#!/usr/bin/env ruby # Copyright (c) 2006 Bradley Taylor, bradley@fluxura.com require 'optparse' def run(command, verbose) Dir.chdir @options[:conf_path] do confs = Dir.glob("*.yml") confs += Dir.glob("*.conf") confs.each do |conf| cmd = "mongrel_rails cluster::#{command} -c #{conf}" cmd += " -v" if verbose puts cmd if verbose output = `#{cmd}` puts output if verbose puts "mongrel_rails cluster::#{command} returned an error." unless $?.success? end end end @options = {} @options[:conf_path] = "/etc/mongrel_cluster" @options[:verbose] = false OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: #{$0} (start|stop|restart) [options]" opts.on("-c", "--conf_path PATH", "Path to mongrel_cluster configuration files") { |value| @options[:conf_path] = value } opts.on('-v', '--verbose', "Print all called commands and output.") { |value| @options[:verbose] = value } if ARGV.empty? puts opts exit else @cmd = opts.parse!(ARGV) if @cmd.nil? puts opts exit end end end if @options[:conf_path] == nil && !File.directory?(@options[:conf_path]) puts "Invalid path to mongrel_cluster configuration files: #{@options[:conf_path]}" exit end case @cmd[0] when "start": puts "Starting all mongrel_clusters..." run "start", @options[:verbose] when "stop": puts "Stopping all mongrel_clusters..." run "stop", @options[:verbose] when "restart": puts "Restarting all mongrel_clusters..." run "stop", @options[:verbose] run "start", @options[:verbose] else puts "Unknown command." end exit