require 'digest/sha1' class User < ActiveRecord::Base #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Authentication # See acts_as_authentic do |c| c.perishable_token_valid_for 10.minutes # # Unfortunately, this seems to cause problems when you add Refinery to an app that already had # an Authlogic-created users table. You may need to comment these 2 lines out if that is the case. c.act_like_restful_authentication = true c.transition_from_restful_authentication = true # If users prefer to use their e-mail address to log in, change this setting to 'email' in # config/application.rb # This currently only affects which field is displayed in the login form. As long as we have # find_by_login_method :find_by_login_or_email, they can still actually use either one. c.login_field = defined?(Refinery.authentication_login_field) ? Refinery.authentication_login_field : "login" end if self.table_exists? # Allow users to log in with either their username *or* email, even though we only ask for one of those. def self.find_by_login_or_email(login_or_email) find_by_login(login_or_email) || find_by_email(login_or_email) end def deliver_password_reset_instructions!(request) reset_perishable_token! UserMailer.deliver_reset_notification(self, request) end #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- serialize :plugins_column # Array # this is seriously deprecated and will be removed later. has_many :plugins, :class_name => "UserPlugin", :order => "position ASC" def plugins=(plugin_titles) unless self.new_record? # don't add plugins when the user_id is NULL. self.plugins.delete_all plugin_titles.each_with_index do |plugin_title, index| self.plugins.create(:title => plugin_title, :position => index) if plugin_title.is_a?(String) end end end def authorized_plugins self.plugins.collect {|p| p.title} | Refinery::Plugins.always_allowed.titles end def can_delete?(other_user = self) !other_user.superuser and User.count > 1 and (other_user.nil? or != end end