# 2.1 * Macros now always have to provide an `:id`. This was a bit fuzzy in 2.0. * Nested if Nested( Edit ), outputs will automatically be connected, see editor. * Wrap dropped the `pipe` option. This is now `options, flow_options, *` `false` is now automatically connected to End.failure. * remove `Uber::Callable`. * `operation.new` step removed. * Undocumented step behavior removed. You can't write to `self` anymore. ```ruby step :process def process(*) self["x"] = true end ``` Always write to `options`. * self[] removed * Fixed `Guard` where procs could receive one argument, only. Guards follow the step interface: `Policy::Guard( ->(options, **) { .. } ) * Removed `Operation::Callback` which was a poor idea and luckily no one was using it. TODO: document Task API and define step API deprecate step->(options) ? injectable, per-operation step arguments strategy? # 2.1.2 * Use `trailblazer-activity-dsl-linear` >= 1.1.0. # 2.1.1 * Use `trailblazer-activity-dsl-linear` >= 1.0.0. # 2.1.0 * Remove `declarative` dependency. # 2.1.0.rc13 * Use newest `macro` and `macro-context`. They use symbols keys now everywhere. # 2.1.0.rc12 * Update dependencies. # 2.1.0.rc11 * Remove all macros. They're not located in `trailblazer-macro` and `trailblazer-macro-contract`. * Remove DSL # 2.1.0.rc1 * Remove `task` and `input_output`, those are implemented in `activity`. # 2.1.0.beta7 * Use new `activity-0.3.2` where `VariableMapping` is included now. # 2.1.0.beta6 * Use new `activity-0.3.0`. # 2.1.0.beta5 * All macros are now cleanly extracted to `trailblazer-macro` and `trailblazer-macro-contract`. # 2.1.0.beta4 * Simple maintenance release to establish `activity-0.5.0`. # 2.1.0.beta3 * More simplifications because of `activity`. # 2.1.0.beta2 * Simplify `Nested` and several other internals by using the new `Activity` API. # 2.1.0.beta1 * Add `deprecation/call` and `deprecation/context` that help with the new `call` API and symbols for `options` keys. # 2.0.7 * Allow to use any method with the Model macro, e.g. ```ruby step Model( Comment, :[] ) ``` will now invoke `Comment[ params[:id] ]`, which makes using Sequel a breeze. code: `contract do .. end` etc needs to be moved to a new gem if we want to keep it alive. # 2.0.6 * Fix what we broke in 2.0.5, where `Wrap` would always use the current operation subclass and not the empty `Trailblazer::Operation`. Thanks to @mensfeld. # 2.0.5 * In Wrap, use `self` instead of a hard class reference. This allows using Wrap in the compat gem. # 2.0.4 * When using `Nested(X)`, the automatic `:name` option is now `"Nested(X)"` instead of the cryptic proc string. # 2.0.3 * `Guard` now allows kw args for its option. * Fix a bug where `Nested( ->{} )` wouldn't `_call` the nested operation and did too much work on re-nested the already nested params. Thanks to @eliranf for spotting this. * Add `Nested(..., input: )` to dynamically decide the input to the nested operation. http://trailblazer.to/gems/operation/2.0/api.html#nested-input * Add `Nested(..., output: )`: http://trailblazer.to/gems/operation/2.0/api.html#nested-output # 2.0.2 * Remove `uber` dependency as we use our own `Option::KW` now. * In `Contract::Build( builder: )` you now also have access to the `name:` keyword. Note that you need to double-splat in builders. ```ruby Contract::Build( builder: ->(options, constant:, **) ) ``` Same for `:method` and `Callable`. * `Policy::Guard( :method )` now works. # 2.0.1 * Add `fail_fast: true` for `step` and `failure` to short-circuit the pipe. Note that more "eloquent" semantics are coming in `trailblazer-bpmn`. * Add `fail!`, `fail_fast!`, `pass!`, and `pass_fast!`. Note that they are all experimental API and not documented, yet. * Remove Builder and allow [dynamic `Nested`](http://trailblazer.to/gems/operation/2.0/api.html#nested-callable). ```ruby step Nested( ->(options, params:) { params[:type] == "moderated" ? Moderated : Comment } ) ``` * Remove `override` in favor of `step .., override: true`. Note that this method wasn't documented. * Numerous internal simplifications [documented here](https://github.com/trailblazer/trailblazer-operation/blob/master/CHANGES.md#0010). # 2.0.0 All old semantics will be available via [trailblazer-compat](https://github.com/trailblazer/trailblazer-compat). * Removed `Operation::run` as it was a bad decision. Raising an exception on invalid is a very test-specific scenario and shouldn't have been handled in the core doce. * Removed `Operation::present`, since you can simply call `Operation::new` (without builders) or `Operation::build_operation` (with builders). * Removed `Operation::valid?`. This is in the result object via `result.success?`. * Removed `Operation#errors`. This is in the result object via `result[:errors]` if the operation was invalid. * Removed the private option `:raise_on_invalid`. Use `Contract::Raise` instead, if you need it in tests. * Removed `Operation::contract` (without args). Please use `Operation::["contract.default.class"]`. * Removed `Operation::callbacks` (without args). Please use `Operation::["callback..class"]`. * Removed `Operation::contract_class`. Please use `Operation::["contract.default.class"]`. * Removed `Operation::contract_class=`. Please use `Operation::["contract.default.class"]=`. Doesn't inherit. ## Model * The `model` method doesn't exist anymore, use `self["model"]` or write your own. * `:find_by` diverts to left track. * `:create` is `:new` now. ## Builder * It's `include Builder` now, not `extend Builder`. * `builds` now receives one options hash. ## Policy * No exception anymore, but `Operation#["policy.result"]`. * Access the current user via `self["current_user"]` now. * `Policy` is `Policy::Pundit` now as `Policy` is Trailblazer's (upcoming) authorization style. ## Representer * Removed `Operation::representer_class`. Please use `Operation::["representer.class"]`. * Removed `Operation::representer_class=`. Please use `Operation::["representer.class"]=`. * You can now have any number of named representers: `Operation.representer :parser, ParsingRepresenter`. * Automatic infering of the representer from a `contract` is not so automatic anymore. This feature was barely used and is now available via `include Representer::InferFromContract`. * Reform 2.0 is not supported in `Representer` anymore, meaning you can't automatically infer representers from 2.0 contracts. Reform 2.0 works with all remaining components. * Removed `Operation::contract_class`. Please use `Operation::["contract.default.class"]`. * Removed `Operation::contract_class=`. Please use `Operation::["contract.default.class"]=`. Doesn't inherit. ## Callback * Removed `Operation::Dispatch`, it's called `Operation::Callback`. ## Collection * Removed `Operation::Collection`. Please use `Operation::present`. ## Controller * Removed `Controller`, this is now in [trailblazer-rails](https://github.com/trailblazer/trailblazer-rails/). ## Contract * You can't call `Create.().contract` anymore. The contract instance(s) are available through the `Result` object via `["contract.default"]`. * Removed the deprecation for `validate`, signature is `(params[, model, options, contract_class])`. * Removed the deprecation for `contract`, signature is `([model, options, contract_class])`. # 2.0.0.rc1 * `consider` got removed since `step` now evaluates the step's result and deviates (or not). # 2.0.0.rc2 * It's now Contract::Persist( name: "params" ) instead of ( name: "contract.params" ). # 2.0.0.beta3 * New, very slick keyword arguments for steps. # 2.0.0.beta2 * Removed `Operation::Controller`. * Renamed `Persist` to `Contract::Persist`. * Simplify inheritance by introducing `Operation::override`. * `Contract` paths are now consistent. # 2.0.0.beta1 * Still undefined `self.~`. # 1.1.2 * Stricter `uber` dependency. # 1.1.1 * Rename `Operation::Representer::ClassMethods` to `Operation::Representer::DSL` and allow to use `DSL` and `Rendering` without `Deserialization` so you can use two different representers. * `Policy::Guard::policy` now also accepts a `Callable` object. * Add `Operation#model=`. # 1.1.0 * `Representer#represented` defaults to `model` now, not to `contract` anymore. * The only way to let Trailblazer pass a document to the operation is via `is_document: true`. There is _no guessing_ anymore based on whether or not `Representer` is mixed into the operation or not. * Add `Operation#params!` that works exactly like `#model!`: return another params hash here if you want to change the `params` structure while avoiding modifying the original one. * Add `Controller#params!` that works exactly like `Operation#params!` and allows returning an arbitrary params object in the controller. Thanks to @davidpelaez for inspiration. * Deprecate `Dispatch` in favor of `Callback`. In operations, please include `Operation::Callback`. Also, introduced `Operation#callback!` which aliases to `#dispatch!`. Goal is having to think less, and now all naming is in line. ## Fixes * `Representer#to_json` now allows passing options. * The `:params` key never got propagated to `prepopulate!` when using `Controller#form`. This is now fixed. # 1.0.4 * Fix `Controller#run`, which now returns the operation instance instead of the `Else` object. # 1.0.3 * Remove unprofessional `puts`, @smathy. # 1.0.2 * Treat all requests as `params` requests unless the operation has a representer mixed in. If you don't want that, you can override using `is_document: false`. This appears to be the smoothest solution for all. * In `Controller#form`, the options argument is now passed into `form.prepopulate!(options)`. This allows to use arbitrary options and the `options[:params]` for prepopulation. # 1.0.1 * Treat `:js` requests as non-document, too. * `Controller#form` now returns the form object and not the operation. * In `Controller`, `#form`, `#present`, `#run` and `#respond` now all have the same API: `run(constant, options)`. If you want to pass a custom params hash, use `run Comment::Create, params: {..}`. # 1.0.0 * All Rails-relevant files are now in the `trailblazer-rails` gem. You have to include it should you be in a Rails environment. * `Operation[{..}]` is deprecated in favor of `Operation.({..})`. * `Operation::CRUD` is now `Operation::Model`. * `Controller#form` now invokes `#prepopulate!` before rendering the view. * `Controller#present` does not instantiate and assign `@form` anymore. * The internal `Operation` API has changed from `#initialize()` and `#run(params)` to `#initialize(params)` and `#run`. # 0.3.4 * Added `Operation::Policy`. * Added `Operation::Resolver`. # 0.3.3 * Add `Operation::reject` which will run the block when _invalid_. * In the railtie, require `trailblazer/autoloading` as I am assuming Rails users want maximum comfort. # 0.3.2 * Allow to use `#contract` before `#validate`. The contract will be instantiated once per `#run` using `#contract` and then memoized. This allows to add/modify the contract _before_ you validate it using `#validate`. * New signature for `Operation#contract_for(model, contract_class)`. It used to be contract, then model. # 0.3.1 * Autoload `Dispatch`. # 0.3.0 ## Changes * In Railtie, use `ActionDispatch::Reloader.to_prepare` for autoloading, nothing else. This should fix spring reloading. * Allow `Op#validate(params, model, Contract)` with CRUD. * Allows prefixed table names, e.g. `admin.users` in `Controller`. The instance variables will be `@user`. Thanks to @fernandes and especially @HuckyDucky. * Added `Operation::Collection` which will allow additional behavior like pagination and scoping. Thanks to @fernandes for his work on this. * Added `Operation::collection` to run `setup!` without instantiating a contract. This is called in the new `Controller#collection` method. * Added `Operation#model` as this is a fundamental concept now. * Improved the undocumented `Representer` module which allows inferring representers from contract, using them to deserialize documents for the form, and rendering documents. * Changed `Operation::Dispatch` which now provides imperative callbacks. ## API change 1. The return value of #process is no longer returned from ::run and ::call. They always return the operation instance. 2. The return value of #validate is `true` or `false`. This allows a more intuitive operation body. ```ruby def process(params) if validate(params) .. do valid else .. handle invalid end end ``` * `Worker` only works with Reform >= 2.0.0. # 0.2.3 # 0.2.2 # Added Operation#errors as every operation maintains a contract. # 0.2.1 * Added `Operation#setup_model!(params)` that can be overridden to add nested objects or process models right after `model!`. Don't add deserialization logic here, let Reform/Representable do that. * Added `Operation#setup_params!(params)` to normalize parameters before `#process`. Thanks to @gogogarrett. * Added `Controller::ActiveRecord` that will setup a named controller instance variable for your operation model. Thanks @gogogarrett! * Added `CRUD::ActiveModel` that currently infers the contract's `::model` from the operation's model. # 0.2.0 ## API Changes * `Controller#present` no longer calls `respond_to`, but lets you do the rendering. This will soon be re-introduced using `respond(present: true)`. * `Controller#form` did not respect builders, this is fixed now. * Use `request.body.read` in Unicorn/etc. environments in `Controller#respond`. ## Stuff * Autoloading changed, again. We now `require_dependency` in every request in dev. # 0.1.3 * `crud_autoloading` now simply `require_dependency`s model files, then does the same for the CRUD operation file. This should fix random undefined constant problems in development. * `Controller#form` did not use builders. This is fixed now. # 0.1.2 * Add `crud_autoloading`. # 0.1.1 * Use reform-1.2.0. # 0.1.0 * First stable release after almost 6 months of blood, sweat and tears. I know, this is a ridiculously brief codebase but it was a hell of a job to structure everything the way it is now. Enjoy!