# typed: false require 'date' require_relative '../../../core/environment/variable_helpers' require_relative '../../client_ip' require_relative '../../metadata/ext' require_relative '../../propagation/http' require_relative '../analytics' require_relative '../utils/quantization/http' require_relative 'ext' require_relative 'header_collection' require_relative 'request_queue' module Datadog module Tracing module Contrib # Rack module includes middlewares that are required to trace any framework # and application built on top of Rack. module Rack # TraceMiddleware ensures that the Rack Request is properly traced # from the beginning to the end. The middleware adds the request span # in the Rack environment so that it can be retrieved by the underlying # application. If request tags are not set by the app, they will be set using # information available at the Rack level. class TraceMiddleware def initialize(app) @app = app end def compute_queue_time(env) return unless configuration[:request_queuing] # parse the request queue time request_start = Contrib::Rack::QueueTime.get_request_start(env) return if request_start.nil? frontend_span = Tracing.trace( Ext::SPAN_HTTP_SERVER_QUEUE, span_type: Tracing::Metadata::Ext::HTTP::TYPE_PROXY, start_time: request_start, service: configuration[:web_service_name] ) # Tag this span as belonging to Rack frontend_span.set_tag(Tracing::Metadata::Ext::TAG_COMPONENT, Ext::TAG_COMPONENT) frontend_span.set_tag(Tracing::Metadata::Ext::TAG_OPERATION, Ext::TAG_OPERATION_HTTP_SERVER_QUEUE) # Set peer service (so its not believed to belong to this app) frontend_span.set_tag(Tracing::Metadata::Ext::TAG_PEER_SERVICE, configuration[:web_service_name]) frontend_span end def call(env) # Find out if this is rack within rack previous_request_span = env[Ext::RACK_ENV_REQUEST_SPAN] # Extract distributed tracing context before creating any spans, # so that all spans will be added to the distributed trace. if configuration[:distributed_tracing] && previous_request_span.nil? trace_digest = Tracing::Propagation::HTTP.extract(env) Tracing.continue_trace!(trace_digest) end # Create a root Span to keep track of frontend web servers # (i.e. Apache, nginx) if the header is properly set frontend_span = compute_queue_time(env) if previous_request_span.nil? trace_options = { span_type: Tracing::Metadata::Ext::HTTP::TYPE_INBOUND } trace_options[:service] = configuration[:service_name] if configuration[:service_name] # start a new request span and attach it to the current Rack environment; # we must ensure that the span `resource` is set later request_span = Tracing.trace(Ext::SPAN_REQUEST, **trace_options) request_span.resource = nil request_trace = Tracing.active_trace env[Ext::RACK_ENV_REQUEST_SPAN] = request_span # Copy the original env, before the rest of the stack executes. # Values may change; we want values before that happens. original_env = env.dup # call the rest of the stack status, headers, response = @app.call(env) [status, headers, response] # rubocop:disable Lint/RescueException # Here we really want to catch *any* exception, not only StandardError, # as we really have no clue of what is in the block, # and it is user code which should be executed no matter what. # It's not a problem since we re-raise it afterwards so for example a # SignalException::Interrupt would still bubble up. rescue Exception => e # catch exceptions that may be raised in the middleware chain # Note: if a middleware catches an Exception without re raising, # the Exception cannot be recorded here. request_span.set_error(e) unless request_span.nil? raise e ensure env[Ext::RACK_ENV_REQUEST_SPAN] = previous_request_span if previous_request_span if request_span # Rack is a really low level interface and it doesn't provide any # advanced functionality like routers. Because of that, we assume that # the underlying framework or application has more knowledge about # the result for this request; `resource` and `tags` are expected to # be set in another level but if they're missing, reasonable defaults # are used. set_request_tags!(request_trace, request_span, env, status, headers, response, original_env || env) # ensure the request_span is finished and the context reset; # this assumes that the Rack middleware creates a root span request_span.finish end frontend_span.finish if frontend_span end # rubocop:enable Lint/RescueException # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize # rubocop:disable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity # rubocop:disable Metrics/PerceivedComplexity # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength def set_request_tags!(trace, request_span, env, status, headers, response, original_env) request_header_collection = Header::RequestHeaderCollection.new(env) request_headers_tags = parse_request_headers(request_header_collection) response_headers_tags = parse_response_headers(headers || {}) # request_headers is subject to filtering and configuration so we # get the user agent separately user_agent = parse_user_agent_header(request_header_collection) # The priority # 1. User overrides span.resource # 2. Configuration # 3. Nested App override trace.resource # 4. Fallback with verb + status, eq `GET 200` request_span.resource ||= if configuration[:middleware_names] && env['RESPONSE_MIDDLEWARE'] "#{env['RESPONSE_MIDDLEWARE']}##{env['REQUEST_METHOD']}" elsif trace.resource_override? trace.resource else "#{env['REQUEST_METHOD']} #{status}".strip end # Overrides the trace resource if it never been set # Otherwise, the getter method would delegate to its root span trace.resource = request_span.resource unless trace.resource_override? request_span.set_tag(Tracing::Metadata::Ext::TAG_COMPONENT, Ext::TAG_COMPONENT) request_span.set_tag(Tracing::Metadata::Ext::TAG_OPERATION, Ext::TAG_OPERATION_REQUEST) # Set analytics sample rate if Contrib::Analytics.enabled?(configuration[:analytics_enabled]) Contrib::Analytics.set_sample_rate(request_span, configuration[:analytics_sample_rate]) end # Measure service stats Contrib::Analytics.set_measured(request_span) if request_span.get_tag(Tracing::Metadata::Ext::HTTP::TAG_METHOD).nil? request_span.set_tag(Tracing::Metadata::Ext::HTTP::TAG_METHOD, env['REQUEST_METHOD']) end url = parse_url(env, original_env) if request_span.get_tag(Tracing::Metadata::Ext::HTTP::TAG_URL).nil? options = configuration[:quantize] || {} # Quantization::HTTP.url base defaults to :show, but we are transitioning options[:base] ||= :exclude request_span.set_tag( Tracing::Metadata::Ext::HTTP::TAG_URL, Contrib::Utils::Quantization::HTTP.url(url, options) ) end if request_span.get_tag(Tracing::Metadata::Ext::HTTP::TAG_BASE_URL).nil? options = configuration[:quantize] unless options[:base] == :show base_url = Contrib::Utils::Quantization::HTTP.base_url(url) unless base_url.empty? request_span.set_tag( Tracing::Metadata::Ext::HTTP::TAG_BASE_URL, base_url ) end end end if request_span.get_tag(Tracing::Metadata::Ext::HTTP::TAG_CLIENT_IP).nil? Tracing::ClientIp.set_client_ip_tag( request_span, headers: request_header_collection, remote_ip: env['REMOTE_ADDR'] ) end if request_span.get_tag(Tracing::Metadata::Ext::HTTP::TAG_STATUS_CODE).nil? && status request_span.set_tag(Tracing::Metadata::Ext::HTTP::TAG_STATUS_CODE, status) end if request_span.get_tag(Tracing::Metadata::Ext::HTTP::TAG_USER_AGENT).nil? && user_agent request_span.set_tag(Tracing::Metadata::Ext::HTTP::TAG_USER_AGENT, user_agent) end # Request headers request_headers_tags.each do |name, value| request_span.set_tag(name, value) if request_span.get_tag(name).nil? end # Response headers response_headers_tags.each do |name, value| request_span.set_tag(name, value) if request_span.get_tag(name).nil? end # detect if the status code is a 5xx and flag the request span as an error # unless it has been already set by the underlying framework request_span.status = 1 if status.to_s.start_with?('5') && request_span.status.zero? end # rubocop:enable Metrics/AbcSize # rubocop:enable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity # rubocop:enable Metrics/PerceivedComplexity # rubocop:enable Metrics/MethodLength private def configuration Datadog.configuration.tracing[:rack] end def parse_url(env, original_env) request_obj = ::Rack::Request.new(env) # scheme, host, and port base_url = if request_obj.respond_to?(:base_url) request_obj.base_url else # Compatibility for older Rack versions request_obj.url.chomp(request_obj.fullpath) end # https://github.com/rack/rack/blob/main/SPEC.rdoc # # The source of truth in Rack is the PATH_INFO key that holds the # URL for the current request; but some frameworks may override that # value, especially during exception handling. # # Because of this, we prefer to use REQUEST_URI, if available, which is the # relative path + query string, and doesn't mutate. # # REQUEST_URI is only available depending on what web server is running though. # So when its not available, we want the original, unmutated PATH_INFO, which # is just the relative path without query strings. # # SCRIPT_NAME is the first part of the request URL path, so that # the application can know its virtual location. It should be # prepended to PATH_INFO to reflect the correct user visible path. request_uri = env['REQUEST_URI'].to_s fullpath = if request_uri.empty? query_string = original_env['QUERY_STRING'].to_s path = original_env['SCRIPT_NAME'].to_s + original_env['PATH_INFO'].to_s query_string.empty? ? path : "#{path}?#{query_string}" else request_uri end ::URI.join(base_url, fullpath).to_s end def parse_user_agent_header(headers) headers.get(Tracing::Metadata::Ext::HTTP::HEADER_USER_AGENT) end def parse_request_headers(headers) whitelist = configuration[:headers][:request] || [] whitelist.each_with_object({}) do |header, result| header_value = headers.get(header) unless header_value.nil? header_tag = Tracing::Metadata::Ext::HTTP::RequestHeaders.to_tag(header) result[header_tag] = header_value end end end def parse_response_headers(headers) {}.tap do |result| whitelist = configuration[:headers][:response] || [] whitelist.each do |header| if headers.key?(header) result[Tracing::Metadata::Ext::HTTP::ResponseHeaders.to_tag(header)] = headers[header] else # Try a case-insensitive lookup uppercased_header = header.to_s.upcase matching_header = headers.keys.find { |h| h.upcase == uppercased_header } if matching_header result[Tracing::Metadata::Ext::HTTP::ResponseHeaders.to_tag(header)] = headers[matching_header] end end end end end end end end end end