# Converts a Jets::Route to a CloudFormation Jets::Resource::ApiGateway::Method resource module Jets::Resource::ApiGateway class Method < Jets::Resource::Base include Authorization # also delegate permission for a method delegate :permission, to: :resource # route - Jets::Route def initialize(route) @route = route end def definition { method_logical_id => { type: "AWS::ApiGateway::Method", properties: props } } end def props props = { resource_id: "!Ref #{resource_id}", rest_api_id: "!Ref #{RestApi.logical_id}", http_method: @route.method, request_parameters: {}, authorization_type: authorization_type, api_key_required: api_key_required?, integration: { integration_http_method: "POST", type: "AWS_PROXY", uri: "!Sub arn:aws:apigateway:${AWS::Region}:lambda:path/2015-03-31/functions/${{namespace}LambdaFunction.Arn}/invocations" }, method_responses: [] } props[:authorizer_id] = authorizer_id if authorizer_id props end def method_logical_id # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6104240/how-do-i-strip-non-alphanumeric-characters-from-a-string-and-keep-spaces # Add path to the logical id to allow 2 different paths to be connected to the same controller action. # Example: # # root "jets/public#show" # any "*catchall", to: "jets/public#show" # # Without the path in the logical id, the logical id would be ShowApiMethod for both routes and only the # last one would be created in the CloudFormation template. path = @route.path.gsub('*','') .gsub(/[^0-9a-z]/i, ' ') .gsub(/\s+/, '_') path = nil if path == '' http_verb = @route.method.downcase [path, "{namespace}_#{http_verb}_api_method"].compact.join('_') end def replacements # mimic task to grab replacements, we want the namespace to be the lambda function's namespace resources = [definition] task = Jets::Lambda::Task.new(@route.controller_name, @route.action_name, resources: resources) task.replacements end def cors Cors.new(@route) end memoize :cors private def controller_klass @controller_klass ||= "#{controller_name}_controller".camelize.constantize end def controller_name @controller_name ||= @route.to.split('#').first end def resource_id @route.path == '' ? "RootResourceId" : Jets::Resource.truncate_id(resource_logical_id.camelize, "ApiResource") end # Example: Posts def resource_logical_id camelized_path.underscore end def camelized_path path = @route.path path = "homepage" if path == '' path.gsub('/','_').gsub(':','').gsub('*','').camelize end end end