require 'spec_helper' describe WrapIt::HTMLClass do describe 'self.sanitize' do it { expect(described_class.sanitize).to match_array [] } it { expect(described_class.sanitize('test')).to match_array %w(test) } it 'removes all except strings and symbols' do expect(described_class.sanitize(0, :some, true, nil, Object, 'test')) .to match_array %w(some test) end it 'removes repeated classes' do expect(described_class.sanitize('a', :a, 'b')).to match_array %w(a b) end it 'flats recursive arrays' do expect(described_class.sanitize(:a, [:b, [:c, :d, :a]])) .to match_array %w(a b c d) end it 'removes repeated and trailing spaces' do expect(described_class.sanitize(" some \n\ttest", 'class array ')) .to match_array %w(some test class array) end end it 'overrides #&' do subject << 'a b c' expect(subject & %w(b d c)).to match_array %w(b c) expect(subject & 'b').to match_array %w(b) expect(subject & %w(b)).to be_kind_of described_class end it 'overrides #<<' do expect(subject << 'a').to equal subject expect(subject << [0, 1, :b]).to match_array %w(a b) expect(subject << 'c').to match_array %w(a b c) end it 'overrides #+' do subject << 'a b c' expect(subject + %w(b d c)).to match_array %w(a b c d) expect(subject + 'b').to match_array %w(a b c) expect(subject + %w(b)).to be_kind_of described_class end it 'overrides #-' do subject << 'a b c d' expect(subject - %w(b c j)).to match_array %w(a d) expect(subject - 'd').to match_array %w(a b c) expect(subject - %w(b)).to be_kind_of described_class end it 'overrides #[] and #slice' do subject << 'a b c' %i([] slice).each do |m| expect(subject.send(m, 1)).to eq 'b' expect(subject.send(m, 0, 2)).to match_array %w(a b) expect(subject.send(m, 0, 2)).to be_kind_of described_class expect(subject.send(m, 1..-1)).to match_array %w(b c) expect(subject.send(m, 1..-1)).to be_kind_of described_class end end it 'overrides #slice!' do subject ='a b c') expect(subject.slice!(1)).to eq 'b' expect(subject).to match_array %w(a c) subject ='a b c') expect(subject.slice!(0, 2)).to match_array %w(a b) expect(subject).to match_array %w(c) subject ='a b c') expect(subject.slice!(0, 2)).to be_kind_of described_class subject ='a b c') expect(subject.slice!(1..-1)).to match_array %w(b c) expect(subject).to match_array %w(a) subject ='a b c') expect(subject.slice!(1..-1)).to be_kind_of described_class end it 'overrides #clear' do subject << 'a b c' expect(subject.clear).to equal subject expect(subject).to be_empty end it 'overrides #collect' do subject << 'a b c' expect(subject.collect { |x| x + '1' }).to match_array %w(a1 b1 c1) expect(subject.collect { }).to be_kind_of described_class expect(subject.collect).to be_kind_of Enumerator end it 'overrides #collect!' do subject << 'a b c' expect(subject.collect! { |x| [x, 'n'] }).to match_array %w(a b c n) expect(subject.collect! { }).to equal subject expect(subject.collect!).to be_kind_of Enumerator end it 'overrides #concat' do subject << 'a b c' expect(subject.concat(%w(b d c))).to match_array %w(a b c d) expect(subject.concat('e')).to match_array %w(a b c d e) expect(subject.concat(%w(b))).to equal subject end it 'overrides #delete' do subject << 'a b2 c' expect(subject.delete(:a)).to match_array %w(b2 c) expect(subject.delete('d')).to match_array %w(b2 c) expect(subject.delete('d')).to equal subject expect(subject.delete('d', :b2)).to match_array %w(c) subject << 'a b2' expect(subject.delete(/.\d/, 'c')).to match_array %w(a) expect(subject.delete { |x| x == 'a' }).to be_empty end %i(index rindex).each do |m| it "overrides ##{m}" do subject << 'a b2 c' expect(subject.index(:a)).to eq 0 expect(subject.index('d')).to be_nil expect(subject.index(['d', :b2])).to eq 1 expect(subject.index(/.\d/)).to eq 1 expect(subject.index { |x| x == 'c' }).to eq 2 expect(subject.index).to be_kind_of Enumerator end end it 'overrides #drop' do subject << 'a b c' expect(subject.drop(1)).to match_array %w(b c) expect(subject.drop(1)).to be_kind_of described_class expect(subject).to match_array %w(a b c) end {drop_while: %w(c d), reject: %w(c), select: %w(a b d)}.each do |m, v| it "overrides ##{m}" do subject << 'a b c d' expect(subject.send(m) { |x| x != 'c' }).to match_array v expect(subject.send(m) { |x| x != 'c' }).to be_kind_of described_class expect(subject.send(m)).to be_kind_of Enumerator end end {map: %w(ac bc cc dc)}.each do |m, v| it "overrides ##{m}" do subject << 'a b c d' expect(subject.send(m) { |x| x = x + 'c' }).to match_array v expect(subject.send(m) { |x| x = x + 'c' }).to be_kind_of described_class expect(subject.send(m)).to be_kind_of Enumerator end end it "overrides #map!" do subject << 'a b c d' expect(! { |x| x = x + 'c' }).to equal subject expect(subject).to match_array %w(ac bc cc dc) expect(!).to be_kind_of Enumerator end it "overrides #reject!" do subject << 'a b1 c1 d' expect(subject.reject! { |x| /\d/ =~ x }).to equal subject expect(subject).to match_array %w(a d) expect(subject.reject!).to be_kind_of Enumerator end %i(each each_index).each do |m| it "overrides ##{m}" do subject << 'a b c' i = 0 expect(subject.send(m) { |x| i += 1 }).to equal subject expect(i).to eq 3 expect(subject.send(m)).to be_kind_of Enumerator end end {first: %w(a b), last: %w(c b)}.each do |m, v| it "overrides ##{m}" do expect(subject.send(m)).to be_nil subject << 'a b c' expect(subject.send(m)).to eq v[0] expect(subject.send(m, 2)).to match_array v expect(subject.send(m, 2)).to be_kind_of described_class end end it "overrides #pop" do expect(subject.pop).to be_nil subject << 'a b c' expect(subject.pop).to eq 'c' expect(subject).to match_array %w(a b) subject << 'c' expect(subject.pop(2)).to match_array %w(b c) expect(subject).to match_array %w(a) subject << 'b c' expect(subject.pop(2)).to be_kind_of described_class end it "overrides #shift" do expect(subject.shift).to be_nil subject << 'a b c' expect(subject.shift).to eq 'a' expect(subject).to match_array %w(b c) subject << 'a' expect(subject.shift(2)).to match_array %w(b c) expect(subject).to match_array %w(a) subject << 'b c' expect(subject.shift(2)).to be_kind_of described_class end it 'overrides #include?' do subject << 'a b2 c' expect(subject.include?(:a)).to be_true expect(subject.include?('d')).to be_false expect(subject.include?('d', :b2)).to be_false expect(subject.include?('a', :b2)).to be_true expect(subject.include?(/.\d/)).to be_true expect(subject.include?(proc { |x| x == 'c' })).to be_true end it 'overrides #replace' do subject << 'a b c' expect(subject.replace('d e f')).to match_array %w(d e f) expect(subject.replace('a b')).to equal subject end it 'overrides #keep_if' do subject << 'a b c' expect(subject.keep_if { |x| x != 'c' }).to match_array %w(a b) expect(subject.keep_if { |x| x != 'c' }).to equal subject expect(subject.keep_if).to be_kind_of Enumerator end it 'overrides #push' do subject << 'a b c' expect(subject.push('a d')).to equal subject expect(subject).to match_array %w(a b c d) end it 'overrides #unshift' do subject << 'a b c' expect(subject.unshift('a d')).to equal subject expect(subject).to match_array %w(a d b c) end it 'overrides #values_at' do subject << 'a b c' expect(subject.values_at(0, 2)).to match_array %w(a c) expect(subject.values_at(1)).to be_kind_of described_class end it 'overrides #|' do subject << 'a b c' expect(subject | 'b c d').to match_array %w(a b c d) expect(subject | 'b c d').to be_kind_of described_class end { :'<=>' => [%w(b c d e)], :== => [%w(b c d e)], at: [1], count: [], count: ['a'], delete_at: [1], fetch: [1], hash: [], inspect: [], to_s: [], join: ['-'], length: [], size: [], take: [2], to_a: [], }.each do |m, args| it "passes through ##{m}" do a = %w(a b c d) subject << a expect(subject.send(m, *args)).to eq a.send(m, *args) end end it 'passes through #empty?' do expect(subject.empty?).to be_true end it 'resticts unusefull methods' do %i( * []= assoc bsearch combination compact compact! fill flatten flatten! insert pack permutation product rassoc repeated_combination rotate repeated_permutation reverse reverse! reverse_each sample rotate! shuffle shuffle! sort sort! sort_by! transpose uniq uniq! zip flat_map max max_by min min_by minmax minmax_by ).each do |m| expect { subject.send(m) }.to raise_error end end it 'provides #to_html' do subject << [:a, :b, :c] expect(subject.to_html).to eq 'a b c' end end