class Invoice < ActiveRecord::Base include ExtensibleObjectHelper # NOTE: this has to be above the has_many, otherwise activities would get nullified before this callback had a chance to return fals before_destroy :ensure_not_published_on_destroy before_destroy :ensure_were_the_most_recent before_update :ensure_not_published_on_update after_create :reattach_activities after_update :reattach_activities after_update :mark_invoice_payments after_create :mark_invoice_payments after_destroy :remove_invoice_payments belongs_to :client has_many :activities, :dependent => :nullify has_many :payments, :through => 'invoice_payments' has_and_belongs_to_many( :activity_types, :join_table => 'invoices_activity_types', :before_remove => :invalid_if_published, :before_add => :invalid_if_published, :uniq => true ) validates_presence_of :client_id, :issued_on # This just ends up being useful in a couple places ACTIVITY_TOTAL_SQL = '(IF(activities.cost_in_cents IS NULL, 0, activities.cost_in_cents)+IF(activities.tax_in_cents IS NULL, 0, activities.tax_in_cents))' def initialize(*args) super(*args) end_of_last_month = Time.utc(* self.issued_on = end_of_last_month unless self.issued_on end def invalid_if_published(collection_record = nil) raise "Can't adjust an already-published invoice." if !new_record? and is_published end def reattach_activities included_activity_types = activity_types.collect{ |a| a.label.downcase } unincluded_activity_types = ActivityType.find(:all).collect{ |a| a.label.downcase } - included_activity_types # First we NULL'ify (remove) existing attachments that no longer should be: nullify_conditions = [] nullify_parameters = [] # Conditions for occurance adjutments nullify_conditions << '(DATEDIFF(occurred_on, DATE(?)) > 0)' nullify_parameters << issued_on # For the ActivityType Adjustments: unless unincluded_activity_types.empty? nullify_conditions << '(%s)' % ( ['activity_type = ?'] * unincluded_activity_types.size).join(' OR ') nullify_parameters += unincluded_activity_types end Activity.update_all( 'invoice_id = NULL', [ ['invoice_id = ?', 'is_published = ?', ('(%s)' % nullify_conditions.join(' OR ')) ].join(' AND ') ]+ [id, true]+nullify_parameters ) unless new_record? # Now we attach the new records : update_where = [ ['invoice_id IS NULL'], ['is_published = ?', true], ['client_id = ?', client_id], ['DATEDIFF(occurred_on, DATE(?)) <= 0', issued_on], # Slightly more complicated, for the type includes: ( (included_activity_types.size > 0) ? [ '('+(['activity_type = ?'] * included_activity_types.size).join(' OR ')+')', included_activity_types ] : [ 'activity_type IS NULL' ] ) ] Activity.update_all( ['invoice_id = ?', id ], # This is what ActiveRecord actually expects... update_where.collect{|c| c[0]}.join(' AND ').to_a + update_where.reject{|c| c.length < 2 }.collect{|c| c[1]}.flatten ) end def is_most_recent_invoice? newest_invoice = Invoice.find :first, :select => 'id', :order => 'issued_on DESC', :conditions => ['client_id = ?', client_id] (newest_invoice.nil? or == id) ? true : false end def ensure_were_the_most_recent unless is_most_recent_invoice? errors.add_to_base "Can't destroy an invoice if its not the client's most recent invoice" return false end end def ensure_not_published_on_destroy if is_published and !changes.has_key? :is_published errors.add_to_base "Can't destroy a published invoice" return false end end def ensure_not_published_on_update errors.add_to_base "Can't update a published invoice" if is_published and !changes.has_key? :is_published end def validate_on_update errors.add :client, "can't be updated after creation" if changes.has_key? "client_id" errors.add_to_base( "Invoice can't be updated once published." ) if is_published and changes.reject{|k,v| k == 'is_published'}.length > 0 errors.add_to_base( "Invoice can't be unpublished, unless its the newest invoice in the client's queue." ) if changes.has_key?('is_published') and is_published_was and !is_most_recent_invoice? end def taxes_total process_total :taxes_total, :tax_in_cents end def sub_total process_total :sub_total, :cost_in_cents end def amount( force_reload = false ) (attribute_present? :amount_in_cents and !force_reload) ? : process_total( :amount, ACTIVITY_TOTAL_SQL ) end def grand_total process_total :grand_total, ACTIVITY_TOTAL_SQL end def name '"%s" Invoice on %s' % [ (client) ? client.company_name : '(Unknown Client)', issued_on.strftime("%m/%d/%Y %I:%M %p") ] end def long_name "Invoice #%d (%s) - %s (%s)" % [ id, issued_on.strftime("%m/%d/%Y %I:%M %p"), client.company_name, ('$%.2f' % amount.to_s).gsub(/(\d)(?=\d{3}+(\.\d*)?$)/, '\1,') ] end def remove_invoice_payments InvoicePayment.destroy_all ['invoice_id = ?', id] end def mark_invoice_payments if changes.has_key? "is_published" remove_invoice_payments if is_published unallocated_payments = Payment.find_with_totals( :all, :conditions => [ 'client_id = ? AND (payments.amount_in_cents - IF(payments_total.amount_allocated_in_cents IS NULL, 0, payments_total.amount_allocated_in_cents) ) > ?', client_id, 0 ] ) current_client_balance = 0.0.to_money unallocated_payments.each { |pmnt| current_client_balance -= pmnt.amount_unallocated } invoice_balance = amount unallocated_payments.each do |unallocated_pmnt| break if invoice_balance == 0 or current_client_balance >= 0 payment_allocation = (unallocated_pmnt.amount_unallocated > invoice_balance) ? invoice_balance : unallocated_pmnt.amount_unallocated InvoicePayment.create! :invoice => self, :payment => unallocated_pmnt, :amount => payment_allocation invoice_balance -= payment_allocation current_client_balance += payment_allocation end end end end def paid_on raise StandardError unless is_paid? InvoicePayment.find( :first, :order => 'payments.paid_on DESC', :include => [:payment], :conditions => ['invoice_id = ?', id] ).payment.paid_on rescue nil end def is_paid?( force_reload = false ) (attribute_present? :is_paid and !force_reload) ? (read_attribute(:is_paid).to_i == 1) : end def amount_paid( force_reload = false ) (attribute_present? :amount_paid_in_cents and !force_reload) ? read_attribute(:amount_paid_in_cents).to_i : InvoicePayment.sum( :amount_in_cents, :conditions => ['invoice_id = ?', id] ).to_i ) end def amount_outstanding amount - amount_paid end def self.find_with_totals( how_many = :all, options = {} ) joins = [] joins << 'LEFT JOIN ('+ "SELECT AS invoice_id, SUM(#{ACTIVITY_TOTAL_SQL}) AS total_in_cents"+ ' FROM invoices'+ ' LEFT JOIN activities ON activities.invoice_id ='+ ' GROUP BY'+ ') AS activities_total ON activities_total.invoice_id =' joins << 'LEFT JOIN ('+ 'SELECT AS invoice_id, SUM(invoice_payments.amount_in_cents) AS total_in_cents'+ ' FROM invoices'+ ' LEFT JOIN invoice_payments ON invoice_payments.invoice_id ='+ ' GROUP BY'+ ') AS invoices_total ON invoices_total.invoice_id =' cast_amount = 'IF(activities_total.total_in_cents IS NULL, 0,activities_total.total_in_cents)' cast_amount_paid = 'IF(invoices_total.total_in_cents IS NULL, 0,invoices_total.total_in_cents)' Invoice.find( how_many, { :select => [ '', 'invoices.client_id', 'invoices.comments', 'invoices.issued_on', "#{cast_amount} AS amount_in_cents", "#{cast_amount_paid} AS amount_paid_in_cents", "#{cast_amount} - #{cast_amount_paid} AS amount_outstanding_in_cents" ].join(', '), :order => 'issued_on ASC', :joins => joins.join(' ') }.merge(options) ) end def authorized_for?(options) case options[:action].to_s when /^(update|destroy)$/ (is_published and !is_most_recent_invoice?) ? false : true else true end end private def process_total(name, field_sql) Activity.sum(field_sql, :conditions => ['invoice_id = ?', id]).to_i end handle_extensions end