# HitList Very simple and fast hit and popularity counter using Redis sorted sets. It solves problem where you need to know most popular article or project in last X days. [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/krists/hit_list.png?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/krists/hit_list) [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/hit_list.png)](http://badge.fury.io/rb/hit_list) [![Code Climate](https://codeclimate.com/github/krists/hit_list.png)](https://codeclimate.com/github/krists/hit_list) ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: gem 'hit_list' And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install hit_list ## Usage with Rails # Set Redis connection in initializer HitList::RailsModelExtension.redis_connection= Redis.new(host: '', port: 6380) # If you don't do this HitList will attempt to create one on its own with default arguments # Equivalent to: HitList::RailsModelExtension.redis_connection= Redis.new # include in models.. class Article < ActiveRecord::Base include HitList::RailsModelExtension # .. end # Use.. Article.top_records(3) # => ["1", "43", "13"] article = Article.first article.total_hits # => 4 article.increment_hit_counter! # Increments total hits counter and ranking for days article.increment_only_total_hits! article.increment_only_rank! # When you want to preserve rank stats for more than default 7 days you have to overwrite method hit_list_day_count class Article < ActiveRecord::Base include HitList::RailsModelExtension def hit_list_day_count 14 end # .. end ## Usage without Rails # connect to redis db redis_connection = Redis.new(:host => "", :port => 6380) # pass connection when initializing counter counter = HitList::Counter.new(connection, 'articles') # make hits.. counter.hit!(2) counter.hit!(2) counter.hit!('bob') # see results.. counter.total_hits(2) # => 2 counter.total_hits('bob') # => 1 # You can track hits on objects. Just provide different name counter_1 = HitList::Counter.new(connection, 'articles') counter_1.hit!('top-story') counter_2 = HitList::Counter.new(connection, 'users') counter_2.hit!('alice') # Finaly you can see top records for any given time. counter_1 = HitList::Counter.new(connection, 'articles') counter_1.top_records(3) # => ["91","5","34"] # or rankings 3 days ago.. counter_1.top_records(2, Time.now - 3.days) # => ["5","34"] If you want to preserve ranking for more than 7 days you have to provide day count when initializing `HitList::Counter` object # Preserve rankings for 2 weeks counter = HitList::Counter.new(connection, 'articles', 14) counter.hit!('something')