# typed: true # DO NOT EDIT MANUALLY # This is an autogenerated file for types exported from the `json` gem. # Please instead update this file by running `bin/tapioca gem json`. # Extends any Class to include _json_creatable?_ method. # # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#695 class Class < ::Module # Returns true if this class can be used to create an instance # from a serialised JSON string. The class has to implement a class # method _json_create_ that expects a hash as first parameter. The hash # should include the required data. # # @return [Boolean] # # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#700 def json_creatable?; end end # = JavaScript \Object Notation (\JSON) # # \JSON is a lightweight data-interchange format. # # A \JSON value is one of the following: # - Double-quoted text: "foo". # - Number: +1+, +1.0+, +2.0e2+. # - Boolean: +true+, +false+. # - Null: +null+. # - \Array: an ordered list of values, enclosed by square brackets: # ["foo", 1, 1.0, 2.0e2, true, false, null] # # - \Object: a collection of name/value pairs, enclosed by curly braces; # each name is double-quoted text; # the values may be any \JSON values: # {"a": "foo", "b": 1, "c": 1.0, "d": 2.0e2, "e": true, "f": false, "g": null} # # A \JSON array or object may contain nested arrays, objects, and scalars # to any depth: # {"foo": {"bar": 1, "baz": 2}, "bat": [0, 1, 2]} # [{"foo": 0, "bar": 1}, ["baz", 2]] # # == Using \Module \JSON # # To make module \JSON available in your code, begin with: # require 'json' # # All examples here assume that this has been done. # # === Parsing \JSON # # You can parse a \String containing \JSON data using # either of two methods: # - JSON.parse(source, opts) # - JSON.parse!(source, opts) # # where # - +source+ is a Ruby object. # - +opts+ is a \Hash object containing options # that control both input allowed and output formatting. # # The difference between the two methods # is that JSON.parse! omits some checks # and may not be safe for some +source+ data; # use it only for data from trusted sources. # Use the safer method JSON.parse for less trusted sources. # # ==== Parsing \JSON Arrays # # When +source+ is a \JSON array, JSON.parse by default returns a Ruby \Array: # json = '["foo", 1, 1.0, 2.0e2, true, false, null]' # ruby = JSON.parse(json) # ruby # => ["foo", 1, 1.0, 200.0, true, false, nil] # ruby.class # => Array # # The \JSON array may contain nested arrays, objects, and scalars # to any depth: # json = '[{"foo": 0, "bar": 1}, ["baz", 2]]' # JSON.parse(json) # => [{"foo"=>0, "bar"=>1}, ["baz", 2]] # # ==== Parsing \JSON \Objects # # When the source is a \JSON object, JSON.parse by default returns a Ruby \Hash: # json = '{"a": "foo", "b": 1, "c": 1.0, "d": 2.0e2, "e": true, "f": false, "g": null}' # ruby = JSON.parse(json) # ruby # => {"a"=>"foo", "b"=>1, "c"=>1.0, "d"=>200.0, "e"=>true, "f"=>false, "g"=>nil} # ruby.class # => Hash # # The \JSON object may contain nested arrays, objects, and scalars # to any depth: # json = '{"foo": {"bar": 1, "baz": 2}, "bat": [0, 1, 2]}' # JSON.parse(json) # => {"foo"=>{"bar"=>1, "baz"=>2}, "bat"=>[0, 1, 2]} # # ==== Parsing \JSON Scalars # # When the source is a \JSON scalar (not an array or object), # JSON.parse returns a Ruby scalar. # # \String: # ruby = JSON.parse('"foo"') # ruby # => 'foo' # ruby.class # => String # \Integer: # ruby = JSON.parse('1') # ruby # => 1 # ruby.class # => Integer # \Float: # ruby = JSON.parse('1.0') # ruby # => 1.0 # ruby.class # => Float # ruby = JSON.parse('2.0e2') # ruby # => 200 # ruby.class # => Float # Boolean: # ruby = JSON.parse('true') # ruby # => true # ruby.class # => TrueClass # ruby = JSON.parse('false') # ruby # => false # ruby.class # => FalseClass # Null: # ruby = JSON.parse('null') # ruby # => nil # ruby.class # => NilClass # # ==== Parsing Options # # ====== Input Options # # Option +max_nesting+ (\Integer) specifies the maximum nesting depth allowed; # defaults to +100+; specify +false+ to disable depth checking. # # With the default, +false+: # source = '[0, [1, [2, [3]]]]' # ruby = JSON.parse(source) # ruby # => [0, [1, [2, [3]]]] # Too deep: # # Raises JSON::NestingError (nesting of 2 is too deep): # JSON.parse(source, {max_nesting: 1}) # Bad value: # # Raises TypeError (wrong argument type Symbol (expected Fixnum)): # JSON.parse(source, {max_nesting: :foo}) # # --- # # Option +allow_nan+ (boolean) specifies whether to allow # NaN, Infinity, and MinusInfinity in +source+; # defaults to +false+. # # With the default, +false+: # # Raises JSON::ParserError (225: unexpected token at '[NaN]'): # JSON.parse('[NaN]') # # Raises JSON::ParserError (232: unexpected token at '[Infinity]'): # JSON.parse('[Infinity]') # # Raises JSON::ParserError (248: unexpected token at '[-Infinity]'): # JSON.parse('[-Infinity]') # Allow: # source = '[NaN, Infinity, -Infinity]' # ruby = JSON.parse(source, {allow_nan: true}) # ruby # => [NaN, Infinity, -Infinity] # # ====== Output Options # # Option +symbolize_names+ (boolean) specifies whether returned \Hash keys # should be Symbols; # defaults to +false+ (use Strings). # # With the default, +false+: # source = '{"a": "foo", "b": 1.0, "c": true, "d": false, "e": null}' # ruby = JSON.parse(source) # ruby # => {"a"=>"foo", "b"=>1.0, "c"=>true, "d"=>false, "e"=>nil} # Use Symbols: # ruby = JSON.parse(source, {symbolize_names: true}) # ruby # => {:a=>"foo", :b=>1.0, :c=>true, :d=>false, :e=>nil} # # --- # # Option +object_class+ (\Class) specifies the Ruby class to be used # for each \JSON object; # defaults to \Hash. # # With the default, \Hash: # source = '{"a": "foo", "b": 1.0, "c": true, "d": false, "e": null}' # ruby = JSON.parse(source) # ruby.class # => Hash # Use class \OpenStruct: # ruby = JSON.parse(source, {object_class: OpenStruct}) # ruby # => # # # --- # # Option +array_class+ (\Class) specifies the Ruby class to be used # for each \JSON array; # defaults to \Array. # # With the default, \Array: # source = '["foo", 1.0, true, false, null]' # ruby = JSON.parse(source) # ruby.class # => Array # Use class \Set: # ruby = JSON.parse(source, {array_class: Set}) # ruby # => # # # --- # # Option +create_additions+ (boolean) specifies whether to use \JSON additions in parsing. # See {\JSON Additions}[#module-JSON-label-JSON+Additions]. # # === Generating \JSON # # To generate a Ruby \String containing \JSON data, # use method JSON.generate(source, opts), where # - +source+ is a Ruby object. # - +opts+ is a \Hash object containing options # that control both input allowed and output formatting. # # ==== Generating \JSON from Arrays # # When the source is a Ruby \Array, JSON.generate returns # a \String containing a \JSON array: # ruby = [0, 's', :foo] # json = JSON.generate(ruby) # json # => '[0,"s","foo"]' # # The Ruby \Array array may contain nested arrays, hashes, and scalars # to any depth: # ruby = [0, [1, 2], {foo: 3, bar: 4}] # json = JSON.generate(ruby) # json # => '[0,[1,2],{"foo":3,"bar":4}]' # # ==== Generating \JSON from Hashes # # When the source is a Ruby \Hash, JSON.generate returns # a \String containing a \JSON object: # ruby = {foo: 0, bar: 's', baz: :bat} # json = JSON.generate(ruby) # json # => '{"foo":0,"bar":"s","baz":"bat"}' # # The Ruby \Hash array may contain nested arrays, hashes, and scalars # to any depth: # ruby = {foo: [0, 1], bar: {baz: 2, bat: 3}, bam: :bad} # json = JSON.generate(ruby) # json # => '{"foo":[0,1],"bar":{"baz":2,"bat":3},"bam":"bad"}' # # ==== Generating \JSON from Other Objects # # When the source is neither an \Array nor a \Hash, # the generated \JSON data depends on the class of the source. # # When the source is a Ruby \Integer or \Float, JSON.generate returns # a \String containing a \JSON number: # JSON.generate(42) # => '42' # JSON.generate(0.42) # => '0.42' # # When the source is a Ruby \String, JSON.generate returns # a \String containing a \JSON string (with double-quotes): # JSON.generate('A string') # => '"A string"' # # When the source is +true+, +false+ or +nil+, JSON.generate returns # a \String containing the corresponding \JSON token: # JSON.generate(true) # => 'true' # JSON.generate(false) # => 'false' # JSON.generate(nil) # => 'null' # # When the source is none of the above, JSON.generate returns # a \String containing a \JSON string representation of the source: # JSON.generate(:foo) # => '"foo"' # JSON.generate(Complex(0, 0)) # => '"0+0i"' # JSON.generate(Dir.new('.')) # => '"#"' # # ==== Generating Options # # ====== Input Options # # Option +allow_nan+ (boolean) specifies whether # +NaN+, +Infinity+, and -Infinity may be generated; # defaults to +false+. # # With the default, +false+: # # Raises JSON::GeneratorError (920: NaN not allowed in JSON): # JSON.generate(JSON::NaN) # # Raises JSON::GeneratorError (917: Infinity not allowed in JSON): # JSON.generate(JSON::Infinity) # # Raises JSON::GeneratorError (917: -Infinity not allowed in JSON): # JSON.generate(JSON::MinusInfinity) # # Allow: # ruby = [Float::NaN, Float::Infinity, Float::MinusInfinity] # JSON.generate(ruby, allow_nan: true) # => '[NaN,Infinity,-Infinity]' # # --- # # Option +max_nesting+ (\Integer) specifies the maximum nesting depth # in +obj+; defaults to +100+. # # With the default, +100+: # obj = [[[[[[0]]]]]] # JSON.generate(obj) # => '[[[[[[0]]]]]]' # # Too deep: # # Raises JSON::NestingError (nesting of 2 is too deep): # JSON.generate(obj, max_nesting: 2) # # ====== Output Options # # The default formatting options generate the most compact # \JSON data, all on one line and with no whitespace. # # You can use these formatting options to generate # \JSON data in a more open format, using whitespace. # See also JSON.pretty_generate. # # - Option +array_nl+ (\String) specifies a string (usually a newline) # to be inserted after each \JSON array; defaults to the empty \String, ''. # - Option +object_nl+ (\String) specifies a string (usually a newline) # to be inserted after each \JSON object; defaults to the empty \String, ''. # - Option +indent+ (\String) specifies the string (usually spaces) to be # used for indentation; defaults to the empty \String, ''; # defaults to the empty \String, ''; # has no effect unless options +array_nl+ or +object_nl+ specify newlines. # - Option +space+ (\String) specifies a string (usually a space) to be # inserted after the colon in each \JSON object's pair; # defaults to the empty \String, ''. # - Option +space_before+ (\String) specifies a string (usually a space) to be # inserted before the colon in each \JSON object's pair; # defaults to the empty \String, ''. # # In this example, +obj+ is used first to generate the shortest # \JSON data (no whitespace), then again with all formatting options # specified: # # obj = {foo: [:bar, :baz], bat: {bam: 0, bad: 1}} # json = JSON.generate(obj) # puts 'Compact:', json # opts = { # array_nl: "\n", # object_nl: "\n", # indent: ' ', # space_before: ' ', # space: ' ' # } # puts 'Open:', JSON.generate(obj, opts) # # Output: # Compact: # {"foo":["bar","baz"],"bat":{"bam":0,"bad":1}} # Open: # { # "foo" : [ # "bar", # "baz" # ], # "bat" : { # "bam" : 0, # "bad" : 1 # } # } # # == \JSON Additions # # When you "round trip" a non-\String object from Ruby to \JSON and back, # you have a new \String, instead of the object you began with: # ruby0 = Range.new(0, 2) # json = JSON.generate(ruby0) # json # => '0..2"' # ruby1 = JSON.parse(json) # ruby1 # => '0..2' # ruby1.class # => String # # You can use \JSON _additions_ to preserve the original object. # The addition is an extension of a ruby class, so that: # - \JSON.generate stores more information in the \JSON string. # - \JSON.parse, called with option +create_additions+, # uses that information to create a proper Ruby object. # # This example shows a \Range being generated into \JSON # and parsed back into Ruby, both without and with # the addition for \Range: # ruby = Range.new(0, 2) # # This passage does not use the addition for Range. # json0 = JSON.generate(ruby) # ruby0 = JSON.parse(json0) # # This passage uses the addition for Range. # require 'json/add/range' # json1 = JSON.generate(ruby) # ruby1 = JSON.parse(json1, create_additions: true) # # Make a nice display. # display = <require 'json/add/bigdecimal' # - Complex: require 'json/add/complex' # - Date: require 'json/add/date' # - DateTime: require 'json/add/date_time' # - Exception: require 'json/add/exception' # - OpenStruct: require 'json/add/ostruct' # - Range: require 'json/add/range' # - Rational: require 'json/add/rational' # - Regexp: require 'json/add/regexp' # - Set: require 'json/add/set' # - Struct: require 'json/add/struct' # - Symbol: require 'json/add/symbol' # - Time: require 'json/add/time' # # To reduce punctuation clutter, the examples below # show the generated \JSON via +puts+, rather than the usual +inspect+, # # \BigDecimal: # require 'json/add/bigdecimal' # ruby0 = BigDecimal(0) # 0.0 # json = JSON.generate(ruby0) # {"json_class":"BigDecimal","b":"27:0.0"} # ruby1 = JSON.parse(json, create_additions: true) # 0.0 # ruby1.class # => BigDecimal # # \Complex: # require 'json/add/complex' # ruby0 = Complex(1+0i) # 1+0i # json = JSON.generate(ruby0) # {"json_class":"Complex","r":1,"i":0} # ruby1 = JSON.parse(json, create_additions: true) # 1+0i # ruby1.class # Complex # # \Date: # require 'json/add/date' # ruby0 = Date.today # 2020-05-02 # json = JSON.generate(ruby0) # {"json_class":"Date","y":2020,"m":5,"d":2,"sg":2299161.0} # ruby1 = JSON.parse(json, create_additions: true) # 2020-05-02 # ruby1.class # Date # # \DateTime: # require 'json/add/date_time' # ruby0 = DateTime.now # 2020-05-02T10:38:13-05:00 # json = JSON.generate(ruby0) # {"json_class":"DateTime","y":2020,"m":5,"d":2,"H":10,"M":38,"S":13,"of":"-5/24","sg":2299161.0} # ruby1 = JSON.parse(json, create_additions: true) # 2020-05-02T10:38:13-05:00 # ruby1.class # DateTime # # \Exception (and its subclasses including \RuntimeError): # require 'json/add/exception' # ruby0 = Exception.new('A message') # A message # json = JSON.generate(ruby0) # {"json_class":"Exception","m":"A message","b":null} # ruby1 = JSON.parse(json, create_additions: true) # A message # ruby1.class # Exception # ruby0 = RuntimeError.new('Another message') # Another message # json = JSON.generate(ruby0) # {"json_class":"RuntimeError","m":"Another message","b":null} # ruby1 = JSON.parse(json, create_additions: true) # Another message # ruby1.class # RuntimeError # # \OpenStruct: # require 'json/add/ostruct' # ruby0 = OpenStruct.new(name: 'Matz', language: 'Ruby') # # # json = JSON.generate(ruby0) # {"json_class":"OpenStruct","t":{"name":"Matz","language":"Ruby"}} # ruby1 = JSON.parse(json, create_additions: true) # # # ruby1.class # OpenStruct # # \Range: # require 'json/add/range' # ruby0 = Range.new(0, 2) # 0..2 # json = JSON.generate(ruby0) # {"json_class":"Range","a":[0,2,false]} # ruby1 = JSON.parse(json, create_additions: true) # 0..2 # ruby1.class # Range # # \Rational: # require 'json/add/rational' # ruby0 = Rational(1, 3) # 1/3 # json = JSON.generate(ruby0) # {"json_class":"Rational","n":1,"d":3} # ruby1 = JSON.parse(json, create_additions: true) # 1/3 # ruby1.class # Rational # # \Regexp: # require 'json/add/regexp' # ruby0 = Regexp.new('foo') # (?-mix:foo) # json = JSON.generate(ruby0) # {"json_class":"Regexp","o":0,"s":"foo"} # ruby1 = JSON.parse(json, create_additions: true) # (?-mix:foo) # ruby1.class # Regexp # # \Set: # require 'json/add/set' # ruby0 = Set.new([0, 1, 2]) # # # json = JSON.generate(ruby0) # {"json_class":"Set","a":[0,1,2]} # ruby1 = JSON.parse(json, create_additions: true) # # # ruby1.class # Set # # \Struct: # require 'json/add/struct' # Customer = Struct.new(:name, :address) # Customer # ruby0 = Customer.new("Dave", "123 Main") # # # json = JSON.generate(ruby0) # {"json_class":"Customer","v":["Dave","123 Main"]} # ruby1 = JSON.parse(json, create_additions: true) # # # ruby1.class # Customer # # \Symbol: # require 'json/add/symbol' # ruby0 = :foo # foo # json = JSON.generate(ruby0) # {"json_class":"Symbol","s":"foo"} # ruby1 = JSON.parse(json, create_additions: true) # foo # ruby1.class # Symbol # # \Time: # require 'json/add/time' # ruby0 = Time.now # 2020-05-02 11:28:26 -0500 # json = JSON.generate(ruby0) # {"json_class":"Time","s":1588436906,"n":840560000} # ruby1 = JSON.parse(json, create_additions: true) # 2020-05-02 11:28:26 -0500 # ruby1.class # Time # # # === Custom \JSON Additions # # In addition to the \JSON additions provided, # you can craft \JSON additions of your own, # either for Ruby built-in classes or for user-defined classes. # # Here's a user-defined class +Foo+: # class Foo # attr_accessor :bar, :baz # def initialize(bar, baz) # self.bar = bar # self.baz = baz # end # end # # Here's the \JSON addition for it: # # Extend class Foo with JSON addition. # class Foo # # Serialize Foo object with its class name and arguments # def to_json(*args) # { # JSON.create_id => self.class.name, # 'a' => [ bar, baz ] # }.to_json(*args) # end # # Deserialize JSON string by constructing new Foo object with arguments. # def self.json_create(object) # new(*object['a']) # end # end # # Demonstration: # require 'json' # # This Foo object has no custom addition. # foo0 = Foo.new(0, 1) # json0 = JSON.generate(foo0) # obj0 = JSON.parse(json0) # # Lood the custom addition. # require_relative 'foo_addition' # # This foo has the custom addition. # foo1 = Foo.new(0, 1) # json1 = JSON.generate(foo1) # obj1 = JSON.parse(json1, create_additions: true) # # Make a nice display. # display = <" (String) # With custom addition: {"json_class":"Foo","a":[0,1]} (String) # Parsed JSON: # Without custom addition: "#" (String) # With custom addition: # (Foo) # # source://json//lib/json/version.rb#2 module JSON private # :call-seq: # JSON.dump(obj, io = nil, limit = nil) # # Dumps +obj+ as a \JSON string, i.e. calls generate on the object and returns the result. # # The default options can be changed via method JSON.dump_default_options. # # - Argument +io+, if given, should respond to method +write+; # the \JSON \String is written to +io+, and +io+ is returned. # If +io+ is not given, the \JSON \String is returned. # - Argument +limit+, if given, is passed to JSON.generate as option +max_nesting+. # # --- # # When argument +io+ is not given, returns the \JSON \String generated from +obj+: # obj = {foo: [0, 1], bar: {baz: 2, bat: 3}, bam: :bad} # json = JSON.dump(obj) # json # => "{\"foo\":[0,1],\"bar\":{\"baz\":2,\"bat\":3},\"bam\":\"bad\"}" # # When argument +io+ is given, writes the \JSON \String to +io+ and returns +io+: # path = 't.json' # File.open(path, 'w') do |file| # JSON.dump(obj, file) # end # => # # puts File.read(path) # Output: # {"foo":[0,1],"bar":{"baz":2,"bat":3},"bam":"bad"} # # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#631 def dump(obj, anIO = T.unsafe(nil), limit = T.unsafe(nil)); end # :call-seq: # JSON.fast_generate(obj, opts) -> new_string # # Arguments +obj+ and +opts+ here are the same as # arguments +obj+ and +opts+ in JSON.generate. # # By default, generates \JSON data without checking # for circular references in +obj+ (option +max_nesting+ set to +false+, disabled). # # Raises an exception if +obj+ contains circular references: # a = []; b = []; a.push(b); b.push(a) # # Raises SystemStackError (stack level too deep): # JSON.fast_generate(a) # # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#335 def fast_generate(obj, opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end # :stopdoc: # I want to deprecate these later, so I'll first be silent about them, and later delete them. # # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#335 def fast_unparse(obj, opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end # :call-seq: # JSON.generate(obj, opts = nil) -> new_string # # Returns a \String containing the generated \JSON data. # # See also JSON.fast_generate, JSON.pretty_generate. # # Argument +obj+ is the Ruby object to be converted to \JSON. # # Argument +opts+, if given, contains a \Hash of options for the generation. # See {Generating Options}[#module-JSON-label-Generating+Options]. # # --- # # When +obj+ is an \Array, returns a \String containing a \JSON array: # obj = ["foo", 1.0, true, false, nil] # json = JSON.generate(obj) # json # => '["foo",1.0,true,false,null]' # # When +obj+ is a \Hash, returns a \String containing a \JSON object: # obj = {foo: 0, bar: 's', baz: :bat} # json = JSON.generate(obj) # json # => '{"foo":0,"bar":"s","baz":"bat"}' # # For examples of generating from other Ruby objects, see # {Generating \JSON from Other Objects}[#module-JSON-label-Generating+JSON+from+Other+Objects]. # # --- # # Raises an exception if any formatting option is not a \String. # # Raises an exception if +obj+ contains circular references: # a = []; b = []; a.push(b); b.push(a) # # Raises JSON::NestingError (nesting of 100 is too deep): # JSON.generate(a) # # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#296 def generate(obj, opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end # :call-seq: # JSON.load(source, proc = nil, options = {}) -> object # # Returns the Ruby objects created by parsing the given +source+. # # - Argument +source+ must be, or be convertible to, a \String: # - If +source+ responds to instance method +to_str+, # source.to_str becomes the source. # - If +source+ responds to instance method +to_io+, # source.to_io.read becomes the source. # - If +source+ responds to instance method +read+, # source.read becomes the source. # - If both of the following are true, source becomes the \String 'null': # - Option +allow_blank+ specifies a truthy value. # - The source, as defined above, is +nil+ or the empty \String ''. # - Otherwise, +source+ remains the source. # - Argument +proc+, if given, must be a \Proc that accepts one argument. # It will be called recursively with each result (depth-first order). # See details below. # BEWARE: This method is meant to serialise data from trusted user input, # like from your own database server or clients under your control, it could # be dangerous to allow untrusted users to pass JSON sources into it. # - Argument +opts+, if given, contains a \Hash of options for the parsing. # See {Parsing Options}[#module-JSON-label-Parsing+Options]. # The default options can be changed via method JSON.load_default_options=. # # --- # # When no +proc+ is given, modifies +source+ as above and returns the result of # parse(source, opts); see #parse. # # Source for following examples: # source = <<-EOT # { # "name": "Dave", # "age" :40, # "hats": [ # "Cattleman's", # "Panama", # "Tophat" # ] # } # EOT # # Load a \String: # ruby = JSON.load(source) # ruby # => {"name"=>"Dave", "age"=>40, "hats"=>["Cattleman's", "Panama", "Tophat"]} # # Load an \IO object: # require 'stringio' # object = JSON.load(StringIO.new(source)) # object # => {"name"=>"Dave", "age"=>40, "hats"=>["Cattleman's", "Panama", "Tophat"]} # # Load a \File object: # path = 't.json' # File.write(path, source) # File.open(path) do |file| # JSON.load(file) # end # => {"name"=>"Dave", "age"=>40, "hats"=>["Cattleman's", "Panama", "Tophat"]} # # --- # # When +proc+ is given: # - Modifies +source+ as above. # - Gets the +result+ from calling parse(source, opts). # - Recursively calls proc(result). # - Returns the final result. # # Example: # require 'json' # # # Some classes for the example. # class Base # def initialize(attributes) # @attributes = attributes # end # end # class User < Base; end # class Account < Base; end # class Admin < Base; end # # The JSON source. # json = <<-EOF # { # "users": [ # {"type": "User", "username": "jane", "email": "jane@example.com"}, # {"type": "User", "username": "john", "email": "john@example.com"} # ], # "accounts": [ # {"account": {"type": "Account", "paid": true, "account_id": "1234"}}, # {"account": {"type": "Account", "paid": false, "account_id": "1235"}} # ], # "admins": {"type": "Admin", "password": "0wn3d"} # } # EOF # # Deserializer method. # def deserialize_obj(obj, safe_types = %w(User Account Admin)) # type = obj.is_a?(Hash) && obj["type"] # safe_types.include?(type) ? Object.const_get(type).new(obj) : obj # end # # Call to JSON.load # ruby = JSON.load(json, proc {|obj| # case obj # when Hash # obj.each {|k, v| obj[k] = deserialize_obj v } # when Array # obj.map! {|v| deserialize_obj v } # end # }) # pp ruby # Output: # {"users"=> # [#"User", "username"=>"jane", "email"=>"jane@example.com"}>, # #"User", "username"=>"john", "email"=>"john@example.com"}>], # "accounts"=> # [{"account"=> # #"Account", "paid"=>true, "account_id"=>"1234"}>}, # {"account"=> # #"Account", "paid"=>false, "account_id"=>"1235"}>}], # "admins"=> # #"Admin", "password"=>"0wn3d"}>} # # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#557 def load(source, proc = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end # :call-seq: # JSON.load_file(path, opts={}) -> object # # Calls: # parse(File.read(path), opts) # # See method #parse. # # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#245 def load_file(filespec, opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end # :call-seq: # JSON.load_file!(path, opts = {}) # # Calls: # JSON.parse!(File.read(path, opts)) # # See method #parse! # # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#256 def load_file!(filespec, opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end # :call-seq: # JSON.parse(source, opts) -> object # # Returns the Ruby objects created by parsing the given +source+. # # Argument +source+ contains the \String to be parsed. # # Argument +opts+, if given, contains a \Hash of options for the parsing. # See {Parsing Options}[#module-JSON-label-Parsing+Options]. # # --- # # When +source+ is a \JSON array, returns a Ruby \Array: # source = '["foo", 1.0, true, false, null]' # ruby = JSON.parse(source) # ruby # => ["foo", 1.0, true, false, nil] # ruby.class # => Array # # When +source+ is a \JSON object, returns a Ruby \Hash: # source = '{"a": "foo", "b": 1.0, "c": true, "d": false, "e": null}' # ruby = JSON.parse(source) # ruby # => {"a"=>"foo", "b"=>1.0, "c"=>true, "d"=>false, "e"=>nil} # ruby.class # => Hash # # For examples of parsing for all \JSON data types, see # {Parsing \JSON}[#module-JSON-label-Parsing+JSON]. # # Parses nested JSON objects: # source = <<-EOT # { # "name": "Dave", # "age" :40, # "hats": [ # "Cattleman's", # "Panama", # "Tophat" # ] # } # EOT # ruby = JSON.parse(source) # ruby # => {"name"=>"Dave", "age"=>40, "hats"=>["Cattleman's", "Panama", "Tophat"]} # # --- # # Raises an exception if +source+ is not valid JSON: # # Raises JSON::ParserError (783: unexpected token at ''): # JSON.parse('') # # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#215 def parse(source, opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end # :call-seq: # JSON.parse!(source, opts) -> object # # Calls # parse(source, opts) # with +source+ and possibly modified +opts+. # # Differences from JSON.parse: # - Option +max_nesting+, if not provided, defaults to +false+, # which disables checking for nesting depth. # - Option +allow_nan+, if not provided, defaults to +true+. # # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#230 def parse!(source, opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end # :call-seq: # JSON.pretty_generate(obj, opts = nil) -> new_string # # Arguments +obj+ and +opts+ here are the same as # arguments +obj+ and +opts+ in JSON.generate. # # Default options are: # { # indent: ' ', # Two spaces # space: ' ', # One space # array_nl: "\n", # Newline # object_nl: "\n" # Newline # } # # Example: # obj = {foo: [:bar, :baz], bat: {bam: 0, bad: 1}} # json = JSON.pretty_generate(obj) # puts json # Output: # { # "foo": [ # "bar", # "baz" # ], # "bat": { # "bam": 0, # "bad": 1 # } # } # # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#390 def pretty_generate(obj, opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end # :stopdoc: # I want to deprecate these later, so I'll first be silent about them, and later delete them. # # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#390 def pretty_unparse(obj, opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end # Recursively calls passed _Proc_ if the parsed data structure is an _Array_ or _Hash_ # # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#575 def recurse_proc(result, &proc); end # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#557 def restore(source, proc = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end # :stopdoc: # I want to deprecate these later, so I'll first be silent about them, and # later delete them. # # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#296 def unparse(obj, opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end class << self # :call-seq: # JSON[object] -> new_array or new_string # # If +object+ is a \String, # calls JSON.parse with +object+ and +opts+ (see method #parse): # json = '[0, 1, null]' # JSON[json]# => [0, 1, nil] # # Otherwise, calls JSON.generate with +object+ and +opts+ (see method #generate): # ruby = [0, 1, nil] # JSON[ruby] # => '[0,1,null]' # # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#18 def [](object, opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#81 def create_fast_state; end # Returns the current create identifier. # See also JSON.create_id=. # # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#126 def create_id; end # Sets create identifier, which is used to decide if the _json_create_ # hook of a class should be called; initial value is +json_class+: # JSON.create_id # => 'json_class' # # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#120 def create_id=(new_value); end # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#91 def create_pretty_state; end # Return the constant located at _path_. The format of _path_ has to be # either ::A::B::C or A::B::C. In any case, A has to be located at the top # level (absolute namespace path?). If there doesn't exist a constant at # the given path, an ArgumentError is raised. # # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#42 def deep_const_get(path); end # :call-seq: # JSON.dump(obj, io = nil, limit = nil) # # Dumps +obj+ as a \JSON string, i.e. calls generate on the object and returns the result. # # The default options can be changed via method JSON.dump_default_options. # # - Argument +io+, if given, should respond to method +write+; # the \JSON \String is written to +io+, and +io+ is returned. # If +io+ is not given, the \JSON \String is returned. # - Argument +limit+, if given, is passed to JSON.generate as option +max_nesting+. # # --- # # When argument +io+ is not given, returns the \JSON \String generated from +obj+: # obj = {foo: [0, 1], bar: {baz: 2, bat: 3}, bam: :bad} # json = JSON.dump(obj) # json # => "{\"foo\":[0,1],\"bar\":{\"baz\":2,\"bat\":3},\"bam\":\"bad\"}" # # When argument +io+ is given, writes the \JSON \String to +io+ and returns +io+: # path = 't.json' # File.open(path, 'w') do |file| # JSON.dump(obj, file) # end # => # # puts File.read(path) # Output: # {"foo":[0,1],"bar":{"baz":2,"bat":3},"bam":"bad"} # # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#631 def dump(obj, anIO = T.unsafe(nil), limit = T.unsafe(nil)); end # Sets or returns the default options for the JSON.dump method. # Initially: # opts = JSON.dump_default_options # opts # => {:max_nesting=>false, :allow_nan=>true, :escape_slash=>false} # # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#596 def dump_default_options; end # Sets or returns the default options for the JSON.dump method. # Initially: # opts = JSON.dump_default_options # opts # => {:max_nesting=>false, :allow_nan=>true, :escape_slash=>false} # # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#596 def dump_default_options=(_arg0); end # :call-seq: # JSON.fast_generate(obj, opts) -> new_string # # Arguments +obj+ and +opts+ here are the same as # arguments +obj+ and +opts+ in JSON.generate. # # By default, generates \JSON data without checking # for circular references in +obj+ (option +max_nesting+ set to +false+, disabled). # # Raises an exception if +obj+ contains circular references: # a = []; b = []; a.push(b); b.push(a) # # Raises SystemStackError (stack level too deep): # JSON.fast_generate(a) # # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#335 def fast_generate(obj, opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end # :stopdoc: # I want to deprecate these later, so I'll first be silent about them, and later delete them. # # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#335 def fast_unparse(obj, opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end # :call-seq: # JSON.generate(obj, opts = nil) -> new_string # # Returns a \String containing the generated \JSON data. # # See also JSON.fast_generate, JSON.pretty_generate. # # Argument +obj+ is the Ruby object to be converted to \JSON. # # Argument +opts+, if given, contains a \Hash of options for the generation. # See {Generating Options}[#module-JSON-label-Generating+Options]. # # --- # # When +obj+ is an \Array, returns a \String containing a \JSON array: # obj = ["foo", 1.0, true, false, nil] # json = JSON.generate(obj) # json # => '["foo",1.0,true,false,null]' # # When +obj+ is a \Hash, returns a \String containing a \JSON object: # obj = {foo: 0, bar: 's', baz: :bat} # json = JSON.generate(obj) # json # => '{"foo":0,"bar":"s","baz":"bat"}' # # For examples of generating from other Ruby objects, see # {Generating \JSON from Other Objects}[#module-JSON-label-Generating+JSON+from+Other+Objects]. # # --- # # Raises an exception if any formatting option is not a \String. # # Raises an exception if +obj+ contains circular references: # a = []; b = []; a.push(b); b.push(a) # # Raises JSON::NestingError (nesting of 100 is too deep): # JSON.generate(a) # # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#296 def generate(obj, opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end # Returns the JSON generator module that is used by JSON. This is # either JSON::Ext::Generator or JSON::Pure::Generator: # JSON.generator # => JSON::Ext::Generator # # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#103 def generator; end # Set the module _generator_ to be used by JSON. # # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#58 def generator=(generator); end # Encodes string using String.encode. # # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#653 def iconv(to, from, string); end # :call-seq: # JSON.load(source, proc = nil, options = {}) -> object # # Returns the Ruby objects created by parsing the given +source+. # # - Argument +source+ must be, or be convertible to, a \String: # - If +source+ responds to instance method +to_str+, # source.to_str becomes the source. # - If +source+ responds to instance method +to_io+, # source.to_io.read becomes the source. # - If +source+ responds to instance method +read+, # source.read becomes the source. # - If both of the following are true, source becomes the \String 'null': # - Option +allow_blank+ specifies a truthy value. # - The source, as defined above, is +nil+ or the empty \String ''. # - Otherwise, +source+ remains the source. # - Argument +proc+, if given, must be a \Proc that accepts one argument. # It will be called recursively with each result (depth-first order). # See details below. # BEWARE: This method is meant to serialise data from trusted user input, # like from your own database server or clients under your control, it could # be dangerous to allow untrusted users to pass JSON sources into it. # - Argument +opts+, if given, contains a \Hash of options for the parsing. # See {Parsing Options}[#module-JSON-label-Parsing+Options]. # The default options can be changed via method JSON.load_default_options=. # # --- # # When no +proc+ is given, modifies +source+ as above and returns the result of # parse(source, opts); see #parse. # # Source for following examples: # source = <<-EOT # { # "name": "Dave", # "age" :40, # "hats": [ # "Cattleman's", # "Panama", # "Tophat" # ] # } # EOT # # Load a \String: # ruby = JSON.load(source) # ruby # => {"name"=>"Dave", "age"=>40, "hats"=>["Cattleman's", "Panama", "Tophat"]} # # Load an \IO object: # require 'stringio' # object = JSON.load(StringIO.new(source)) # object # => {"name"=>"Dave", "age"=>40, "hats"=>["Cattleman's", "Panama", "Tophat"]} # # Load a \File object: # path = 't.json' # File.write(path, source) # File.open(path) do |file| # JSON.load(file) # end # => {"name"=>"Dave", "age"=>40, "hats"=>["Cattleman's", "Panama", "Tophat"]} # # --- # # When +proc+ is given: # - Modifies +source+ as above. # - Gets the +result+ from calling parse(source, opts). # - Recursively calls proc(result). # - Returns the final result. # # Example: # require 'json' # # # Some classes for the example. # class Base # def initialize(attributes) # @attributes = attributes # end # end # class User < Base; end # class Account < Base; end # class Admin < Base; end # # The JSON source. # json = <<-EOF # { # "users": [ # {"type": "User", "username": "jane", "email": "jane@example.com"}, # {"type": "User", "username": "john", "email": "john@example.com"} # ], # "accounts": [ # {"account": {"type": "Account", "paid": true, "account_id": "1234"}}, # {"account": {"type": "Account", "paid": false, "account_id": "1235"}} # ], # "admins": {"type": "Admin", "password": "0wn3d"} # } # EOF # # Deserializer method. # def deserialize_obj(obj, safe_types = %w(User Account Admin)) # type = obj.is_a?(Hash) && obj["type"] # safe_types.include?(type) ? Object.const_get(type).new(obj) : obj # end # # Call to JSON.load # ruby = JSON.load(json, proc {|obj| # case obj # when Hash # obj.each {|k, v| obj[k] = deserialize_obj v } # when Array # obj.map! {|v| deserialize_obj v } # end # }) # pp ruby # Output: # {"users"=> # [#"User", "username"=>"jane", "email"=>"jane@example.com"}>, # #"User", "username"=>"john", "email"=>"john@example.com"}>], # "accounts"=> # [{"account"=> # #"Account", "paid"=>true, "account_id"=>"1234"}>}, # {"account"=> # #"Account", "paid"=>false, "account_id"=>"1235"}>}], # "admins"=> # #"Admin", "password"=>"0wn3d"}>} # # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#557 def load(source, proc = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end # Sets or returns default options for the JSON.load method. # Initially: # opts = JSON.load_default_options # opts # => {:max_nesting=>false, :allow_nan=>true, :allow_blank=>true, :create_additions=>true} # # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#420 def load_default_options; end # Sets or returns default options for the JSON.load method. # Initially: # opts = JSON.load_default_options # opts # => {:max_nesting=>false, :allow_nan=>true, :allow_blank=>true, :create_additions=>true} # # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#420 def load_default_options=(_arg0); end # :call-seq: # JSON.load_file(path, opts={}) -> object # # Calls: # parse(File.read(path), opts) # # See method #parse. # # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#245 def load_file(filespec, opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end # :call-seq: # JSON.load_file!(path, opts = {}) # # Calls: # JSON.parse!(File.read(path, opts)) # # See method #parse! # # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#256 def load_file!(filespec, opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end # :call-seq: # JSON.parse(source, opts) -> object # # Returns the Ruby objects created by parsing the given +source+. # # Argument +source+ contains the \String to be parsed. # # Argument +opts+, if given, contains a \Hash of options for the parsing. # See {Parsing Options}[#module-JSON-label-Parsing+Options]. # # --- # # When +source+ is a \JSON array, returns a Ruby \Array: # source = '["foo", 1.0, true, false, null]' # ruby = JSON.parse(source) # ruby # => ["foo", 1.0, true, false, nil] # ruby.class # => Array # # When +source+ is a \JSON object, returns a Ruby \Hash: # source = '{"a": "foo", "b": 1.0, "c": true, "d": false, "e": null}' # ruby = JSON.parse(source) # ruby # => {"a"=>"foo", "b"=>1.0, "c"=>true, "d"=>false, "e"=>nil} # ruby.class # => Hash # # For examples of parsing for all \JSON data types, see # {Parsing \JSON}[#module-JSON-label-Parsing+JSON]. # # Parses nested JSON objects: # source = <<-EOT # { # "name": "Dave", # "age" :40, # "hats": [ # "Cattleman's", # "Panama", # "Tophat" # ] # } # EOT # ruby = JSON.parse(source) # ruby # => {"name"=>"Dave", "age"=>40, "hats"=>["Cattleman's", "Panama", "Tophat"]} # # --- # # Raises an exception if +source+ is not valid JSON: # # Raises JSON::ParserError (783: unexpected token at ''): # JSON.parse('') # # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#215 def parse(source, opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end # :call-seq: # JSON.parse!(source, opts) -> object # # Calls # parse(source, opts) # with +source+ and possibly modified +opts+. # # Differences from JSON.parse: # - Option +max_nesting+, if not provided, defaults to +false+, # which disables checking for nesting depth. # - Option +allow_nan+, if not provided, defaults to +true+. # # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#230 def parse!(source, opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end # Returns the JSON parser class that is used by JSON. This is either # JSON::Ext::Parser or JSON::Pure::Parser: # JSON.parser # => JSON::Ext::Parser # # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#29 def parser; end # Set the JSON parser class _parser_ to be used by JSON. # # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#32 def parser=(parser); end # :call-seq: # JSON.pretty_generate(obj, opts = nil) -> new_string # # Arguments +obj+ and +opts+ here are the same as # arguments +obj+ and +opts+ in JSON.generate. # # Default options are: # { # indent: ' ', # Two spaces # space: ' ', # One space # array_nl: "\n", # Newline # object_nl: "\n" # Newline # } # # Example: # obj = {foo: [:bar, :baz], bat: {bam: 0, bad: 1}} # json = JSON.pretty_generate(obj) # puts json # Output: # { # "foo": [ # "bar", # "baz" # ], # "bat": { # "bam": 0, # "bad": 1 # } # } # # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#390 def pretty_generate(obj, opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end # :stopdoc: # I want to deprecate these later, so I'll first be silent about them, and later delete them. # # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#390 def pretty_unparse(obj, opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end # Recursively calls passed _Proc_ if the parsed data structure is an _Array_ or _Hash_ # # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#575 def recurse_proc(result, &proc); end # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#557 def restore(source, proc = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end # Sets or Returns the JSON generator state class that is used by JSON. This is # either JSON::Ext::Generator::State or JSON::Pure::Generator::State: # JSON.state # => JSON::Ext::Generator::State # # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#108 def state; end # Sets or Returns the JSON generator state class that is used by JSON. This is # either JSON::Ext::Generator::State or JSON::Pure::Generator::State: # JSON.state # => JSON::Ext::Generator::State # # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#108 def state=(_arg0); end # :stopdoc: # I want to deprecate these later, so I'll first be silent about them, and # later delete them. # # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#296 def unparse(obj, opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end end end # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#114 JSON::CREATE_ID_TLS_KEY = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#111 JSON::DEFAULT_CREATE_ID = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) # source://json//lib/json/generic_object.rb#5 class JSON::GenericObject < ::OpenStruct # source://json//lib/json/generic_object.rb#63 def as_json(*_arg0); end # source://json//lib/json/generic_object.rb#47 def to_hash; end # source://json//lib/json/generic_object.rb#67 def to_json(*a); end # source://json//lib/json/generic_object.rb#59 def |(other); end class << self # source://json//lib/json/generic_object.rb#41 def dump(obj, *args); end # source://json//lib/json/generic_object.rb#21 def from_hash(object); end # Sets the attribute json_creatable # # @param value the value to set the attribute json_creatable to. # # source://json//lib/json/generic_object.rb#13 def json_creatable=(_arg0); end # @return [Boolean] # # source://json//lib/json/generic_object.rb#9 def json_creatable?; end # source://json//lib/json/generic_object.rb#15 def json_create(data); end # source://json//lib/json/generic_object.rb#36 def load(source, proc = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end end end # The base exception for JSON errors. # # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#137 class JSON::JSONError < ::StandardError class << self # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#138 def wrap(exception); end end end # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#35 JSON::Parser = JSON::Ext::Parser # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#73 JSON::State = JSON::Ext::Generator::State # For backwards compatibility # # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#159 JSON::UnparserError = JSON::GeneratorError # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#658 module Kernel private # If _object_ is string-like, parse the string and return the parsed result as # a Ruby data structure. Otherwise, generate a JSON text from the Ruby data # structure object and return it. # # The _opts_ argument is passed through to generate/parse respectively. See # generate and parse for their documentation. # # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#685 def JSON(object, *args); end # Outputs _objs_ to STDOUT as JSON strings in the shortest form, that is in # one line. # # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#663 def j(*objs); end # Outputs _objs_ to STDOUT as JSON strings in a pretty format, with # indentation and over many lines. # # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#672 def jj(*objs); end end class Set include ::Enumerable end Set::InspectKey = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Symbol)