module Safemode class << self def define_core_jail_classes core_classes.each do |klass| jail = define_jail_class(klass) jail.allow_instance_method *core_jail_methods(klass).uniq jail.allow_class_method *core_jail_class_methods(klass).uniq jail end end def define_jail_class(klass) unless klass.const_defined?("Jail") klass.const_set("Jail", jail = end klass.const_get('Jail') end def core_classes klasses = [ Array, Float, Hash, Range, String, Symbol, Time, NilClass, FalseClass, TrueClass ] klasses << Date if defined? Date klasses << DateTime if defined? DateTime if RUBY_VERSION >= '2.4.0' klasses << Integer else klasses << Bignum klasses << Fixnum end klasses end def core_jail_methods(klass) @@methods_whitelist.fetch(, []) + (@@default_methods & end def core_jail_class_methods(klass) @@class_methods_whitelist.fetch(, []) + (@@default_class_methods & end end # these methods are allowed in all classes if they are present @@default_methods = %w( % & * ** + +@ - -@ / < << <= <=> ! != == === > >= >> ^ | ~ eql? equal? new methods is_a? kind_of? nil? [] []= to_a to_jail to_s inspect to_param not freeze) # whitelisted methods for core classes ... kind of arbitrary selection @@methods_whitelist = { 'Array' => %w(any? assoc at blank? collect collect! compact compact! concat delete delete_at delete_if each each_index empty? fetch fill first flatten flatten! hash include? index indexes indices inject insert join last length map map! nitems pop push present? rassoc reject reject! reverse reverse! reverse_each rindex select shift size slice slice! sort sort! transpose uniq uniq! unshift values_at zip), 'Bignum' => %w(abs blank? ceil chr coerce div divmod downto floor hash integer? modulo next nonzero? present? quo remainder round singleton_method_added size step succ times to_f to_i to_int to_s truncate upto zero?), 'Fixnum' => %w(abs blank? ceil chr coerce div divmod downto floor id2name integer? modulo modulo next nonzero? present? quo remainder round singleton_method_added size step succ times to_f to_i to_int to_s to_sym truncate upto zero?), 'Float' => %w(abs blank? ceil coerce div divmod finite? floor hash infinite? integer? modulo nan? nonzero? present? quo remainder round singleton_method_added step to_f to_i to_int to_s truncate zero?), 'Hash' => %w(any? blank? clear delete delete_if each each_key each_pair each_value empty? fetch has_key? has_value? include? index invert key? keys length member? merge merge! present? rec_merge! rehash reject reject! select shift size sort store update value? values values_at), 'Integer' => %w(abs blank? ceil chr coerce div divmod downto floor id2name integer? modulo modulo next nonzero? present? quo remainder round singleton_method_added size step succ times to_f to_i to_int to_s to_sym truncate upto zero?), 'Range' => %w(any? begin blank? each end exclude_end? first hash include? include_without_range? last member? present? step), 'String' => %w(blank? capitalize capitalize! casecmp center chomp chomp! chop chop! concat count crypt delete delete! downcase downcase! dump each_byte each_line empty? end_with? force_encoding gsub gsub! hash hex include? index insert intern iseuc issjis isutf8 kconv length ljust lstrip lstrip! match next next! oct present? reverse reverse! rindex rjust rstrip rstrip! scan size slice slice! split squeeze squeeze! start_with? strip strip! sub sub! succ succ! sum swapcase swapcase! to_f to_i to_str to_sym to_xs toeuc tojis tosjis toutf16 toutf8 tr tr! tr_s tr_s! upcase upcase! upto), 'Symbol' => %w(blank? present? to_i to_int), 'Time' => %w(blank? _dump asctime ctime day dst? getgm getlocal getutc gmt? gmt_offset gmtime gmtoff hash hour httpdate isdst iso8601 localtime mday min minus_without_duration mon month plus_without_duration present? rfc2822 rfc822 sec strftime succ to_date to_datetime to_f to_i tv_sec tv_usec usec utc utc? utc_offset wday xmlschema yday year zone to_formatted_s), 'Date' => %w(ajd amjd asctime blank? ctime cwday cweek cwyear day day_fraction default_inspect downto england gregorian gregorian? hash italy jd julian julian? ld leap? mday minus_without_duration mjd mon month new_start newsg next ns? os? plus_without_duration present? sg start step strftime succ upto wday yday year), 'DateTime' => %w(blank? hour min new_offset newof of offset present? sec sec_fraction strftime to_datetime_default_s to_json zone), 'NilClass' => %w(blank? duplicable? present? to_f to_i), 'FalseClass' => %w(blank? duplicable? present?), 'TrueClass' => %w(blank? duplicable? present?) } # these class methods are allowed on all classes if they are present @@default_class_methods = %w(name to_jail to_s) # whitelisted class methods for core classes @@class_methods_whitelist = { 'String' => %w(new) } end