# frozen_string_literal: true class StimulusReflex::Reflex include ActiveSupport::Rescuable include ActiveSupport::Callbacks define_callbacks :process, skip_after_callbacks_if_terminated: true class << self def before_reflex(*args, &block) add_callback(:before, *args, &block) end def after_reflex(*args, &block) add_callback(:after, *args, &block) end def around_reflex(*args, &block) add_callback(:around, *args, &block) end private def add_callback(kind, *args, &block) options = args.extract_options! options.assert_valid_keys :if, :unless, :only, :except set_callback(*[:process, kind, args, normalize_callback_options!(options)].flatten, &block) end def normalize_callback_options!(options) normalize_callback_option! options, :only, :if normalize_callback_option! options, :except, :unless options end def normalize_callback_option!(options, from, to) if (from = options.delete(from)) from_set = Array(from).map(&:to_s).to_set from = proc { |reflex| from_set.include? reflex.method_name } options[to] = Array(options[to]).unshift(from) end end end attr_reader :channel, :url, :element, :selectors, :method_name delegate :connection, to: :channel delegate :session, to: :request def initialize(channel, url: nil, element: nil, selectors: [], method_name: nil, params: {}) @channel = channel @url = url @element = element @selectors = selectors @method_name = method_name @params = params end def request @request ||= begin uri = URI.parse(url) path = ActionDispatch::Journey::Router::Utils.normalize_path(uri.path) query_hash = Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query(uri.query) req = ActionDispatch::Request.new( connection.env.merge( Rack::MockRequest.env_for(uri.to_s).merge( "rack.request.query_hash" => query_hash, "rack.request.query_string" => uri.query, "ORIGINAL_SCRIPT_NAME" => "", "ORIGINAL_FULLPATH" => path, Rack::SCRIPT_NAME => "", Rack::PATH_INFO => path, Rack::REQUEST_PATH => path, Rack::QUERY_STRING => uri.query ) ) ) path_params = Rails.application.routes.recognize_path_with_request(req, url, req.env[:extras] || {}) req.env.merge(ActionDispatch::Http::Parameters::PARAMETERS_KEY => path_params) req.env["action_dispatch.request.parameters"] = @params req.tap { |r| r.session.send :load! } end end def controller @controller ||= begin request.controller_class.new.tap do |c| c.instance_variable_set :"@stimulus_reflex", true instance_variables.each { |name| c.instance_variable_set name, instance_variable_get(name) } c.request = request c.response = ActionDispatch::Response.new end end end def url_params @url_params ||= Rails.application.routes.recognize_path_with_request(request, request.path, request.env[:extras] || {}) end def process(name, *args) reflex_invoked = false result = run_callbacks(:process) { public_send(name, *args).tap { reflex_invoked = true } } @halted ||= result == false && !reflex_invoked result end # Indicates if the callback chain was halted via a throw(:abort) in a before_reflex callback. # SEE: https://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveSupport/Callbacks.html # IMPORTANT: The reflex will not re-render the page if the callback chain is halted def halted? !!@halted end def default_reflex # noop default reflex to force page reloads end def params @_params ||= ActionController::Parameters.new(request.parameters) end end