  Copyright (c) 2010-2011 Tasos "Zapotek" Laskos <tasos.laskos@gmail.com>

  This is free software; you can copy and distribute and modify
  this program under the term of the GPL v2.0 License
  (See LICENSE file for details)


module Arachni
module Module

# Auditor module
# Included by {Module::Base}.<br/>
# Includes audit methods.
# @author: Tasos "Zapotek" Laskos
#                                      <tasos.laskos@gmail.com>
#                                      <zapotek@segfault.gr>
# @version: 0.2.2
module Auditor

    # Holds constant bitfields that describe the preferred formatting
    # of injection strings.
    module Format

      # Leaves the injection string as is.
      STRAIGHT = 1 << 0

      # Apends the injection string to the default value of the input vector.<br/>
      # (If no default value exists Arachni will choose one.)
      APPEND   = 1 << 1

      # Terminates the injection string with a null character.
      NULL     = 1 << 2

      # Prefix the string with a ';', useful for command injection modules
      SEMICOLON = 1 << 3

    # Holds constants that describe the HTML elements to be audited.
    module Element
        LINK    = Issue::Element::LINK
        FORM    = Issue::Element::FORM
        COOKIE  = Issue::Element::COOKIE
        HEADER  = Issue::Element::HEADER
        BODY    = Issue::Element::BODY
        PATH    = Issue::Element::PATH
        SERVER  = Issue::Element::SERVER

    # Default audit options.
    OPTIONS = {

        # Elements to audit.
        # Only required when calling {#audit}.<br/>
        # If no elements have been passed to audit it will
        # use the elements in {#self.info}.
        :elements => [ Element::LINK, Element::FORM,
                       Element::COOKIE, Element::HEADER,
                       Issue::Element::BODY ],

        # The regular expression to match against the response body.
        :regexp   => nil,

        # Verify the matched string with this value.
        :match    => nil,

        # Formatting of the injection strings.
        # A new set of audit inputs will be generated
        # for each value in the array.
        # Values can be OR'ed bitfields of all available constants
        # of {Auditor::Format}.
        # @see  Auditor::Format
        :format   => [ Format::STRAIGHT, Format::APPEND,
                       Format::NULL, Format::APPEND | Format::NULL ],

        # If 'train' is set to true the HTTP response will be
        # analyzed for new elements. <br/>
        # Be carefull when enabling it, there'll be a performance penalty.
        # When the Auditor submits a form with original or sample values
        # this option will be overriden to true.
        :train     => false,

        # Enable skipping of already audited inputs
        :redundant => false,

        # Make requests asynchronously
        :async     => true

    # Matches the HTML in @page.html to an array of regular expressions
    # and logs the results.
    # @param    [Array<Regexp>]     regexps
    # @param    [String]            string
    # @param    [Block]             block       block to verify matches before logging
    #                                               must return true/false
    def match_and_log( regexps, string = @page.html, &block )

        # make sure that we're working with an array
        regexps = [regexps].flatten

        elems = self.class.info[:elements]
        elems = OPTIONS[:elements] if !elems || elems.empty?

        regexps.each {

            string.scan( regexp ).flatten.uniq.each {

                next if !match
                next if block && !block.call( match )

                    :regexp  => regexp,
                    :match   => match,
                    :element => Issue::Element::BODY
            } if elems.include? Issue::Element::BODY

            next if string == @page.html

            @page.response_headers.each {
                next if !v

                v.to_s.scan( regexp ).flatten.uniq.each {

                    next if !match
                    next if block && !block.call( match )

                        :var => k,
                        :regexp  => regexp,
                        :match   => match,
                        :element => Issue::Element::HEADER
            } if elems.include? Issue::Element::HEADER


    # Logs a vulnerability based on a regular expression and it's matched string
    # @param    [Regexp]    regexp
    # @param    [String]    match
    def log( opts, res = nil )

        method = nil

        request_headers  = nil
        response_headers = @page.response_headers
        response         = @page.html
        url              = @page.url
        method           = @page.method.to_s.upcase if @page.method

        if( res )
            request_headers  = res.request.headers
            response_headers = res.headers
            response         = res.body
            url              = res.effective_url
            method           = res.request.method.to_s.upcase

        if response_headers['content-type'] &&
           !response_headers['content-type'].substring?( 'text' )
            response = nil

            print_ok( "In #{opts[:element]} var '#{opts[:altered]}' ( #{url} )" )

        print_verbose( "Injected string:\t" + opts[:injected] ) if opts[:injected]
        print_verbose( "Verified string:\t" + opts[:match].to_s ) if opts[:match]
        print_verbose( "Matched regular expression: " + opts[:regexp].to_s )
        print_debug( 'Request ID: ' + res.request.id.to_s ) if res
        print_verbose( '---------' ) if only_positives?

        # Instantiate a new Vulnerability class and
        # append it to the results array
        vuln = Issue.new( {
            :var          => opts[:altered],
            :url          => url,
            :injected     => opts[:injected],
            :id           => opts[:id],
            :regexp       => opts[:regexp],
            :regexp_match => opts[:match],
            :elem         => opts[:element],
            :verification => opts[:verification] || false,
            :method       => method,
            :response     => response,
            :opts         => opts,
            :headers      => {
                :request    => request_headers,
                :response   => response_headers,
        }.merge( self.class.info ) )
        register_results( [vuln] )

    # Provides easy access to element auditing.
    # If no elements have been specified in 'opts' it will
    # use the elements from the module's "self.info()" hash. <br/>
    # If no elements have been specified in 'opts' or "self.info()" it will
    # use the elements in {OPTIONS}. <br/>
    # @param  [String]  injection_str  the string to be injected
    # @param  [Hash]    opts           options as described in {OPTIONS}
    # @param  [Block]   &block         block to be passed the:
    #                                   * HTTP response
    #                                   * name of the input vector
    #                                   * updated opts
    #                                    The block will be called as soon as the
    #                                    HTTP response is received.
    def audit( injection_str, opts = { }, &block )

        if( !opts.include?( :elements) || !opts[:elements] || opts[:elements].empty? )
            opts[:elements] = self.class.info[:elements]

        if( !opts.include?( :elements) || !opts[:elements] || opts[:elements].empty? )
            opts[:elements] = OPTIONS[:elements]

        opts  = OPTIONS.merge( opts )

        opts[:elements].each {

            case elem

                when  Element::LINK
                    audit_links( injection_str, opts, &block )

                when  Element::FORM
                    audit_forms( injection_str, opts, &block )

                when  Element::COOKIE
                    audit_cookies( injection_str, opts, &block )

                when  Element::HEADER
                    audit_headers( injection_str, opts, &block )
                    raise( 'Unknown element to audit:  ' + elem.to_s )



    # This is called right before an [Arachni::Parser::Element]
    # is submitted/auditted and is used to determine whether to skip it or not.
    # Implementation details are left up to the running module.
    # @param    [Arachni::Parser::Element]  elem
    def skip?( elem )
        return false

    # Audits elements using a 2 phase timing attack and logs results.
    # 'opts' needs to contain a :timeout value in milliseconds.</br>
    # Optionally, you can add a :timeout_divider.
    # Phase 1 uses the timeout value passed in opts, phase 2 uses (timeout * 2). </br>
    # If phase 1 fails, phase 2 is aborted. </br>
    # If we have a result in phase 1, phase 2 verifies that result with the higher timeout.
    # @param   [Array]     strings     injection strings
    #                                       '__TIME__' will be substituded with (timeout / timeout_divider)
    # @param  [Hash]        opts        options as described in {OPTIONS}
    def audit_timeout( strings, opts )
        logged = Set.new

        delay = opts[:timeout]

        audit_timeout_debug_msg( 1, delay )
        timing_attack( strings, opts ) {
            |res, opts, elem|

            if !logged.include?( opts[:altered] )
                logged << opts[:altered]
                audit_timeout_phase_2( elem )

    # Runs phase 2 of the timing attack auditng an individual element
    # (which passed phase 1) with a higher delay and timeout
    def audit_timeout_phase_2( elem )

        opts = elem.opts
        opts[:timeout] *= 2

        audit_timeout_debug_msg( 2, opts[:timeout] )

        str = opts[:timing_string].gsub( '__TIME__',
            ( (opts[:timeout] + 3000) / opts[:timeout_divider] ).to_s )

        elem.auditor( self )
        elem.audit( str, opts ) {
            |res, opts|

            if res.timed_out?

                # all issues logged by timing attacks need manual verification.
                # end of story.
                opts[:verification] = true
                log( opts, res)

    def audit_timeout_debug_msg( phase, delay )
        print_debug( '---------------------------------------------' )
        print_debug( "Running phase #{phase.to_s} of timing attack." )
        print_debug( "Delay set to: #{delay.to_s} milliseconds" )
        print_debug( '---------------------------------------------' )

    # Audits elements using a timing attack.
    # 'opts' needs to contain a :timeout value in milliseconds.</br>
    # Optionally, you can add a :timeout_divider.
    # @param   [Array]     strings     injection strings
    #                                       '__TIME__' will be substituded with (timeout / timeout_divider)
    # @param    [Hash]      opts        options as described in {OPTIONS}
    # @param    [Block]     &block      block to call if a timeout occurs,
    #                                       it will be passed the response and opts
    def timing_attack( strings, opts, &block )

        opts[:timeout_divider] ||= 1
        [strings].flatten.each {

            opts[:timing_string] = str
            str = str.gsub( '__TIME__', ( (opts[:timeout] + 3000) / opts[:timeout_divider] ).to_s )
            audit( str, opts ) {
                |res, opts, elem|
                block.call( res, opts, elem ) if block && res.timed_out?

    # Provides the following methods:
    # * audit_links()
    # * audit_forms()
    # * audit_cookies()
    # * audit_headers()
    # Metaprogrammed to avoid redundant code while maintaining compatibility
    # and method shortcuts.
    # @see #audit_elems
    def method_missing( sym, *args, &block )

        elem = sym.to_s.gsub!( 'audit_', '@' )
        raise NoMethodError.new( "Undefined method '#{sym.to_s}'.", sym, args ) if !elem

        elems = @page.instance_variable_get( elem )

        if( elems && elem )
            raise ArgumentError.new( "Missing required argument 'injection_str'" +
                " for audit_#{elem.gsub( '@', '' )}()." ) if( !args[0] )
            audit_elems( elems, args[0], args[1] ? args[1]: {}, &block )
            raise NoMethodError.new( "Undefined method '#{sym.to_s}'.", sym, args )

    # Audits Auditalble HTML/HTTP elements
    # @param  [Array<Arachni::Element::Auditable>]  elements    auditable elements to audit
    # @param  [String]  injection_str  the string to be injected
    # @param  [Hash]    opts           options as described in {OPTIONS}
    # @param  [Block]   &block         block to be passed the:
    #                                   * HTTP response
    #                                   * name of the input vector
    #                                   * updated opts
    #                                    The block will be called as soon as the
    #                                    HTTP response is received.
    # @see #method_missing
    def audit_elems( elements, injection_str, opts = { }, &block )

        opts            = OPTIONS.merge( opts )
        url             = @page.url

        opts[:injected_orig] = injection_str

            elem.auditor( self )
            elem.audit( injection_str, opts, &block )

