describe('WebFont', function () { var WebFont = webfont.WebFont, Font = webfont.Font; FontWatchRunner = webfont.FontWatchRunner, NativeFontWatchRunner = webfont.NativeFontWatchRunner, Version = webfont.Version, Font = webfont.Font, FontModuleLoader = webfont.FontModuleLoader, fontModuleLoader = null; beforeEach(function () { fontModuleLoader = new FontModuleLoader(); }); describe('font load with context', function () { var font = null, testModule = null, fakeMainWindow = { document: {} }; beforeEach(function () { font = new WebFont(fakeMainWindow); font.addModule('test', function (conf, domHelper) { testModule = new function () { this.domHelper = domHelper; }; testModule.load = function (onReady) { onReady([]); }; return testModule; }); }); it('should load with the correct context', function () { font.load({ test: { somedata: 'in french a cow says meuh' }, context: window }); expect(testModule.domHelper).not.toBeNull(); expect(testModule.domHelper).not.toBeUndefined(); expect(testModule.domHelper.getMainWindow()).toEqual(fakeMainWindow); expect(testModule.domHelper.getLoadWindow()).toEqual(window); }); }); describe('module failed to provide families and descriptions because it did not initialize properly', function () { var webfont = null, testModule = null, font = null, inactive = jasmine.createSpy('inactive'), active = jasmine.createSpy('active'); beforeEach(function () { font = new Font('Font1'); jasmine.Clock.useMock(); webfont = new WebFont(window); webfont.addModule('test', function (conf, domHelper) { testModule = new function () { this.conf = conf; }; spyOn(FontWatchRunner.prototype, 'start').andCallFake(function () { if ( { active(font); } else { inactive(font); } }); spyOn(NativeFontWatchRunner.prototype, 'start').andCallFake(function () { if ( { active(font); } else { inactive(font); } }); testModule.load = function (onReady) { if ( { onReady([font]); } else { onReady([]); } }; return testModule; }); }); it('should load with a project id', function () { webfont.load({ test: { id: 'hello world' }, inactive: inactive, active: active }); jasmine.Clock.tick(1); expect(testModule).not.toBeNull(); expect(active).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('should not load without a project id', function () { webfont.load({ test: { }, inactive: inactive, active: active }); jasmine.Clock.tick(1); expect(testModule).not.toBeNull(); expect(inactive).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe('should pass both fonts and test strings to onready', function () { var font = null, fontTestStrings = null, testModule = null; beforeEach(function () { font = new WebFont(window); font.addModule('test', function (conf, domHelper) { testModule = new function () {}; testModule.load = function (onReady) { onReady([new Font('Elena')], { 'Elena': '1234567' }); }; return testModule; }); spyOn(font, 'onModuleReady_'); }); it('should have called onModuleReady with the correct font and test string', function () { font.load({ 'test': {} }); expect(font.onModuleReady_).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(font.onModuleReady_.calls[0].args[2]).toEqual([new Font('Elena')]); expect(font.onModuleReady_.calls[0].args[3]).toEqual({ 'Elena': '1234567' }); }); }); describe('module fails to load', function () { var font = null, testModule = null, inactive = null, active = null; beforeEach(function () { inactive = jasmine.createSpy('inactive'), active = jasmine.createSpy('active'); font = new WebFont(window, fontModuleLoader); font.addModule('test', function (conf, domHelper) { testModule = new function () {}; testModule.load = function (onReady) { onReady([]); }; return testModule; }); }); it('times out and calls inactive', function () { runs(function () { font.load({ 'test': {}, inactive: inactive, active: active }); }); waitsFor(function () { return active.wasCalled || inactive.wasCalled; }); runs(function () { expect(inactive).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(active).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); }); describe('synchronous load event', function () { var font = null, testModule = null, inactive = null, loading = null, active = null; beforeEach(function () { inactive = jasmine.createSpy('inactive'), active = jasmine.createSpy('active'); loading = jasmine.createSpy('loading'); font = new WebFont(window, fontModuleLoader); font.addModule('test', function (conf, domHelper) { testModule = new function () {}; testModule.load = function (onReady) { onReady([new Font('Elena')]); }; return testModule; }); }); it('fires loading event correctly', function () { runs(function () { font.load({ 'test': {}, inactive: inactive, active: active, loading: loading }); expect(loading).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); waitsFor(function () { return active.wasCalled || inactive.wasCalled; }); runs(function () { expect(inactive).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(active).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); }); });