stats_for[ @title[all snippets] @object[all snippets] @command[--snippets] @example[ ===== Snippets -- Total Snippets: 21 -- Total Used Snippets: 21 -- Total Unused Snippets: 0 -- Snippets: bin_params called_on_files coderay filter_by_ext gcode glang htmlcode img_attrs img_file macros markups only_after_declaration only_defined_through opt prince referenced_with_path sq_esc unsafe uv wkhtml yardoc -- Used Snippets: bin_params called_on_files coderay filter_by_ext gcode glang htmlcode img_attrs img_file macros markups only_after_declaration only_defined_through opt prince referenced_with_path sq_esc unsafe uv wkhtml yardoc ] @remarks[ * Information on snippet usage and definitions is available only when displaying statistics for a single snippet. ] ] stats_for[ @title[a single snippet] @object[a single snippet (e.g. code[yardoc])] @command[--snippet=yardoc] @example[ ===== Snippet 'yardoc' -- Definition: ------------------- ------------------- -- Total Used Instances: 18 -- Usage Details: - text/extending/bookmarks_headers.glyph (1) - text/extending/further_reading.glyph (5) - text/extending/internals.glyph (5) - text/extending/macro_def.glyph (3) - text/extending/validators.glyph (1) - text/macros/macros_core.glyph (2) - text/stats/macros.glyph (1) ] @remarks[ * Nested snippets appear as within the file containing the top-level snippet. ] ]