# frozen_string_literal: true
module AsanaExceptionNotifier
# helper methods that use Heredoc syntax
module HeredocHelper
# This method creates a HTML link , that when will be clicked will trigger the toggle of a fieldset, by either making it hidden or visible
# @param [String] link The link id of the fieldset that will be toggled when the resulting HTML link will be clicked
# @return [String] returns HTML link that will be used to toggle between fieldsets
def link_helper(link)
# Gets a bidimensional array and create a table.
# The first array is used as label.
# @param [Array>] array The array of arrays of strings that will be used for constructing the HTML table
# @param [Hash] options The options list that will be used to construct the HTML attributes on the HTML table
# @return [String] returns the HTML table that was generated from the received array
def mount_table(array, options = {})
header = array.extract_options!
#{get_table_headers(header)} |