require "socket" require "uri" require "monitor" unless ::Kernel.const_defined?(:Monitor) require "string-cases" #This class tries to emulate a browser in Ruby without any visual stuff. Remember cookies, keep sessions alive, reset connections according to keep-alive rules and more. #===Examples # "", port: 80, ssl: false, debug: false) do |http| # res = http.get("index.rhtml?show=some_page") # html = res.body # print html # # res ="index.rhtml?choice=login", {"username" => "John Doe", "password" => 123}) # print res.body # print "#{res.headers}" # end class Http2 #Autoloader for subclasses. def self.const_missing(name) require "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../include/#{::StringCases.camel_to_snake(name)}.rb" return Http2.const_get(name) end #Converts a URL to ""-short-URL. def self.isgdlink(url) "") do |http| resp = http.get("/api.php?longurl=#{url}") return resp.body end end attr_reader :autostate, :connection, :cookies, :args, :debug, :mutex, :resp, :raise_errors, :nl attr_accessor :keepalive_max, :keepalive_timeout VALID_ARGUMENTS_INITIALIZE = [:host, :port, :skip_port_in_host_header, :ssl, :nl, :user_agent, :raise_errors, :follow_redirects, :debug, :encoding_gzip, :autostate, :basic_auth, :extra_headers, :proxy] def initialize(args = {}) @args = parse_init_args(args) set_default_values @cookies = {} @mutex = @connection = if block_given? begin yield(self) ensure self.destroy end end end def host @args[:host] end def port @args[:port] end def reconnect @connection.reconnect end def new_url builder = = host builder.port = port builder.protocol = @args[:protocol] return builder end # Closes current connection if any, changes the arguments on the object and reconnects keeping all cookies and other stuff intact. def change(args) @args.merge!(args) @connection.destroy @connection = end #Destroys the object unsetting all variables and closing all sockets. #===Examples # http.destroy def destroy @args = nil @cookies = nil @debug = nil @mutex = nil @uagent = nil @keepalive_timeout = nil @request_last = nil @connection.destroy @connection = nil end #Forces various stuff into arguments-hash like URL from original arguments and enables single-string-shortcuts and more. def parse_args(*args) if args.length == 1 && args.first.is_a?(String) args = {url: args.first} elsif args.length >= 2 raise "Couldnt parse arguments." elsif args.is_a?(Array) && args.length == 1 args = args.first else raise "Invalid arguments: '#{}'." end if args[:url].to_s.split("\n").length != 1 raise "Invalid URL: '#{args[:url]}'." end return args end #Returns a result-object based on the arguments. #===Examples # res = http.get("somepage.html") # print res.body #=> -object containing the HTML gotten. def get(args), args).execute end # Proxies the request to another method but forces the method to be "DELETE". def delete(args) if args[:json] return post(args.merge(method: :delete)) else return get(args.merge(method: :delete)) end end #Returns the default headers for a request. #===Examples # headers_hash = http.default_headers # print "#{headers_hash}" def default_headers(args = {}) return args[:default_headers] if args[:default_headers] headers = { "Connection" => "Keep-Alive", "User-Agent" => @uagent } #Possible to give custom host-argument. host = args[:host] || port = args[:port] || self.port headers["Host"] = "#{host}" # Copy host string to avoid changing the original string if port has been given! headers["Host"] << ":#{port}" if port && ![80, 443].include?(port.to_i) && !@args[:skip_port_in_host_header] headers["Accept-Encoding"] = "gzip" if @args[:encoding_gzip] if @args[:basic_auth] require "base64" unless ::Kernel.const_defined?(:Base64) headers["Authorization"] = "Basic #{Base64.encode64("#{@args[:basic_auth][:user]}:#{@args[:basic_auth][:passwd]}").strip}" end headers.merge!(@args[:extra_headers]) if @args[:extra_headers] headers.merge!(args[:headers]) if args[:headers] return headers end #Posts to a certain page. #===Examples # res ="login.php", {"username" => "John Doe", "password" => 123) def post(args), args).execute end #Posts to a certain page using the multipart-method. #===Examples # res = http.post_multipart("upload.php", {"normal_value" => 123, "file" =>}) def post_multipart(*args), *args).execute end #Returns a header-string which normally would be used for a request in the given state. def header_str(headers_hash, args = {}) headers_hash["Cookie"] = cookie_header_string headers_str = "" headers_hash.each do |key, val| headers_str << "#{key}: #{val}#{@nl}" end return headers_str end def cookie_header_string cstr = "" first = true @cookies.each do |cookie_name, cookie_data| cstr << "; " unless first first = false if first if cookie_data.is_a?(Hash) name = cookie_data["name"] value = cookie_data["value"] else name = cookie_name value = cookie_data end raise "Unexpected lines: #{value.lines.to_a.length}." if value.lines.to_a.length != 1 cstr << "#{Http2::Utils.urlenc(name)}=#{Http2::Utils.urlenc(value)}" end return cstr end def on_content_call(args, str) args[:on_content].call(str) if args.key?(:on_content) end #Reads the response after posting headers and data. #===Examples # res = http.read_response def read_response(args = {}) self, sock: @sock, args: args).response end def to_s "" end def inspect to_s end private #Registers the states from a result. def autostate_register(res) puts "Http2: Running autostate-register on result." if @debug @autostate_values.clear res.body.to_s.scan(//) do |match| name = "__#{match[0]}" id = match[1] value = match[2] puts "Http2: Registered autostate-value with name '#{name}' and value '#{value}'." if @debug @autostate_values[name] = Http2::Utils.urldec(value) end raise "No states could be found." if @autostate_values.empty? end #Sets the states on the given post-hash. def autostate_set_on_post_hash(phash) phash.merge!(@autostate_values) end def parse_init_args(args) args = {host: args} if args.is_a?(String) raise "Arguments wasnt a hash." unless args.is_a?(Hash) args.each do |key, val| raise "Invalid key: '#{key}'." unless VALID_ARGUMENTS_INITIALIZE.include?(key) end raise "No host was given." unless args[:host] return args end def set_default_values @debug = @args[:debug] @autostate_values = {} if autostate @nl = @args[:nl] || "\r\n" if !@args[:port] if @args[:ssl] @args[:port] = 443 else @args[:port] = 80 end end if @args[:user_agent] @uagent = @args[:user_agent] else @uagent = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)" end if !@args.key?(:raise_errors) || @args[:raise_errors] @raise_errors = true else @raise_errors = false end end end