require 'json' def run(cmd, quiet=true) puts "Running #{cmd}" if ENV['DEBUG'] == 'true' command = [cmd] command << "&>/dev/null" if quiet system(command.join(' ')) end namespace :heroku do desc 'Pull down production database' # task :import => ['heroku:dump:postgres', 'heroku:import:postgres'] do task :import => ['heroku:import:neo4j'] do puts puts "Done" end namespace :capture do task :postgres do puts "Capturing Production Backup ..." run("heroku pg:backups capture --app __PROJECT_NAME__", false) end end namespace :dump do task :postgres do Rake::Task["heroku:capture:postgres"].execute if ENV['CAPTURE'] puts "Loading Production Dump ..." run("curl -o tmp/latest.dump `heroku pg:backups public-url --app __PROJECT_NAME__`") end task :clean do run("rm tmp/latest.dump") end end namespace :import do task :neo4j do puts "Importing to Neo ..." run "rm -rf /usr/local/Cellar/neo4j/3.0.6/libexec/data/databases/graph.db/" run "tar xvfz tmp/graph.tar.gz -C /usr/local/Cellar/neo4j/3.0.6/libexec/data/databases" run "neo4j restart" end task :postgres => ['kill_postgres_connections','db:drop','db:create'] do config = Rails.configuration.database_configuration host = config[Rails.env]["host"] database = config[Rails.env]["database"] username = config[Rails.env]["username"] password = config[Rails.env]["password"] puts "Importing to #{database} ..." cmd = ["pg_restore --verbose --clean --no-acl --no-owner"] cmd << "-h #{host}" if host.present? cmd << "-U #{username}" if username.present? cmd << "-p #{password}" if password.present? cmd << "-d #{database}" cmd << "tmp/latest.dump" run(cmd.join(' ')) end task :kill_postgres_connections => :environment do env = "development" db_config = Rails.configuration.database_configuration[env] fail(ArgumentError, "Could not find db config entry for env (#{env})") unless db_config db_name = db_config['database'] # thanks to # previously, we were kill'ing the postgres processes: cmd = %(psql -c "SELECT pid, pg_terminate_backend(pid) as terminated FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE pid <> pg_backend_pid();" -d '#{db_name}') unless run(cmd) fail $?.inspect end end end end