Ruby/XPATH Copyright (C) 2004, 2005 Gregoire Lejeune Ruby/XPATH is freely distributable according to the terms of the GNU General Public License (see the file 'COPYING'). This program is distributed without any warranty. See the file 'COPYING' for details. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Documentation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XML::XPATH - A Ruby class for XPATH SYNOPSIS require 'xml/xpath' xpath = xpath.xmlfile = "/path/to/myfile.xml" i = xpath.execute( "/my/xpath[2]/expression/*" ) print "#{i} nodes :\n" p xpath.to_a METHODS Returns a new XPATH object XML::XPATH.xml= Set XML document XML::XPATH.xmlfile= Set XML file XML::XPATH.xml Get XML document or file XML::XPATH.execute( ... ) Processes the given XPATH request. Returns the number of nodes. XML::XPATH.to_a Returns an array of finded nodes via execute. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------