max[k] = [j, j1max[k]].max #end #if i2%ysize==i2 #k2min[j] = [k, k2min[j]].min #k2max[j] = [k, k2max[j]].max #j2min[k] = [j, j2min[k]].min #j2max[k] = [j, j2max[k]].max #end #end #end #lineorder = #surfaces = ##Now we generate the order of the line ##scans between one cross section and ##the other (the lines have to be in order ## around the cross section) ## We also specify which surface(s) the ## line lies on #o = 0 ##min x surface #j=0 #for k in ([k1min[0],k2min[0]].min)..([k1max[0], k2max[0]].max) #lineorder[j,k] = o #surfaces[j,k]||=[] #surfaces[j,k].push 1 #o+=1 #end ## max theta surface #for j in 0...shp[2] #lineorder[j,[k1max[j],k2max[j]].max]=o #surfaces[j,[k1max[j],k2max[j]].max]||=[] #surfaces[j,[k1max[j],k2max[j]].max].push 2 #o+=1 #end #j = shp[2]-1 ## max x surface #ep ([k1max[j], k2max[j]].max)..([k1min[j],k2min[j]].min) #for k in (-[k1max[j], k2max[j]].max)...(-[k1min[j],k2min[j]].min) #ep 'k', k #lineorder[j,-k] = o #surfaces[j,-k]||=[] #surfaces[j,-k].push 0 #o+=1 #end ## max theta surface #for j in -(shp[2]-1)..0 #lineorder[-j,[k1min[j],k2min[j]].min]=o #surfaces[-j,[k1min[j],k2min[j]].min]||=[] #surfaces[-j,[k1min[j],k2min[j]].min].push 3 #o+=1 #end #ep lineorder, surfaces;gets ##ep j1max.to_a;gets #for j in 0...shp[2] #for k in 0...shp[3] #i10 = i1 = torphi_const1[j,k] #i20 = i2 = torphi_const2[j,k] #ep ['i1', i1, 'i2', i2] ## Include extra points just outside ## if necessary #i10 = 0 if i1==-1 # #i20 = 0 if i2==-1 #i10 = ysize - 1 if i1 == ysize #i20 = ysize - 1 if i2 == ysize ##if i1%ysize==i1 || i1==-1 #if i10%ysize==i10 ## First assign all the points on the first cut poloidal face #r = cyls[0,i10,j,k] #z = cyls[1,i10,j,k] #tphi = poloidal_planes[0] ##tphi = cyls[2,i1,j,k] ##ep ['tphi', tphi, 'i1', i1, cyls[2,i1,j,k]%(2*Math::PI), cyls[2,(i1+1)%ysize,j,k]%(2*Math::PI)] #s = Math.sin(tphi) #c = Math.cos(tphi) #x1p = x1[j,k] = r*c# X (not gs2 x!) #y1p = y1[j,k] = r*s# Y (not gs2 y!) #z1p = z1[j,k] = z# Z ##ep [2,(i1+1)%ysize,j,k, cyls.shape] ## I think this bit will be wrong ## when i1 = -1 or ysize - 1 ## but it won't be a big error ## --- need to fix ##d2 = cyls[2,(i1+1)%ysize,j,k] - tphi ##d1 = tphi - cyls[2,i1,j,k] ##dfac = d1 / (d1+d2) ##f1p = field1[j,k] = field[i1,j,k] * (1-dfac) + field[i1%ysize,j,k] * dfac #f1p = (field1[j,k] = field[i1%ysize,j,k] + field[(i1+1)%ysize,j,k])/2.0 #end #if i20%ysize==i20 #r = cyls[0,i20,j,k] #z = cyls[1,i20,j,k] #tphi = poloidal_planes[1] #s = Math.sin(tphi) #c = Math.cos(tphi) #x2[j,k] = r*c# X (not gs2 x!) #y2[j,k] = r*s# Y (not gs2 y!) #z2[j,k] = z# Z ##ep [2,(i2+1)%ysize,j,k, cyls.shape] ##d2 = cyls[2,(i2+1)%ysize,j,k] - tphi ##d1 = tphi - cyls[2,i2,j,k] ##dfac = d1 / (d1+d2) #field2[j,k] = (field[i2%ysize,j,k] + field[(i2+1)%ysize,j,k])/2.0 ##field2[j,k] = field[i2,j,k] * (1-dfac) + field[i2%ysize,j,k] * dfac #end #end #end #for j in 0...shp[2] #for k in 0...shp[3] #i10 = i1 = torphi_const1[j,k] #i20 = i2 = torphi_const2[j,k] ##ep ['i1', i1, 'i2', i2] ## Include extra points just outside ## if necessary #i10 = 0 if i1==-1 # #i20 = 0 if i2==-1 #i10 = ysize - 1 if i1 == ysize #i20 = ysize - 1 if i2 == ysize #if lineorder[j,k] #n=0 #sign21 = ((i2-i1)/(i2-i1).abs).round ## Go from y on the first surface to ## y on the next surface #ep ['jk',j,k, (i10+n*sign21)*sign21 < i20*sign21] #while (i10+n*sign21)*sign21 < i20*sign21 #ka = k #ia10 = i10 #ia20 = i20 #while (ia10+n*sign21)%ysize != ia10+n*sign21 #ep [j,k,ka, 'ia10', ia10, ia10+n*sign21, lineorder[j,k], surfaces[j,k], 'n', n, 'ni', ia10 + n * sign21, 'ysize', ysize, 'max', k1max[j], k2max[j], 'min', k1min[j], k2min[j] ] ## We have left the flux surface... ## increase/decrease theta to get back in #if k > k1max[j] or k > k2max[j] # thetamax #ka-=1 #elsif k < k1min[j] or k < k2min[j] # thetamin #ka+=1 #else #raise "Got lost!" #end #ia10 = torphi_const1[j,ka] #ia10 = 0 if ia10==1 #ia10 = ysize - 1 if ia10 == ysize #ia20 = torphi_const2[j,ka] #ia20 = 0 if ia20==1 #ia20 = ysize - 1 if ia20 == ysize #end #ni = n*sign21+ia10 ## First end #if ni==ia10 #xs = x1[j,ka] #ys = y1[j,ka] #zs = z1[j,ka] #fs = field1[j,ka] ## Second ed #elsif ni*sign21 == ia20*sign21 - 1 #xs = x2[j,ka] #ys = y2[j,ka] #zs = z2[j,ka] #fs = field2[j,ka] ## Connecting line #else #tphi = cyls[2,ni,j,ka] #s = Math.sin(tphi) #c = Math.cos(tphi) #r = cyls[0,ni,j,ka] #xs = r*c #ys = r*s #zs = cyls[1,ni,j,ka] #fs = field[ni,j,ka] #end #surfaces[j,k].each do |m| #o = lineorder[j,k] #xsurf[m][o,n] = xs #ysurf[m][o,n] = ys #zsurf[m][o,n] = zs #fieldsurf[m][o,n] = fs #end #n+=1 #end #end #next ## Fill in from the first poloidal plane to the second poloidal plane or the edge of the box, which ever is closer #if [j1min[k], j1max[k]].include? j or (false and [k1min[j],k1max[j]].include? k) #m = (j==j1min[k] ? 1 : 0) #xsurf[m][j,k,0] = r*c# X (not gs2 x!) #ysurf[m][j,k,0] = r*s# Y (not gs2 y!) #zsurf[m][j,k,0] = z# Z #fieldsurf[m][j,k,0] = field[i1,j,k] #sign21 = ((i2-i1)/(i2-i1).abs).round ##ep sign21; gets #n=1 ##while (i1+n*sign21)%ysize==i1+n*sign21 and (i1+n*sign21)*sign21 < i2*sign21 #while (i10+n*sign21)%ysize==i10+n*sign21 and (i10+n*sign21)*sign21 < i20*sign21 #ni = n*sign21+i10 ##ep [[2,ni,j,k], cyls.shape] #tphi = cyls[2,ni,j,k] #s = Math.sin(tphi) #c = Math.cos(tphi) #r = cyls[0,ni,j,k] #z = cyls[1,ni,j,k] #xsurf[m][j,k,n] = r*c# X (not gs2 x!) #ysurf[m][j,k,n] = r*s# Y (not gs2 y!) #zsurf[m][j,k,n] = z# Z #fieldsurf[m][j,k,n] = field[ni,j,k] #n+=1 #end #end ##end ##if i2%ysize==i2 || i2==-1 #if i20%ysize==i20 #r = cyls[0,i2,j,k] #z = cyls[1,i2,j,k] #tphi = poloidal_planes[1] #s = Math.sin(tphi) #c = Math.cos(tphi) #x2[j,k] = r*c# X (not gs2 x!) #y2[j,k] = r*s# Y (not gs2 y!) #z2[j,k] = z# Z ##ep [2,(i2+1)%ysize,j,k, cyls.shape] #d2 = cyls[2,(i2+1)%ysize,j,k] - tphi #d1 = tphi - cyls[2,i2,j,k] #dfac = d1 / (d1+d2) #field2[j,k] = field[i2,j,k] * (1-dfac) + field[i2%ysize,j,k] * dfac #end #next ##if (i1%ysize==i1 || i1==-1) and ( [0,shp[2]-1].include? j or (false and [k1min[j],k1max[j]].include? k)) #if i10%ysize==i10 and ( [j1min[k], j1max[k]].include? j or (false and [k1min[j],k1max[j]].include? k)) #m = (j==j1min[k] ? 1 : 0) #xsurf[m][j,k,n] = x2[j,k] #ysurf[m][j,k,n] = y2[j,k] #zsurf[m][j,k,n] = z2[j,k] #fieldsurf[m][j,k,n] = field2[j,k] #elsif false #if [0,shp[2]-1].include? j or [k2min[j],k2max[j]].include? k #sign12 = ((i1-i2)/(i1-i2).abs).round #xouter[j,k,0] = x2[j,k] #youter[j,k,0] = y2[j,k] #zouter[j,k,0] = z2[j,k] #fieldouter[j,k,0] = field2[j,k] ##ep sign12; gets ## Fill in from the first poloidal plane to the second poloidal plane or the edge of the box, which ever is closer #n=1 #while (i2+n*sign12)%ysize==i2+n*sign12 and (i2+n*sign12)*sign12 < i1*sign12 #ni = n*sign12+i2 ##ep [[1,ni,j,k], cyls.shape] #tphi = cyls[2,ni,j,k] #s = Math.sin(tphi) #c = Math.cos(tphi) #r = cyls[0,ni,j,k] #z = cyls[1,ni,j,k] #xouter[j,k,n] = r*c# X (not gs2 x!) #youter[j,k,n] = r*s# Y (not gs2 y!) #zouter[j,k,n] = z# Z #fieldouter[j,k,n] = field[ni,j,k] #n+=1 #end #end ##end #end #end #end #ep xsurf[3] #ep xsurf[2] #kit1 = GraphKit.quick_create([x1,y1,z1,field1]) #kit2 = GraphKit.quick_create([x2,y2,z2,field2]) #kits ={|i| GraphKit.quick_create([xsurf[i],ysurf[i],zsurf[i],fieldsurf[i]])} #return kit1 + kit2 + kits.sum #end def phi_magnifying_glass_graphkit(options={}) case options[:command] when :help return "The potential as a function of cartesian coordinates, plus a close up section." when :options return [:Rgeo, :n0, :rho_star, :t_index, :nakx, :naky, :xmax, :xmin, :thetamax, :thetamin, :magnify] end ops = options.dup ops.delete(:thetamin) ops.delete(:thetamax) flux_tube = phi_real_space_surface_graphkit(ops) options[:thetamin] #= options[:theta_magnify] options[:thetamax] #= options[:theta_magnify] + 4 #options[:torphi_values] = [:options #correct_3d_options(options) #factors = geometric_factors_gsl_tensor(options) #xfac = 1.0 / options[:rho_star_actual] #yfac = options[:rhoc_actual] / options[:q_actual] / options[:rho_star_actual] #y = gsl_vector('y', options) #x = gsl_vector('x', options) #kmin = 0 #options[:thetamin] #kmax = -1 #options[:thetamax] #ep 'factors.shape', factors.shape #torphi1 = y[-1]/yfac - factors[2,kmin] - x[-1]/xfac * factors[5,kmin] #torphi2 = factors[2,kmax] cyls = cylindrical_coordinates_gsl_tensor(options) #torphi1 = cyls[2,0,true,0].max torphi1 = cyls[2,0,true,-1].max torphi2 = cyls[2,-1,true,-1].min torphi3 = cyls[2,0,true,-1].max torphi4 = cyls[2,-1,true,0].min delta = 0.5 if torphi1 > torphi3 tv = [torphi1, [torphi1 + delta, torphi4].min] else tv = [torphi3, [torphi3 + delta, torphi2].min] end ep 'torphiVaues', options[:torphi_values] = tv; #ep options; gets section = phi_real_space_standard_representation_graphkit(options) #dR1 = ({|dk| #(**2 +**2)**0.5 #}.max +{|dk| #(**2 +**2)**0.5 #}.min)/2 #z1max ={|dk|}.max #z1min ={|dk|}.min )/2 magnify = options[:magnify] #p section; gets blacked_out = section.dup fmin ={|dk|}.min if magnify > 2{|dk| *= 1.05 *= 1.05 *= 1.05!(fmin) = 'p lc rgb "#000000" ps 3.0 ' } end do |dk| magnify = options[:magnify] #ep *= magnify *= magnify *= magnify end dR = ({|dk| (**2 +**2)**0.5 }.max +{|dk| (**2 +**2)**0.5 }.min)/2 #xmag = ({|dk|}.max +{|dk|}.min)/2 #ymag = ({|dk|}.max +{|dk|}.min)/2 #ep 'dR', dR; gets #dy = ({|dk|}.max +{|dk|}.min)/2 dz = ({|dk|}.max +{|dk|}.min )/2 do |dk| -= options[:Rgeo]*(magnify* (1.0-Math.exp(-(magnify-1)**2)))*c/1.2 -= (options[:Rgeo]-options[:rhoc_actual])*([magnify-2, 0].max)*c* (1.0-Math.exp(-(magnify-1)**2)) ep 'rhoc', options[:rhoc_actual] #dR = options[:Rgeo]*(0.75*magnify - magnify * (1.0 - options[:rhoc_actual]/options[:Rgeo]))* (1.0-Math.exp(-(magnify-1)**2)) c = Math.cos(tv[0]) s = Math.sin(tv[0]) #dR = options[:Rgeo]*(1.5 - magnify * (1.0 - options[:rhoc_actual]))* (1.0-Math.exp(-(magnify-1)**2)) rout = 2.0 -= (dR - options[:Rgeo] * rout) * c* (1.0-Math.exp(-(magnify-1)**2)) #ep; gets -= (options[:Rgeo]-options[:rhoc_actual])*([magnify-2, 0].max)*s* (1.0-Math.exp(-(magnify-1)**2)) -= (dR - options[:Rgeo] * rout) * s* (1.0-Math.exp(-(magnify-1)**2))* (1.0-Math.exp(-(magnify-1)**2)) end #return section kit = flux_tube + section{|dk| = "pm3d"} kit += blacked_out{|dk| = "pm3d"} kit.xlabel = 'X' ep phideg = tv[0]/Math::PI * 180 = [",#{(180-phideg)%360},2.0", "equal xyz"] = "" = "depthorder" kit.xlabel = 'X (m)' kit.ylabel = 'Y (m)' kit.zlabel = "'Z (m)' rotate by 90" kit.title = "3-D Potential" kit end def density_real_space_surface_graphkit(options={}) case options[:command] when :help return "The density as a function of cartesian coordinates, plotted on the six outer surfaces of constant x, y and theta." when :options return [:Rgeo, :n0, :rho_star, :t_index, :nakx, :naky, :gs2_coordinate_factor, :xmax, :xmin, :ymax, :ymin, :thetamax, :thetamin, :ncopies] else return field_real_space_surface_graphkit(options.absorb({field_name: :density})) end end def phi_real_space_surface_graphkit(options={}) case options[:command] when :help return "The potential as a function of cartesian coordinates, plotted on the six outer surfaces of constant x, y and theta." when :options return [:Rgeo, :n0, :rho_star, :t_index, :nakx, :naky, :gs2_coordinate_factor, :xmax, :xmin, :ymax, :ymin, :thetamax, :thetamin, :ncopies] else return field_real_space_surface_graphkit(options.absorb({field_name: :phi})) end end def field_real_space_surface_graphkit(options={}) case options[:command] when :help return "The field options[:field_name] as a function of cartesian coordinates, plotted on the six outer surfaces of constant x, y and theta." when :options return [:Rgeo, :n0, :rho_star, :t_index, :nakx, :naky, :gs2_coordinate_factor, :xmax, :xmin, :ymax, :ymin, :thetamax, :thetamin, :ncopies] else if options[:ncopies] ops = options.dup ops.delete(:ncopies) return (options[:ncopies] do |n| ops[:ncopy] = n field_real_space_surface_graphkit(ops) end).sum end #zaxis = axiskit('field0_over_x_over_y', options) = #shape = #carts = cartesian_coordinates_gsl_tensor(options) field = options[:field] || field_real_space_gsl_tensor(options) sides = [:max, :min] kits = [] [:y, :x, :theta].each_with_index do |coord,i| sides.each_with_index do |side,j| raise unless i.kind_of? Integer #return kit if coord + side == :xmax options[:field] = field options[:side] = side options[:coordinate] = coord kit = field_flux_tube_boundary_surface_graphkit(options) kits.push kit end end k = kits.reverse.sum #k = kits[5] + kits[4] + kits[3] + kits[2] + kits[1] + kits[0] #k = kits[5] + kits[4] + kits[1] + kits[0] = "depthorder" kit = k{|dk| dk.title = "notitle"} #k.compress_datakits = true if options[:gs2_coordinate_factor] and options[:gs2_coordinate_factor] == 1.0 kit.xlabel = 'x (rho_i)' kit.ylabel = 'y (rho_i)' kit.zlabel = "'theta' rotate by 90" else kit.xlabel = 'X (m)' kit.ylabel = 'Y (m)' kit.zlabel = "'Z (m)' rotate by 90" end kit.title = "3-D Potential" return k end end def density_real_space_graphkit(options={}) case options[:command] when :help return "The potential as a function of cartesian coordinates" when :options return [:rgbformulae, :limit, :t_index] else kit = field_real_space_graphkit(options.absorb({field_name: :density})) kit.title = 'Density' kit end end def phi_real_space_graphkit(options={}) case options[:command] when :help return "The potential as a function of cartesian coordinates" when :options return [:rgbformulae, :limit, :t_index] else return field_real_space_graphkit(options.absorb({field_name: :phi})) end end def field_real_space_graphkit(options={}) case options[:command] when :help return "The field options[:field_name] as a function of cartesian coordinates" when :options return [:rgbformulae, :limit, :t_index] else if options[:ncopies] ops = options.dup ops.delete(:ncopies) return (options[:ncopies] do |n| ops[:ncopy] = n field_real_space_graphkit(ops) end).sum end #zaxis = axiskit('field0_over_x_over_y', options) = #shape = #carts = cartesian_coordinates_gsl_tensor(options) field = field_real_space_gsl_tensor(options) if options[:cyl] carts = cylindrical_coordinates_gsl_tensor(options) #.transpose(0,1,2,3) else carts = cartesian_coordinates_gsl_tensor(options) end newshape = carts.shape.slice(1..3) x = carts[0, false]; x.reshape!(*newshape) y = carts[1, false]; y.reshape!(*newshape) z = carts[2, false]; z.reshape!(*newshape) unless options[:cyl] #x = x.transpose(2,1,0) #y = y.transpose(2,1,0) #z = z.transpose(2,1,0) #field = field.transpose(2,1,0) end kit = GraphKit.autocreate({ x: GraphKit::AxisKit.autocreate({data: x, title: "X", units: "m"}), y: GraphKit::AxisKit.autocreate({data: y, title: "Y", units: "m"}), z: GraphKit::AxisKit.autocreate({data: z, title: "Z", units: "m"}), f: GraphKit::AxisKit.autocreate({data: field, title: "Phi"}) }) # kit.xrange = [0,shape[0]] # kit.yrange = [0,shape[1]] kit.cbrange = options[:limit] if options[:limit] kit.title = "Phi" #kit.palette = "rgbformulae #{(options[:rgbformulae] or "-3,3,0")}" #kit.view = "map"[0].with = "pm3d" = "interpolate 2,2" #kit.title = "Phi at the outboard midplane" #[0].with = (options[:with] or 'pm3d palette') kit.file_name = options[:graphkit_name] kit end end def phi_gs2_space_graphkit(options={}) case options[:command] when :help return "The potential as a function of y, x and theta" when :options return [:rgbformulae, :limit, :t_index] else #zaxis = axiskit('phi0_over_x_over_y', options) = #shape = kit = GraphKit.autocreate({ x: GraphKit::AxisKit.autocreate({data: gsl_vector('y',options), title: "y", units: "rho_#{species_letter}"}), y: AxisKit.autocreate({data: gsl_vector('x',options), title: "x", units: "rho_#{species_letter}"}), z: GraphKit::AxisKit.autocreate({data: gsl_vector('theta',options), title: "theta"}), f: GraphKit::AxisKit.autocreate({data: phi_real_space_gsl_tensor(options), title: "Phi"}) }) # kit.xrange = [0,shape[0]] # kit.yrange = [0,shape[1]] kit.cbrange = options[:limit] if options[:limit] kit.title = "Phi" #kit.palette = "rgbformulae #{(options[:rgbformulae] or "-3,3,0")}" #kit.view = "map"[0].with = "pm3d" #kit.title = "Phi at the outboard midplane" #[0].with = (options[:with] or 'pm3d palette') kit.file_name = options[:graphkit_name] kit end end def phi0_vs_x_vs_y_graphkit(options={}) case options[:command] when :help return "The potential at the outboard midplane" when :options return [:rgbformulae, :limit] else zaxis = axiskit('phi0_over_x_over_y', options) = shape = kit = GraphKit.autocreate({x: GraphKit::AxisKit.autocreate({data: (GSL::Vector.alloc((0...shape[0]).to_a)/shape[0] - 0.5) * (@x0 or @y0 * @jwist / 2 / Math::PI / @shat), title: "x", units: "rho_#{species_letter}"}), y: AxisKit.autocreate({data: (GSL::Vector.alloc((0...shape[1]).to_a)/shape[1] - 0.5) * @y0, title: "y", units: "rho_#{species_letter}"}), z: zaxis}) # kit.xrange = [0,shape[0]] # kit.yrange = [0,shape[1]] kit.zrange = options[:limit] if options[:limit] kit.title = "Spectrum" kit.palette = "rgbformulae #{(options[:rgbformulae] or "-3,3,0")}" kit.view = "map" = "data pm3d" kit.title = "Phi at the outboard midplane" #[0].with = (options[:with] or 'pm3d palette') kit.file_name = options[:graphkit_name] kit end end def growth_rate_by_mode_vs_time_graphkit(options={}) options[:direction] = :mode growth_rate_by_kxy_or_mode_vs_time_graphkit(options) end def growth_rate_by_kx_vs_time_graphkit(options={}) options[:direction] = :kx growth_rate_by_kxy_or_mode_vs_time_graphkit(options) end def growth_rate_by_ky_vs_time_graphkit(options={}) options[:direction] = :ky growth_rate_by_kxy_or_mode_vs_time_graphkit(options) end def growth_rate_by_kxy_or_mode_vs_time_graphkit(options={}) case options[:command] when :help return "'growth_rate_by_ky_vs_time' or 'growth_rate_by_kx_vs_time': Growth rate vs time for a given kx or ky, integrated over the other direction" when :options return [:ky, :ky_index, :kx, :kx_index] else kxy = options[:direction] phiax = axiskit("growth_rate_by_#{kxy}_over_time", options) x = axiskit('t', options) =, kit = GraphKit.autocreate({x: x , y: phiax})[0].title = "Growth Rate: #{kxy} = #{options[kxy]}"[0].title = "gs2:#@run_name"[0].with = "l" #"linespoints" kit.file_name = options[:graphkit_name] kit end end def es_heat_by_mode_vs_time_graphkit(options={}) options[:direction] = :mode es_heat_by_kxy_or_mode_vs_time_graphkit(options) end def es_heat_by_kx_vs_time_graphkit(options={}) options[:direction] = :kx es_heat_by_kxy_or_mode_vs_time_graphkit(options) end def es_heat_by_ky_vs_time_graphkit(options={}) options[:direction] = :ky es_heat_by_kxy_or_mode_vs_time_graphkit(options) end def es_heat_by_kxy_or_mode_vs_time_graphkit(options={}) case options[:command] when :help return "'es_heat_by_ky_vs_time' or 'es_heat_by_kx_vs_time': Electrostatic Heat Flux vs Time for a given kx or ky, integrated over the other direction" when :options return [:ky, :ky_index, :kx, :kx_index, :species_index] else kxy = options[:direction] nt_options = options.dup # 'no time' options #nt_options.delete(:t_index) if nt_options[:t_index] #nt_options.delete(:frame_index) if nt_options[:frame_index] phiax = axiskit("es_heat_by_#{kxy}_over_time", nt_options) kit = GraphKit.autocreate({x: axiskit('t', options), y: phiax})[0].title = "ES Heat Flux: #@run_name #{kxy} = #{options[kxy]}" kit.log_axis = 'y'[0].title = "gs2:#@run_name"[0].with = "l" #"linespoints" kit.file_name = options[:graphkit_name] kit end end def phi2_by_mode_vs_time_graphkit(options={}) options[:direction] = :mode phi2_by_kxy_or_mode_vs_time_graphkit(options) end def phi2_by_kx_vs_time_graphkit(options={}) options[:direction] = :kx phi2_by_kxy_or_mode_vs_time_graphkit(options) end def phi2_by_ky_vs_time_graphkit(options={}) options[:direction] = :ky phi2_by_kxy_or_mode_vs_time_graphkit(options) end def phi2_by_kxy_or_mode_vs_time_graphkit(options={}) case options[:command] when :help return "'phi2_by_ky_vs_time' or 'phi2_by_kx_vs_time': Phi^2 over time for a given kx or ky, integrated over the other direction" when :options return [:ky, :ky_index, :kx, :kx_index] else kxy = options[:direction] # i.e. phi2_by_ky_vs_time or phi2_by_kx_vs_time or phi2_by_mode_vs_time nt_options = options.dup # 'no time' options nt_options.delete(:t_index) if nt_options[:t_index] nt_options.delete(:frame_index) if nt_options[:frame_index] phiax = axiskit("phi2_by_#{kxy}_over_time", nt_options) kit = GraphKit.autocreate({x: axiskit('t', options), y: phiax})[0].title = "Phi^2 total: #{kxy} = #{options[kxy]}" if options[:t_index] # p 'hello' array_element = options[:t_index_window] ? options[:t_index] - options[:t_index_window][0] : options[:t_index] - 1 # p, array_element # p options[:t_index], options[:t_index_window] time = DataKit.autocreate({x: {data: GSL::Vector.alloc([list(:t)[options[:t_index]]])}, y: {data: GSL::Vector.alloc([[array_element]]) } }) time.pointsize = 3.0 # p time #[0].axes[:x].data =[0].axes[:x].data time if options[:with_moving_efn] and kxy==:ky tmax =[0].axes[:x].data[-1] # p 'tmax', tmax theta_max = @g_exb * tmax * options[:ky] * 2 * Math::PI / list(:kx)[2] kit.each_axiskit(:x) do |axiskit| # p axiskit = / tmax * theta_max - theta_max end end end if options[:norm] xrange, yrange = kit.plot_area_size kit.each_axiskit(:y) do |axiskit| /= yrange[1] / (options[:height] or 1.0) end end kit.log_axis = 'y'[0].title = "gs2:#@run_name"[0].with = "l" #"linespoints" kit.file_name = options[:graphkit_name] kit end end def tpar2_by_mode_vs_time_graphkit(options={}) case options[:command] when :help return "'tpar2_by_ky_vs_time' or 'tpar2_by_kx_vs_time': tpar^2 over time for a given kx or ky, integrated over the other direction" when :options return [:ky, :ky_index, :kx, :kx_index] else kxy = :mode # i.e. tpar2_by_ky_vs_time or tpar2_by_kx_vs_time or tpar2_by_mode_vs_time nt_options = options.dup # 'no time' options nt_options.delete(:t_index) if nt_options[:t_index] nt_options.delete(:frame_index) if nt_options[:frame_index] tparax = axiskit("tpar2_by_#{kxy}_over_time", nt_options) kit = GraphKit.autocreate({x: axiskit('t', options), y: tparax})[0].title = "Tpar^2 total: #{kxy} = #{options[kxy]}" if options[:t_index] # p 'hello' array_element = options[:t_index_window] ? options[:t_index] - options[:t_index_window][0] : options[:t_index] - 1 # p, array_element # p options[:t_index], options[:t_index_window] time = DataKit.autocreate({x: {data: GSL::Vector.alloc([list(:t)[options[:t_index]]])}, y: {data: GSL::Vector.alloc([[array_element]]) } }) time.pointsize = 3.0 # p time #[0].axes[:x].data =[0].axes[:x].data time end if options[:norm] xrange, yrange = kit.plot_area_size kit.each_axiskit(:y) do |axiskit| /= yrange[1] / (options[:height] or 1.0) end end kit.log_axis = 'y'[0].title = "gs2:#@run_name"[0].with = "l" #"linespoints" kit.file_name = options[:graphkit_name] kit end end def tperp2_by_mode_vs_time_graphkit(options={}) case options[:command] when :help return "'tperp2_by_ky_vs_time' or 'tperp2_by_kx_vs_time': tperp^2 over time for a given kx or ky, integrated over the other direction" when :options return [:ky, :ky_index, :kx, :kx_index] else kxy = :mode # i.e. tperp2_by_ky_vs_time or tperp2_by_kx_vs_time or tperp2_by_mode_vs_time nt_options = options.dup # 'no time' options nt_options.delete(:t_index) if nt_options[:t_index] nt_options.delete(:frame_index) if nt_options[:frame_index] tperpax = axiskit("tperp2_by_#{kxy}_over_time", nt_options) kit = GraphKit.autocreate({x: axiskit('t', options), y: tperpax})[0].title = "Tperp^2 total: #{kxy} = #{options[kxy]}" if options[:t_index] # p 'hello' array_element = options[:t_index_window] ? options[:t_index] - options[:t_index_window][0] : options[:t_index] - 1 # p, array_element # p options[:t_index], options[:t_index_window] time = DataKit.autocreate({x: {data: GSL::Vector.alloc([list(:t)[options[:t_index]]])}, y: {data: GSL::Vector.alloc([[array_element]]) } }) time.pointsize = 3.0 # p time #[0].axes[:x].data =[0].axes[:x].data time end if options[:norm] xrange, yrange = kit.plot_area_size kit.each_axiskit(:y) do |axiskit| /= yrange[1] / (options[:height] or 1.0) end end kit.log_axis = 'y'[0].title = "gs2:#@run_name"[0].with = "l" #"linespoints" kit.file_name = options[:graphkit_name] kit end end def apar2_vs_time_graphkit(options={}) case options[:command] when :help return "Graph of apar^2 vs time integrated over all space. No options" when :options return [] else kit = GraphKit.autocreate({x: axiskit('t'), y: axiskit('apar2_over_time', options)})[0].with = "l" #"linespoints"[0].title = "Apar^2 total:#@run_name" kit.file_name = options[:graphkit_name] kit.log_axis = 'y' kit end end def phi2tot_vs_time_graphkit(options={}) case options[:command] when :help return "Graph of phi^2 vs time integrated over all space. No options" when :options return [] else kit = GraphKit.autocreate({x: axiskit('t'), y: axiskit('phi2tot_over_time', options)})[0].with = "l" #"linespoints"[0].title = "Phi^2 total:#@run_name" kit.file_name = options[:graphkit_name] kit.log_axis = 'y' kit end end def spectrum_graphkit(options={}) case options[:command] when :help return "Graph of phi^2 at a given time vs kx and ky" when :options return [:with] else # p @name_match #options[:times_kx4] = true if @name_match[:kxsq] zaxis = axiskit('spectrum_over_ky_over_kx', options) = kit = GraphKit.autocreate({y: axiskit('ky', options), x: axiskit('kx', options), z: zaxis}) kit.title = "#{options[:log] ? "Log ": ""}Spectrum (phi^2#{options[:times_kx2] ? " * kx^2" : ""}#{options[:times_kx4] ? " * kx^4" : ""})"[0].with = (options[:with] or 'pm3d palette') kit.file_name = options[:graphkit_name] kit end end def spectrum_vs_kpar_vs_ky_graphkit(options={}) case options[:command] when :help return "Graph of phi^2 * ky^2 at a given time vs kpar and ky" when :options return [:with, :log, :no_zonal, :no_kpar0] else # p @name_match #options[:times_kx4] = true if @name_match[:kxsq] zaxis = axiskit('spectrum_over_ky_over_kpar', options) = kit = GraphKit.autocreate({y: axiskit('ky', options), x: axiskit('kpar', options.modify({ky_index: 1, kx_index: 1})), z: zaxis}) kit.title = "#{options[:log] ? "Log ": ""}Spectrum (phi^2 ky^2)"[0].with = (options[:with] or 'pm3d palette') = "map" if options[:map] kit.file_name = options[:graphkit_name] kit end end def g2_by_energy_by_all_k_graphkit(options={}) case options[:command] when :help return "Plots g**2 vs Hankel mode for fixed wavenumber and Hankel mode. JTP" when :options return [] else #raise "Velocity space diagnostics not found" unless FileTest.exist? "#@directory/#@run_name.vpg" raise "Velocity space diagnostics not found" unless FileTest.exist? "#@directory/#@run_name.vpx#{'%02d'%options[:kx_index]}y#{'%02d'%options[:ky_index]}z#{'%02d'%options[:kz_index]}g" g2 = [] x_axis = []"#@directory/#@run_name.vpx#{'%02d'%options[:kx_index]}y#{'%02d'%options[:ky_index]}z#{'%02d'%options[:kz_index]}g","r").each_line do | line |"#@directory/#@run_name.vpg","r").each_line do | line | line_array = line.split(/\s+/).map{|v| v.to_f} if( options[:il_index] == line_array[5] ) g2.push line_array[1]**2+line_array[2]**2 x_axis.push line_array[4] end end return GraphKit.quick_create([x_axis,g2]) end end def g2_by_energy_by_kx_by_ky_graphkit(options={}) case options[:command] when :help return "Plots g**2 vs Hankel mode for fixed wavenumber and Hankel mode. JTP" when :options return [] else raise "Velocity space diagnostics not found" unless FileTest.exist? "#@directory/#@run_name.vpg" g2 = [] x_axis = []"#@directory/#@run_name.vpx#{'%02d'%options[:kx_index]}y#{'%02d'%options[:ky_index]}g","r").each_line do | line |"#@directory/#@run_name.vpg","r").each_line do | line | line_array = line.split(/\s+/).map{|v| v.to_f} if( options[:il_index] == line_array[5] ) g2.push line_array[1]**2+line_array[2]**2 x_axis.push line_array[4] end end return GraphKit.quick_create([x_axis,g2]) end end def g2_by_energy_graphkit(options={}) case options[:command] when :help return "Plots g**2 vs Hankel mode for fixed wavenumber and Hankel mode. JTP" when :options return [] else raise "Velocity space diagnostics not found" unless FileTest.exist? "#@directory/#@run_name.vpg" g2 = [] x_axis = []"#@directory/#@run_name.vpx#{options[:kx_index]}y#{options[:ky_index]}g","r").each_line do | line |"#@directory/#@run_name.vpg","r").each_line do | line | line_array = line.split(/\s+/).map{|v| v.to_f} if( options[:il_index] == line_array[5] ) g2.push line_array[1]**2+line_array[2]**2 x_axis.push line_array[4] end end return GraphKit.quick_create([x_axis,g2]) end end def g2_by_lambda_by_all_k_graphkit(options={}) case options[:command] when :help return "Plots g**2 vs Hermite mode for fixed wavenumber and Hankel mode. JTP" when :options return [] else #raise "Velocity space diagnostics not found" unless FileTest.exist? "#@directory/#@run_name.vpg" g2 = [] x_axis = []"#@directory/#@run_name.vpx#{options[:kx_index]}y#{options[:ky_index]}g","r").each_line do | line |"#@directory/#@run_name.vpg","r").each_line do | line |"#@directory/#@run_name.vpx#{'%02d'%options[:kx_index]}y#{'%02d'%options[:ky_index]}z#{'%02d'%options[:kz_index]}g","r").each_line do | line | line_array = line.split(/\s+/).map{|v| v.to_f} if( options[:e_index] == line_array[4] ) g2.push line_array[1]**2+line_array[2]**2 x_axis.push line_array[5] end end return GraphKit.quick_create([x_axis,g2]) end end def g2_by_lambda_graphkit(options={}) case options[:command] when :help return "Plots g**2 vs Hermite mode for fixed wavenumber and Hankel mode. JTP" when :options return [] else raise "Velocity space diagnostics not found" unless FileTest.exist? "#@directory/#@run_name.vpg" g2 = [] x_axis = []"#@directory/#@run_name.vpx#{options[:kx_index]}y#{options[:ky_index]}g","r").each_line do | line |"#@directory/#@run_name.vpg","r").each_line do | line | line_array = line.split(/\s+/).map{|v| v.to_f} if( options[:e_index] == line_array[4] ) g2.push line_array[1]**2+line_array[2]**2 x_axis.push line_array[5] end end return GraphKit.quick_create([x_axis,g2]) end end def vspace_diagnostics_graphkit(options={}) case options[:command] when :help return "Plots vspace diagnostics. All lines shouldn't stray much above 0.1 - otherwise large amounts of the distribution function is in the higher k velocity space and velocity space is probably unresolved. (NB This graph is here temporarily (ha ha) until I add the vspace diagnostics to the NetCDF file (or the apocalypse, whichever is sooner) EGH)" when :options return [] else raise "Velocity space diagnostics not found" unless FileTest.exist? "#@directory/#@run_name.lpc" or FileTest.exist? "#@directory/#@run_name.vres" lpc = GSL::Vector.filescan("#@directory/#@run_name.lpc") rescue [[0], [0], [0]] vres = GSL::Vector.filescan("#@directory/#@run_name.vres") rescue [[0], [0], [0]] xaxis = AxisKit.autocreate({data: lpc[0], title: "Time"}) data = [[lpc[0], lpc[1], "Pitch Angle Harmonics (lpc)"], [lpc[0], lpc[2], "Energy Harmonics (lpc)"], [vres[0], vres[1], "Pitch Angle Harmonics (vres)"], [vres[0], vres[2], "Energy Harmonics (vres)"]] kits = data.inject([]) do |arr, (x, vector, title)| arr + [GraphKit.autocreate({x: AxisKit.autocreate({data: x, title: "Time"}), y: AxisKit.autocreate({data: vector, title: title})})] end kit = kits.sum # exit kit.title = "Velocity Space Diagnostics" kit.ylabel = "Fraction of Dist Func Contained" kit.file_name = options[:graphkit_name] # kit.log_axis = 'y' kit end end def zonal_spectrum_graphkit(options={}) case options[:command] when :help return "zonal_spectrum: Graph of kx^4 phi^2 vs kx for ky=0" when :options return [:t, :t_index] else options[:times_kx4] = true kit = GraphKit.autocreate({x: axiskit('kx', options), y: axiskit("zonal_spectrum", options)}) kit.title = "Zonal Spectrum" kit.file_name = options[:graphkit_name] + options[:t_index].to_s[0].with = 'lp' kit.pointsize = 2.0 kit end end end include GraphKits end end