## Jekyll-notes Jekyll-notes is a Jekyll theme for managing notes. Simply create _chapters folder and populate it with subfolders and notes. The .md files with "layout: default" would appear at Notes page submenu. ## Screenshot drawing ## Installing 1. Edit Gemfile ```yaml group :jekyll_plugins do gem "jekyll-remote-theme" end ``` 2. Edit _config.yml ```yaml plugins: - jekyll-remote-theme remote_theme: alexz005/jekyll-notes collections: sections: output: false chapters: output: true ``` 3. Create _chapters folder and make .md files inside. ## Debugging locally Gemfile ```yaml group :jekyll_plugins do gem "jekyll-feed", "~> 0.12" gem "jekyll-notes", :path => "../../jekyll-notes/" end ``` _config.yml ```yaml theme: jekyll-notes collections: sections: output: false chapters: output: true ``` ## Advantages Contents are stored in _chapters folder and any subfolder and its files are automatically seen in submenu. The notes have to mantain yaml structure though, including three dashes and layout: default. Menu automatically generates with subfolders, isn’t it neat? ## Building and testing locally This site is using Jekyll/SCSS bundle exec jekyll serve --port 8080 ## Used sources Following were used to build this theme: 1. Parts of theme [Milidocs](http://alexander.heimbu.ch/millidocs/) by Alexander Heimbuch 2. Collapsable list Javascript code from [here](http://code.iamkate.com/javascript/collapsible-lists/) by Kate Morley 3. JavaScript code to generate menu from [here](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/26645220/build-nested-folder-structure-from-path-strings/26652662) 4. JavaScript code to search through the list from [here](https://www.w3schools.com/howto/howto_js_filter_lists.asp) 5. Parts of [startbootstrap](https://github.com/BlackrockDigital/startbootstrap-landing-page) ## License MIT license, except any copied code or parts used above. Have you found it useful? Give me a star or [fork](/fork) this!