module LoggedRequest PATTERN = 'rest_client.request'.freeze DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE = 'application/json'.freeze def logged_request(opts = {}, &block) # We intend on using the following variables in this method's # ensure block. This means that we must take care to ensure # that we check for nil against these variables whenever they # are accessed. response, exception = nil, nil started = response = execute(opts, &block) rescue StandardError => ex exception = ex.class.to_s response = ex.respond_to?(:response) && ex.response raise ex # Re-raise the exception, we just wanted to capture it ensure time = ( - started).round(2) content_type = content_type_from_headers(opts[:headers]) payload = filter(content_type).new(data: opts[:payload]).filter opts[:headers].reject! { |k, _| k.to_s.casecmp('authorization').zero? } if opts[:headers] params = opts.except(:user, :password, :payload).merge(payload: payload) ActiveSupport::Notifications.instrument PATTERN, log_data(params, response, exception, time) end private def log_data(params, response, exception, time) request_data(params).merge( response: response_data(response), exception: exception, time_elapsed: time ) end def response_data(response = nil) if response { code: response.code, headers: response.headers, body: response.body.to_s.force_encoding('UTF-8') } end end def request_data(params) { request: params } end def filter(content_type) RestClient::Jogger::Filters::Base.filter_class(content_type) end def content_type_from_headers(headers) (headers && headers[:content_type]) || DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE end end