require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)+"/spec_helper.rb") describe Rubyvis::Wedge do include Rubyvis::GeneralSpec it "should have correct properties" do props=[:angle, :antialias, :bottom, :cursor, :data, :end_angle, :events, :fill_style, :id, :inner_radius, :left, :line_width, :outer_radius, :reverse, :right, :start_angle, :stroke_style, :title, :top, :visible].inject({}) {|ac, v| ac[v]=true; ac} end it "Rubyvis.Wedge be the same as Rubyvis::Wedge" do Rubyvis.Wedge.should eql Rubyvis::Wedge end it "should render equal to protovis 'wedge-anchor.html' test" do data = Rubyvis.range(5).map {|x| x} w = 400 h = 400 r = w / 2.0 t = 30 a = Rubyvis::Scale.linear(0, Rubyvis.sum(data)).range(0, 2 * Math::PI); vis = width(w). height(h) anchors=["outer","inner","start","center","end"] vis.add(Rubyvis::Wedge). data(data). outer_radius(r). angle(a). anchor(lambda {anchors[self.index]}).add(pv.Label). text(lambda {anchors[self.index]}) vis.render(); pv_out=fixture_svg_read("wedge_anchor.svg") vis.to_svg.should have_same_svg_elements(pv_out) end it "should render equal to protovis 'wedge-donut.html' test" do data = Rubyvis.range(10).map {|x| (Math.sin(x)).abs} w = 400 h = 400 r = w / 2.0 t = 30 a = Rubyvis.Scale.linear(0, Rubyvis.sum(data)).range(0, 2 * Math::PI) @vis = width(w). height(h) @vis.add(Rubyvis::Wedge). data(data). inner_radius(r - t). outer_radius(r). angle(a). title(lambda {|d| d}). anchor("outer").add(Rubyvis::Label). visible(lambda {|d| d>0.05}). text_margin(t + 5). text(lambda {|d| "%0.2f" % d}) @vis.render(); @pv_out=fixture_svg_read("wedge_donut.svg") @vis.to_svg.should have_same_svg_elements(@pv_out) end end