module Pakyow class RouteStore def initialize() @order = 1 @store = { # string routes are stored, for each method, as a hash of 'route'=>{:block=>b,:order=>n,:hooks=>{...}}} :string => {:get=>{}, :post=>{}, :put=>{}, :delete=>{}}, # regex routes are stored, for each method, as an array of hashes {:regex=>r,:block=>b,:order=>n,:vars=>{n=>var},:hooks=>{...}} # they are in definition order in the array :regex => {:get=>[], :post=>[], :put=>[], :delete=>[]}, # :order is a global order across both string and regex routes. # hooks are blocks stored by name and used to augment returned block from get_block :hooks => {} } end def add_route(route_spec, block, method, data, hooks) route_spec = normalize_route(route_spec) hooks = normalize_hooks(hooks) route_to_match, vars = build_route_matcher(route_spec, data) if route_to_match.is_a?(String) @store[:string][method][route_to_match]={:block => block, :order => @order, :hooks => hooks, :data => data} @order = @order + 1 elsif route_to_match.is_a?(Regexp) @store[:regex][method] << {:regex => route_to_match, :block => block, :order => @order, :vars => vars, :hooks => hooks, :data => data} @order = @order + 1 else if == true Log.warn("Unsupported route spec class. (#{route_spec.class})") else Log.warn("Unsupported route spec class. (#{route_spec.class})") raise "Unsupported route spec class. (#{route_spec.class})" end end end def add_hook(name, hook) @store[:hooks][name] = hook end # returns block, {:vars=>{:var=>matched_value, ...}, :data=>data} def get_block(route, method) route = normalize_route(route) # Get the match for a string route string_route_match = @store[:string][method][route] # Get first regex match regex_route_match = nil match_data = nil @store[:regex][method].each { |rinfo| if match_data = rinfo[:regex].match(route) regex_route_match = rinfo break end } # return block for match with smaller :order if string_route_match && regex_route_match if string_route_match[:order] < regex_route_match[:order] data = string_route_match[:data] return build_hooked_block(string_route_match[:block], string_route_match[:hooks]), {:vars=>{}, :data=>data} else data = regex_route_match[:data] return build_hooked_block(regex_route_match[:block], regex_route_match[:hooks]), {:vars=>build_regex_var_values(regex_route_match[:vars], match_data), :data=>data} end elsif string_route_match data = string_route_match[:data] return build_hooked_block(string_route_match[:block], string_route_match[:hooks]), {:vars=>{}, :data=>data} elsif regex_route_match data = regex_route_match[:data] return build_hooked_block(regex_route_match[:block], regex_route_match[:hooks]), {:vars=>build_regex_var_values(regex_route_match[:vars], match_data), :data=>data} else return nil, {:vars=>{}, :data=>nil} end end private def build_hooked_block(block, hooks) unless hooks return block end lambda { hooks[:before].map { |h| @store[:hooks][h].call() if @store[:hooks][h] } if hooks && hooks[:before] hooks[:around].map { |h| @store[:hooks][h].call() if @store[:hooks][h] } if hooks && hooks[:around] hooks[:around].map { |h| @store[:hooks][h].call() if @store[:hooks][h] } if hooks && hooks[:around] hooks[:after].map { |h| @store[:hooks][h].call() if @store[:hooks][h] } if hooks && hooks[:after] } end # Returns a regex and an array of variable info def build_route_matcher(route_spec, data) return route_spec, [] if route_spec.is_a?(Regexp) if route_spec.is_a?(String) # check for vars return route_spec, [] unless route_spec[0,1] == ':' || route_spec.index('/:') # we have vars if data[:route_type] == :user return build_user_route_matcher(route_spec) elsif data[:route_type] == :restful return build_restful_route_matcher(route_spec, data) else raise "Unknown route type. (#{data[:route_type]})" end end return route_spec, [] end def build_user_route_matcher(route_spec) vars = [] position_counter = 1 regex_route = route_spec route_segments = route_spec.split('/') route_segments.each_with_index { |segment, i| if segment.include?(':') vars << { :position => position_counter, :var => segment.gsub(':', '') } if i == route_segments.length-1 then regex_route = regex_route.sub(segment, '((\w|[-.~:@!$\'\(\)\*\+,;])*)') position_counter += 2 else regex_route = regex_route.sub(segment, '((\w|[-.~:@!$\'\(\)\*\+,;])*)') position_counter += 2 end end } reg ="^#{regex_route}$") return reg, vars end def build_restful_route_matcher(route_spec, data) build_user_route_matcher(route_spec) unless data[:restful][:restful_action] == :show #special case for restful show route, can't match 'new' on last var vars = [] position_counter = 1 regex_route = route_spec route_segments = route_spec.split('/') route_segments.each_with_index { |segment, i| if segment.include?(':') vars << { :position => position_counter, :var => segment.gsub(':', '') } if i == route_segments.length-1 then regex_route = regex_route.sub(segment, '((?!(new\b|.*?\/))(\w|[-.~:@!$\'\(\)\*\+,;])*)') position_counter += 1 else regex_route = regex_route.sub(segment, '((\w|[-.~:@!$\'\(\)\*\+,;])*)') position_counter += 2 end end } reg ="^#{regex_route}$") return reg, vars end # remove leading/trailing forward slashes def normalize_route(route_spec) return route_spec if route_spec.is_a?(Regexp) if route_spec.is_a?(String) then route_spec = route_spec[1, route_spec.length - 1] if route_spec[0, 1] == '/' route_spec = route_spec[0, route_spec.length - 1] if route_spec[route_spec.length - 1, 1] == '/' route_spec end route_spec end def normalize_hooks(hooks) hooks.each_pair { |k,v| unless v.is_a?(Array) hooks[k] = [v] end } if hooks end def build_regex_var_values(vars_info, match_data) var_values = {} vars_info.each { |vi| var_values[vi[:var]] = match_data[vi[:position]] } var_values end end end