require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'test_helper') describe HammerCLI::Bash::Completion do describe '#complete' do let(:dict) do { 'host' => { 'create' => { '--installed-products-attributes' => { type: :schema, schema: '"product_id=string\,product_name=string\,arch=string\,version=string, ... "' }, '--help' => { type: :flag }, '--build' => { type: :flag }, '--managed' => { type: :enum, values: %w[yes no] }, '--volume' => { type: :multienum, values: %w[first second third] }, '--config-group-ids' => { type: :list }, '--params' => { type: :key_value_list }, '--log' => { type: :file, filter: '.*\.log$' }, '--pool' => { type: :directory }, '-t' => { type: :value }, :params => [{ type: :directory }, { type: :value }, { type: :file }] }, '--dry' => { type: :flag }, '--help' => { type: :flag }, }, '--interactive' => { type: :enum, values: %w[yes no] }, '--help' => { type: :flag }, '-h' => { type: :flag } } end subject do end it 'returns options when no input given' do result = subject.complete('').sort _(result).must_equal ['host ', '--interactive ', '--help ', '-h '].sort end it 'returns filtered options when partial input is given' do result = subject.complete('-').sort _(result).must_equal ['--help ', '-h ', '--interactive '].sort end it 'returns filtered options when partial input is given' do result = subject.complete('host') _(result).must_equal ['host '] end it 'returns options when subcommand is given' do result = subject.complete('host ').sort _(result).must_equal ['create ', '--help ', '--dry '].sort end it 'returns no options when subcommand is wrong' do result = subject.complete('unknown -h') _(result).must_equal [] end it 'returns no options when there are no other params allowed' do result = subject.complete('host create /tmp some /tmp extra') _(result).must_equal [] end it 'return hint for option-value pair without value' do result = subject.complete('host create -t ') _(result).must_equal ['--->', 'Add option '] end it 'return no options for option-value pair without complete value' do result = subject.complete('host create -t x') _(result).must_equal [] end # multiple options in one subcommand it 'allows mutiple options of the same subcommand' do result = subject.complete('host create --build --he') _(result).must_equal ['--help '] end # multiple options with values in one subcommand it 'allows mutiple options with values of the same subcommand' do result = subject.complete('host create -t value --he') _(result).must_equal ['--help '] end # subcommand after options it 'allows subcommand after options' do result = subject.complete('host --dry crea') _(result).must_equal ['create '] end describe 'completion by type' do it 'completes :value' do result = subject.complete('host create -t ') _(result).must_equal ['--->', 'Add option '] end it 'completes :flag' do result = subject.complete('host --h') _(result).must_equal ['--help '] end it 'completes :schema' do result = subject.complete('host create --installed-products-attributes ') _(result).must_equal ["--->", 'Add value by following schema: "product_id=string\,product_name=string\,arch=string\,version=string, ... "'] end it 'completes :enum' do result = subject.complete('host create --managed ') _(result).must_equal ['yes ', 'no '] end it 'completes :multienum' do result = subject.complete('host create --volume ') _(result).must_equal ['first', 'second', 'third'] result = subject.complete('host create --volume fir') _(result).must_equal ['first'] result = subject.complete('host create --volume first,') _(result).must_equal ['second', 'third'] result = subject.complete('host create --volume first,se') _(result).must_equal ['first,second'] end it 'completes :list' do result = subject.complete('host create --config-group-ids ') _(result).must_equal ['--->', 'Add comma-separated list of values'] end it 'completes :key_value_list' do result = subject.complete('host create --params ') _(result).must_equal ['--->', 'Add comma-separated list of key=value'] end end end end