require "json" begin require "newrelic_rpm" rescue LoadError raise LoadError, 'Gem newrelic_rpm is required for logging to New Relic. Please add the gem "newrelic_rpm" to your Gemfile.' end raise "NewRelic::Agent.linking_metadata is not defined. Please update newrelic_rpm gem version" unless NewRelic::Agent.respond_to?(:linking_metadata) raise "NewRelic::Agent::Tracer.current_span_id is not defined. Please update newrelic_rpm gem version" unless NewRelic::Agent::Tracer.respond_to?(:current_span_id) raise "NewRelic::Agent::Tracer.current_trace_id is not defined. Please update newrelic_rpm gem version" unless NewRelic::Agent::Tracer.respond_to?(:current_trace_id) module SemanticLogger module Formatters # Formatter for reporting to NewRelic's Logger # # New Relic's logs do not support custom attributes out of the box, and therefore these # have to be put into a single JSON serialized string under the +message+ key. # # In particular the following fields of the log object are serialized under the +message+ # key that's sent to NewRelic: # # * message # * tags # * named_tags # * payload # * metric # * metric_amount # * environment # * application # # == New Relic Attributes not Supported # * # * # * # # == Reference # * Logging specification # * # # * Metadata APIs # * # * # * # class NewRelicLogs < Raw def initialize(**args) args.delete(:time_key) args.delete(:time_format) super(time_key: :timestamp, time_format: :ms, **args) end def call(log, logger) hash = super(log, logger) message = { message: hash[:message].to_s, tags: hash[:tags] || [], named_tags: hash[:named_tags] || {}, **hash.slice(:metric, :metric_amount, :environment, :application, :payload) } message.merge!(duration: hash[:duration_ms]) if hash.key?(:duration_ms) message.merge!(duration_human: hash[:duration]) if hash.key?(:duration) result = { **new_relic_metadata, message: message.to_json, timestamp: hash[:timestamp].to_i, "log.level": log.level.to_s.upcase, "":, "": log.thread_name.to_s } if hash[:exception] result.merge!( "error.message": hash[:exception][:message], "error.class": hash[:exception][:name], "error.stack": hash[:exception][:stack_trace].join("\n") ) end if hash[:file] result.merge!( "": hash[:file], "line.number": hash[:line].to_s ) end result end private def new_relic_metadata { "": NewRelic::Agent::Tracer.current_trace_id, "": NewRelic::Agent::Tracer.current_span_id, **NewRelic::Agent.linking_metadata }.reject { |_k, v| v.nil? }. map { |k, v| [k.to_sym, v] }.to_h end end end end