.markdown-hint .markdown-hint-wrapper h3 Markdown Options h4 Links p | To link text, place a [bracket] around the link title and use a (/url) to house the url. br | Internal Link: [link to about](/about) br | External link: [link to about](http://www.google.com/about) h4 Formatting p | Emphasize text in a variety of ways by placing **asterisks** to bold, _underscores_ to italicize. br | Bold **bold** br | Italicize _italic h4 Headers p | Use up to six hashtags to identify the importance of the section header. br | Page Header: # Page Header br | Sub Header: ## Sub Header h4 List p | Format lists by swapping out the characters that lead the list item. br span Bulleted List: br == ['* bullet', '* bullet 2'].join('
') br span Numbered List == ['1. line item', '2. line item'].join('
') h4 Paragraph break p Adding a blank line in between your paragraphs makes a paragraph break.