require 'date' require 'rake/clean' require 'rake/extensiontask' require 'digest/md5' task :default => [:test] # Gem Spec gem_spec = Gem::Specification.load('commonmarker.gemspec') # Ruby Extension'commonmarker', gem_spec) do |ext| ext.lib_dir = File.join('lib', 'commonmarker') end Rake::Task['clean'].enhance do ext_dir = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'ext', 'commonmarker', 'cmark') Dir.chdir(ext_dir) do `make clean` end end # Packaging require 'bundler/gem_tasks' # Testing require 'rake/testtask''test:unit') do |t| t.libs << 'lib' t.libs << 'test' t.pattern = 'test/test_*.rb' t.verbose = true t.warning = false end task 'test:unit' => :compile desc 'Run unit and conformance tests' task :test => %w(test:unit) desc 'Run benchmarks' task :benchmark do |t| if ENV['FETCH_PROGIT'] `rm -rf test/progit` `git clone test/progit` langs = %w(ar az be ca cs de en eo es es-ni fa fi fr hi hu id it ja ko mk nl no-nb pl pt-br ro ru sr th tr uk vi zh zh-tw) langs.each do |lang| `cat test/progit/#{lang}/*/*.markdown >> test/` end end $:.unshift 'lib' load 'test/benchmark.rb' end desc 'Match style of cmark' task :astyle do sh 'astyle --style=linux -t -p ext/commonmarker/commonmarker.{c,h}' end # Documentation require 'rdoc/task' desc 'Generate API documentation' do |rd| rd.rdoc_dir = 'docs' rd.main = '' rd.rdoc_files.include '', 'lib/**/*.rb', 'ext/commonmarker/commonmarker.c' rd.options << '--markup tomdoc' rd.options << '--inline-source' rd.options << '--line-numbers' rd.options << '--all' rd.options << '--fileboxes' end desc "Generate and publish blog to gh-pages" task :publish => [:rdoc] do Dir.mktmpdir do |tmp| system "mv docs/* #{tmp}" system "git checkout gh-pages" system "rm -rf *" system "mv #{tmp}/* ." message = "Site updated at #{}" system "git add ." system "git commit -am #{message.shellescape}" system "git push origin gh-pages --force" system "git checkout master" system "echo yolo" end end