/*------------------------------------------------------------------------ * (The MIT License) * * Copyright (c) 2008-2011 Rhomobile, Inc. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. * * http://rhomobile.com *------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #pragma once #include "RhodesAppBase.h" #ifdef __cplusplus #include "common/ThreadQueue.h" #include "net/INetRequest.h" #include "net/HttpServer.h" #include "SplashScreen.h" #include "AppMenu.h" #include "ExtManager.h" #include "api_generator/MethodResult.h" #undef DEFAULT_LOGCATEGORY #define DEFAULT_LOGCATEGORY "RhodesApp" namespace rho { namespace common { enum enNetworkStatus { networkStatusUnknown, networkStatusConnected, networkStatusDisconnected }; class INetworkStatusReceiver { public: virtual ~INetworkStatusReceiver() {} virtual void onNetworkStatusChanged(enNetworkStatus currentStatus) = 0; }; class INetworkStatusMonitor { public: virtual ~INetworkStatusMonitor() {} virtual void setPollInterval(int pollInterval) = 0; virtual void setNetworkStatusReceiver(INetworkStatusReceiver* receiver) = 0; }; class NetworkStatusReceiver : public INetworkStatusReceiver { private: enNetworkStatus m_prevStatus; common::CMutex& m_mxAccess; apiGenerator::CMethodResult m_result; public: NetworkStatusReceiver( common::CMutex& mxAccess ); virtual void onNetworkStatusChanged(enNetworkStatus currentStatus); void setMethodResult( const apiGenerator::CMethodResult& oResult) { m_result = oResult; } private: static String networkStatusToString( enNetworkStatus status ); }; enum enApplicationState { applicationStateUninitialized, applicationStateDeactivated, applicationStateActivated }; enum enUIState { UIStateUninitialized, UIStateDestroyed, UIStateCreated }; enum enScreenState { screenOff = 0, screenOn }; class IApplicationEventReceiver { public: virtual ~IApplicationEventReceiver(void) {} virtual bool onAppStateChange(const enApplicationState& newState) = 0; virtual bool onUIStateChange(const enUIState& newState) = 0; virtual bool onSyncUserChanged() = 0; virtual bool onReinstallConfigUpdate(const HashtablePtr* >& conflicts) = 0; virtual bool onMigrateSource() = 0; virtual bool onDeviceScreenEvent(const int newState) = 0; }; class ApplicationEventReceiver : public IApplicationEventReceiver { private: apiGenerator::CMethodResult m_result; enApplicationState m_app_state; enUIState m_ui_state; public: ApplicationEventReceiver(); virtual bool onAppStateChange(const enApplicationState& newState); virtual bool onUIStateChange(const enUIState& newState); virtual bool onSyncUserChanged(); virtual bool onReinstallConfigUpdate(const HashtablePtr* >& conflicts); virtual bool onMigrateSource(); virtual bool onDeviceScreenEvent(const int newState); virtual bool isCallbackSet(); virtual void setCallback(apiGenerator::CMethodResult& oResult); }; class CRhodesApp : public CRhodesAppBase { public: DEFINE_LOGCLASS; private: CRhodesApp(const String& strRootPath, const String& strUserPath, const String& strRuntimePath); boolean m_bExit, m_bRestartServer; String m_strListeningPorts; common::CAutoPtr m_httpServer; CSplashScreen m_oSplashScreen; CAppMenu m_oAppMenu; CRhoTimer m_oTimer; String m_strLoadingPagePath, m_strLoadingPngPath; String m_strStartUrl, m_strOptionsUrl, m_strRhobundleReloadUrl;//, m_strFirstStartUrl; static String m_strStartParameters, m_strStartParametersOriginal; static boolean m_bSecurityTokenNotPassed; String m_strRhoMessage; String m_EmptyString; bool m_isJSFSApp; Vector m_currentUrls; Vector m_arAppBackUrl, m_arAppBackUrlOrig; Vector m_arCallbackObjects; mutable common::CMutex m_mxCallbackObjects; common::CMutex m_mxScreenRotationCallback; String m_strScreenRotationCallback, m_strScreenRotationCallbackParams; boolean m_bDeactivationMode; //int m_activateCounter; common::CAutoPtr m_appCallbacksQueue; CExtManager m_oExtManager; common::CMutex m_mxNetworkStatus; NetworkStatusReceiver m_networkStatusReceiver; INetworkStatusMonitor* m_pNetworkStatusMonitor; static const int c_defaultNetworkStatusPollInterval = 20; ApplicationEventReceiver m_applicationEventReceiver; public: ~CRhodesApp(void); #if defined(WINDOWS_PLATFORM) bool m_cameraOpened; #endif static CRhodesApp* Create(const String& strRootPath, const String& strUserPath, const String& strRuntimePath); static void Destroy(); static CRhodesApp* getInstance(){ return (CRhodesApp*)m_pInstance; } void startApp(); void stopApp(); void restartLocalServer(common::CThreadQueue& waitThread); void keepLastVisitedUrl(String strUrl); void navigateToUrl( const String& strUrl); void navigateBack(); boolean deactivationMode() const {return m_bDeactivationMode;} const String& getRhobundleReloadUrl(); const String& getBaseUrl(); void setBaseUrl(const String& strBaseUrl); const String& getStartUrl(); const String& getOptionsUrl(); const String& getCurrentUrl(int index = 0); boolean isOnStartPage(); const String& getLoadingPngPath(){return m_strLoadingPngPath;} const String& getLoadingPagePath(){return m_strLoadingPagePath; } static void setStartParameters(const char* szParams ){ m_strStartParameters = (szParams ? szParams : ""); } static void setStartParametersOriginal(const char* szParams ){ m_strStartParametersOriginal = (szParams ? szParams : ""); } static void setSecurityTokenNotPassed(boolean is_not_passed) {m_bSecurityTokenNotPassed = is_not_passed;} static boolean isSecurityTokenNotPassed() {return m_bSecurityTokenNotPassed;} static const String& getStartParameters(){ return m_strStartParameters; } static const String& getStartParametersOriginal(){ return m_strStartParametersOriginal; } const String& getAppBackUrl(); void setAppBackUrl(const String& url); String getAppTitle(); String getAppName(); StringW getAppNameW(); void callBarcodeCallback(String strCallbackUrl, const String& strBarcode, bool isError); void callCallbackWithData(String strCallbackUrl, String strBody, const String& strCallbackData, bool bWaitForResponse); void callCallbackWithJsonBody( const char* szCallback, const char* szCallbackBody, const char* szCallbackData, bool bWaitForResponse); void callCameraCallback(String strCallbackUrl, const String& strImagePath, const String& strError, boolean bCancel); void callSignatureCallback(String strCallbackUrl, const String& strSignaturePath, const String& strError, boolean bCancel ); void callDateTimeCallback(String strCallbackUrl, long lDateTime, const char* szData, int bCancel ); void callBluetoothCallback(String strCallbackUrl, const char* body); void callAppActiveCallback(boolean bActive); void callUiCreatedCallback(); void callUiDestroyedCallback(); void callPopupCallback(String strCallbackUrl, const String &id, const String &title); boolean callTimerCallback(const String& strUrl, const String& strData); CAppMenu& getAppMenu (void) { return m_oAppMenu; } CSplashScreen& getSplashScreen(){return m_oSplashScreen;} CRhoTimer& getTimer(){ return m_oTimer; } CExtManager& getExtManager(){ return m_oExtManager; } String addCallbackObject(ICallbackObject* pCallbackObject, String strName); unsigned long getCallbackObject(int nIndex); void callScreenOnCallbackAsync(); const String& getRhoMessage(int nError, const char* szName); void runCallbackInThread(const String& strCallback, const String& strBody); IRhoPushClient* getDefaultPushClient() {return m_appPushMgr.getDefaultClient(); } void addPushClient(IRhoPushClient* pClient) { m_appPushMgr.addClient(pClient); } void initPushClients(); void setPushNotification(const String& strUrl, const String& strParams, const String& types); //void checkPushRegistration(const String& strUrl, const String& strParams, const String& type); boolean callPushCallbackWithJsonBody(const String& strUrl, const String& strData, const String& strParams); boolean callPushCallback(const String& strType, const String& strJson, const String& strData); void setScreenRotationNotification(String strUrl, String strParams); void callScreenRotationCallback(int width, int height, int degrees); void loadUrl(String url, int nTabIndex = -1); void notifyLocalServerStarted(); const char* getFreeListeningPort(); int determineFreeListeningPort(); void setNetworkStatusNotify(const apiGenerator::CMethodResult& oResult, int poll_interval); void clearNetworkStatusNotify(); void setNetworkStatusMonitor(INetworkStatusMonitor* netMonitor); void setApplicationEventHandler(apiGenerator::CMethodResult& oResult); void clearApplicationEventHandler(); IApplicationEventReceiver* getApplicationEventReceiver(); void registerLocalServerUrl(const String& strUrl, rho::net::CHttpServer::callback_t const &callback); bool isLocalServerRunning() { return ( (m_httpServer) && (m_httpServer->started()) ); } unsigned int getLocalServerPort() { return (m_httpServer!=0)?(m_httpServer->getPort()):0; } #ifdef OS_MACOSX String directHttpRequest( const String& method, const String& uri, const String& query, const rho::net::HttpHeaderList& headers, const String& body ) { return m_httpServer->directRequest(method, uri, query, headers, body ); } #endif void callCallbackProcWithData(unsigned long oRubyCallbackProc, String strBody, const String& strCallbackData, bool bWaitForResponse); #ifdef OS_WINCE bool isWebkitOutofProcess(); #endif protected: virtual void run(); void initHttpServer(); void initAppUrls(); void RhoJsStart(); void modifyRhoApiFile(); }; #if defined(WINDOWS_PLATFORM) extern "C" void rho_os_impl_performOnUiThread(rho::common::IRhoRunnable* pTask); template void rho_callInUIThread( FUNCTYPE pFunc, PARAMTYPE param ) { rho_os_impl_performOnUiThread( new rho::common::CStaticClassFunctor(pFunc, param) ); } #endif //WINDOWS_PLATFORM } } inline rho::common::CRhodesApp& RHODESAPP(){ return *rho::common::CRhodesApp::getInstance(); } #endif //__cplusplus #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif //__cplusplus void rho_rhodesapp_create(const char* szRootPath); void rho_rhodesapp_create_with_separate_user_path(const char* szRootPath, const char* szUserPath); void rho_rhodesapp_create_with_separate_runtime(const char* szRootPath, const char* szRuntimePath); void rho_rhodesapp_start(); void rho_rhodesapp_destroy(); const char* rho_rhodesapp_getstarturl(); //const char* rho_rhodesapp_getfirststarturl(); const char* rho_rhodesapp_gethomeurl(); const char* rho_rhodesapp_getoptionsurl(); void rho_rhodesapp_keeplastvisitedurl(const char* szUrl); const char* rho_rhodesapp_getcurrenturl(int tabindex); const char* rho_rhodesapp_getloadingpagepath(); const char* rho_rhodesapp_getblobsdirpath(); const char* rho_rhodesapp_getdbdirpath(); const char* rho_rhodesapp_getapprootpath(); const char* rho_rhodesapp_getuserrootpath(); void rho_http_redirect(void* httpContext, const char* szUrl); void rho_http_senderror(void* httpContext, int nError, const char* szMsg); void rho_http_sendresponse(void* httpContext, const char* szBody); int rho_http_snprintf(char *buf, size_t buflen, const char *fmt, ...); void rho_rhodesapp_navigate_back(); char* rho_http_normalizeurl(const char* szUrl); void rho_http_free(void* data); int rho_http_started(); int rho_http_get_port(); #ifdef OS_MACOSX const char* rho_http_direct_request( const char* method, const char* uri, const char* query, const void* headers, const char* body, int* responseLength ); void rho_http_free_response( const char* data ); void* rho_http_init_headers_list(); void rho_http_add_header( void* list, const char* name, const char* value ); void rho_http_free_headers_list( void* list ); #endif void rho_rhodesapp_callCameraCallback(const char* strCallbackUrl, const char* strImagePath, const char* strError, int bCancel ); void rho_rhodesapp_callSignatureCallback(const char* strCallbackUrl, const char* strSignaturePath, const char* strError, int bCancel ); void rho_rhodesapp_callDateTimeCallback(const char* strCallbackUrl, long lDateTime, const char* szData, int bCancel ); void rho_rhodesapp_callBluetoothCallback(const char* strCallbackUrl, const char* body); void rho_rhodesapp_callAppActiveCallback(int nActive); void rho_rhodesapp_callUiCreatedCallback(); void rho_rhodesapp_callUiDestroyedCallback(); void rho_rhodesapp_callScreenOffCallback(); void rho_rhodesapp_callScreenOnCallback(); unsigned long rho_rhodesapp_GetCallbackObject(int nIndex); //void rho_rhodesapp_setViewMenu(unsigned long valMenu); const char* rho_rhodesapp_getappbackurl(); int rho_rhodesapp_callPushCallback(const char* szData); //int rho_rhodesapp_callPushCallbackWithJsonBody(const char* szUrl, const char* szData, const char* szParam); void rho_rhodesapp_callScreenRotationCallback(int width, int height, int degrees); void rho_rhodesapp_callPopupCallback(const char *strCallbackUrl, const char *id, const char *title); int rho_conf_send_log(const char* callback_url); void rho_net_request(const char *url); void rho_net_request_with_data_in_separated_thread(const char *url, const char *str_body); void rho_rhodesapp_load_url(const char *url); int rho_rhodesapp_check_mode(); int rho_rhodesapp_canstartapp(const char* szCmdLine, const char* szSeparators); const char* rho_rhodesapp_getStartParametersOriginal(); void rho_rhodesapp_setStartParametersOriginal(const char* szParams); int rho_can_app_started_with_current_licence(const char* szLicence, const char* szCompany, const char* szAppName); int rho_is_rho_elements_extension_can_be_used(const char* szLicence); // should be implemented in platforms code void rho_platform_restart_application(); void rho_sys_set_network_status_notify(const char* url, int poll_interval); void rho_sys_clear_network_status_notify(); #ifdef __cplusplus }; #endif //__cplusplus