require 'mkmf' HERE = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) BUNDLE = Dir.glob("libmemcached-*.tar.gz").first BUNDLE_PATH = BUNDLE.sub(".tar.gz", "") DARWIN = `uname -sp` == "Darwin i386\n" # is there a better way to do this? archflags = if ENV['ARCHFLAGS'] ENV['ARCHFLAGS'] elsif Config::CONFIG['host_os'] == 'darwin10.0' "-arch i386 -arch x86_64" elsif Config::CONFIG['host_os'] =~ /darwin/ "-arch i386 -arch ppc" else archflags = '' end if !ENV["EXTERNAL_LIB"] $includes = " -I#{HERE}/include" $libraries = " -L#{HERE}/lib" $CFLAGS = "#{$includes} #{$libraries} #{$CFLAGS}" $LDFLAGS = "#{$libraries} #{$LDFLAGS}" $CPPFLAGS = $ARCH_FLAG = $DLDFLAGS = "" $LIBPATH = ["#{HERE}/lib"] $DEFLIBPATH = [] Dir.chdir(HERE) do if File.exist?("lib") puts "Libmemcached already built; run 'rake clean' first if you need to rebuild." else puts "Building libmemcached." puts(cmd = "tar xzf #{BUNDLE} 2>&1") raise "'#{cmd}' failed" unless system(cmd) Dir.chdir(BUNDLE_PATH) do cxxflags = cflags = ldflags = "-fPIC" extraconf = '' # again... is there a better way to do this? if DARWIN cflags = "#{cflags} #{archflags}" cxxflags = "-std=gnu++98 #{cflags}" ldflags = "#{ldflags} #{archflags}" extraconf = '--enable-dtrace --disable-dependency-tracking' end if ENV['DEBUG'] puts "Setting debug flags for libmemcached." cflags << " -O0 -ggdb -DHAVE_DEBUG" extraconf << " --enable-debug" end puts(cmd = "env CFLAGS='#{cflags}' LDFLAGS='#{ldflags}' ./configure --prefix=#{HERE} --without-memcached --disable-shared --disable-utils #{extraconf} 2>&1") raise "'#{cmd}' failed" unless system(cmd) puts(cmd = "make CXXFLAGS='#{cxxflags}' || true 2>&1") raise "'#{cmd}' failed" unless system(cmd) puts(cmd = "make install || true 2>&1") raise "'#{cmd}' failed" unless system(cmd) end unless ENV['DEBUG'] or ENV['DEV'] system("rm -rf #{BUNDLE_PATH}") end end end # Absolutely prevent the linker from picking up any other libmemcached Dir.chdir("#{HERE}/lib") do system("cp -f libmemcached.a libmemcached_gem.a") system("cp -f") end $LIBS << " -lmemcached_gem" end $CFLAGS.gsub! /-O\d/, '' if ENV['DEBUG'] puts "Setting debug flags for gem." $CFLAGS << " -O0 -ggdb -DHAVE_DEBUG" else $CFLAGS << " -O3" end if DARWIN $CFLAGS.gsub! /-arch \S+/, '' $CFLAGS << " #{archflags}" $LDFLAGS.gsub! /-arch \S+/, '' $LDFLAGS << " #{archflags}" end if ENV['SWIG'] puts "Running SWIG." puts(cmd = "swig #{$includes} -ruby -autorename rlibmemcached.i") raise "'#{cmd}' failed" unless system(cmd) end create_makefile 'rlibmemcached'