<%= (controller.action_name.include? 'permalink') ? article.title : link_to_permalink(article,article.title) %>

<%= _("Posted by") %> <%= author_link(article) %> <%= js_distance_of_time_in_words_to_now article.published_at %>
<% unless controller.action_name == 'redirect' %> <% if article.excerpt? %> <%= article.excerpt %> <% else %> <%= article.html(:body) %> <% if article.extended? %>

<%= link_to_permalink article,"Continue reading..." %>

<% end %> <% end %> <% else %> <%= article.html(:body) %>
<%= article.html(:extended) %>
<% end %>
<% if controller.controller_name == "articles" and controller.action_name == "redirect" %>

<%= _("This entry was posted on %s", content_tag(:abbr, js_distance_of_time_in_words_to_now(@article.published_at), {:class => 'published', :title => @article.published_at.xmlschema})) %> <%= _("and %s", category_links(@article)) unless @article.categories.empty? %>. <%= _("You can follow any any response to this entry through the %s", link_to(_("Atom feed"), @auto_discovery_url_atom)) %>. <%= _("You can leave a %s", link_to_permalink(article, _('comment'), 'comments')) unless @article.comments_closed? %> <%= _("or a %s from your own site", link_to_permalink(@article, _('trackback'), 'trackbacks')) if @article.allow_pings? %>.

<%= tag_links(@article) unless @article.tags.empty? %>

<% else %> <% end %>