#!/usr/bin/env ruby
| PhoneNumberValidator |
| Made by: bag33188 |
require 'phone_number_validator'
# For command line usage:
# Checks to see if the phone number the user entered is valid
# by testing regex the pattern with the phone number
# Return Type: boolean or string
# === Examples
# ==== Ex. 1
# $ pnv "+1 (987) 654-3210 ext. 198842"
# ===== Output
# => true
# ==== Ex. 2
# pnv "+1 (987 778873-321a0 ext.ff99"
# ===== Output
# => false
# ==== Ex. 3
# pnv ""
# ===== Output
# => "No phone number entered."
# ==== Ex. 4
# pnv
# ===== Output
# => "No phone number entered."
def pnv
if (ARGV[0] == nil || ARGV[0] == '')
print "No phone number entered.\r\n"
# execute validator
puts PhoneNumberValidator.validate(ARGV[0])
# call pnv function