# Use the default apply File.expand_path("../rails_template.rb", __FILE__) # Register Active Admin controllers %w{ Post User Category }.each do |type| generate :'active_admin:resource', type end scopes = <<-EOF scope :all, :default => true scope :drafts do |posts| posts.where(["published_at IS NULL"]) end scope :scheduled do |posts| posts.where(["posts.published_at IS NOT NULL AND posts.published_at > ?", Time.now.utc]) end scope :published do |posts| posts.where(["posts.published_at IS NOT NULL AND posts.published_at < ?", Time.now.utc]) end scope :my_posts do |posts| posts.where(:author_id => current_admin_user.id) end EOF inject_into_file 'app/admin/posts.rb', scopes , :after => "ActiveAdmin.register Post do\n" # Setup some default data append_file "db/seeds.rb", <<-EOF users = ["Jimi Hendrix", "Jimmy Page", "Yngwie Malmsteen", "Eric Clapton", "Kirk Hammett"].collect do |name| first, last = name.split(" ") User.create! :first_name => first, :last_name => last, :username => [first,last].join('-').downcase, :age => rand(80) end categories = ["Rock", "Pop Rock", "Alt-Country", "Blues", "Dub-Step"].collect do |name| Category.create! :name => name end published_at_values = [Time.now.utc - 5.days, Time.now.utc - 1.day, nil, Time.now.utc + 3.days] 1_000.times do |i| user = users[i % users.size] cat = categories[i % categories.size] published_at = published_at_values[i % published_at_values.size] Post.create :title => "Blog Post \#{i}", :body => "Blog post \#{i} is written by \#{user.username} about \#{cat.name}", :category => cat, :published_at => published_at, :author => user, :starred => true end EOF rake 'db:seed'