Feature: Interacting with the standard text field Scenario: Entering text into a text field identified by index Given I'm on the controls screen When I enter "example text" into the text field identified by "index" Then I should have the value "example text" on the control screen Scenario: Entering text into a text field identified by id Given I'm on the controls screen When I enter "example text" into the text field identified by "id" Then I should have the value "example text" on the control screen Scenario: Clearing the text from a text field identified by index Given I'm on the controls screen When I enter "example text" into the text field identified by "index" Then I should have the value "example text" on the control screen When I clear the text from the text field identified by "index" Then I should not have the value "example text" on the control screen Scenario: Clearing the text from a text field identified by id Given I'm on the controls screen When I enter "example text" into the text field identified by "id" Then I should have the value "example text" on the control screen When I clear the text from the text field identified by "id" Then I should not have the value "example text" on the control screen Scenario: Retrieving the hint text identified by id When I'm on the search view filter screen Then I am am given the hint "Some Hint Text" for the "text_field_id" control Scenario: Retrieving the content description text identified by id When I'm on the search view filter screen Then I am am given the description "Edit Description" for the "text_field_id" control Scenario: Retrieving text identified by id Given I'm on the controls screen When I enter "example text" into the text field identified by "id" Then I should have the value "example text" in the text field identified by "id" Scenario: Retrieving text identified by index Given I'm on the controls screen When I enter "example text" into the text field identified by "index" Then I should have the value "example text" in the text field identified by "index" Scenario: Determining if a text view is enabled When I'm on the controls screen Then the "text" field's "enabled" property is "true" Scenario: Determining if a button view is enabled When I'm on the controls screen Then the "button" field's "enabled" property is "true" Scenario: Determining if a button view is disabled When I'm on the controls screen Then the "button_disabled" field's "enabled" property is "false" Scenario: Determining properties of a text view When I'm on the controls screen Then the "text" field identified by "id" can determine the following properties: | property | value | | clickable | true | | enabled | true | | focusable | true | | focused | true | | selected | false | | shown | true |