# childprocess This gem aims at being a simple and reliable solution for controlling external programs running in the background on any Ruby / OS combination. The code originated in the [selenium-webdriver](https://rubygems.org/gems/selenium-webdriver) gem, but should prove useful as a standalone library. 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If the parent leaves its write end open, it # will not detect EOF. w.close thread = Thread.new do begin loop do print r.readpartial(16384) end rescue EOFError # Child has closed the write end of the pipe end end process.wait thread.join ensure r.close end ``` Note that if you just want to get the output of a command, the backtick method on Kernel may be a better fit. #### Write to stdin ```ruby process = ChildProcess.build("cat") out = Tempfile.new("duplex") out.sync = true process.io.stdout = process.io.stderr = out process.duplex = true # sets up pipe so process.io.stdin will be available after .start process.start process.io.stdin.puts "hello world" process.io.stdin.close process.poll_for_exit(exit_timeout_in_seconds) out.rewind out.read #=> "hello world\n" ``` #### Pipe output to another ChildProcess ```ruby search = ChildProcess.build("grep", '-E', %w(redis memcached).join('|')) search.duplex = true # sets up pipe so search.io.stdin will be available after .start search.io.stdout = $stdout search.start listing = ChildProcess.build("ps", "aux") listing.io.stdout = search.io.stdin listing.start listing.wait search.io.stdin.close search.wait ``` #### Prefer posix_spawn on *nix If the parent process is using a lot of memory, `fork+exec` can be very expensive. The `posix_spawn()` API removes this overhead. ```ruby ChildProcess.posix_spawn = true process = ChildProcess.build(*args) ``` To be able to use this, please make sure that you have the `ffi` gem installed. ### Ensure entire process tree dies By default, the child process does not create a new process group. This means there's no guarantee that the entire process tree will die when the child process is killed. To solve this: ```ruby process = ChildProcess.build(*args) process.leader = true process.start ``` #### Detach from parent ```ruby process = ChildProcess.build("sleep", "10") process.detach = true process.start ``` #### Invoking a shell As opposed to `Kernel#system`, `Kernel#exec` et al., ChildProcess will not automatically execute your command in a shell (like `/bin/sh` or `cmd.exe`) depending on the arguments. This means that if you try to execute e.g. gem executables (like `bundle` or `gem`) or Windows executables (with `.com` or `.bat` extensions) you may see a `ChildProcess::LaunchError`. You can work around this by being explicit about what interpreter to invoke: ```ruby ChildProcess.build("cmd.exe", "/c", "bundle") ChildProcess.build("ruby", "-S", "bundle") ``` #### Log to file Errors and debugging information are logged to `$stderr` by default but a custom logger can be used instead. ```ruby logger = Logger.new('logfile.log') logger.level = Logger::DEBUG ChildProcess.logger = logger ``` ## Caveats * With JRuby on Unix, modifying `ENV["PATH"]` before using childprocess could lead to 'Command not found' errors, since JRuby is unable to modify the environment used for PATH searches in `java.lang.ProcessBuilder`. This can be avoided by setting `ChildProcess.posix_spawn = true`. * With JRuby on Java >= 9, the JVM may need to be configured to allow JRuby to access neccessary implementations; this can be done by adding `--add-opens java.base/java.io=org.jruby.dist` and `--add-opens java.base/sun.nio.ch=org.jruby.dist` to the `JAVA_OPTS` environment variable that is used by JRuby when launching the JVM. # Implementation How the process is launched and killed depends on the platform: * Unix : `fork + exec` (or `posix_spawn` if enabled) * Windows : `CreateProcess()` and friends * JRuby : `java.lang.{Process,ProcessBuilder}` # Note on Patches/Pull Requests 1. Fork it 2. Create your feature branch (off of the development branch) `git checkout -b my-new-feature dev` 3. Commit your changes `git commit -am 'Add some feature'` 4. Push to the branch `git push origin my-new-feature` 5. Create new Pull Request # Publishing a New Release When publishing a new gem release: 1. Ensure [latest build is green on the `dev` branch](https://travis-ci.org/enkessler/childprocess/branches) 2. Ensure [CHANGELOG](CHANGELOG.md) is updated 3. Ensure [version is bumped](lib/childprocess/version.rb) following [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/) 4. Merge the `dev` branch into `master`: `git checkout master && git merge dev` 5. Ensure [latest build is green on the `master` branch](https://travis-ci.org/enkessler/childprocess/branches) 6. Build gem from the green `master` branch: `git checkout master && gem build childprocess.gemspec` 7. Push gem to RubyGems: `gem push childprocess-.gem` 8. Tag commit with version, annotated with release notes: `git tag -a ` # Copyright Copyright (c) 2010-2015 Jari Bakken. See [LICENSE](LICENSE) for details.