# JLPT vocabulary, level 1 # Copyright (C) 2001 Thierry Bézecourt (http://www.thbz.org) # License information: # You can use this file freely in a non-commercial way. If you plan to # make it available publicly in a book, a software or whatever medium, # whether freely or not, you must include the first two lines of this # file (the copyright information) and tell me about it by sending an # e-mail to kanjimots@thbz.org. Thanks. # If the kanji are not displayed correctly on your screen, you may # either: # - in your Internet browser, change the encoding to "Unicode (UTF-8)" # (in the "View" menu). # - or save the file on your disk, and open it with a Japanese editor # such as the excellent JWPce # (http://www.physics.ucla.edu/~grosenth/jwpce.html). # format: # field #1 (optional): kanji representation of the word # field #2 (mandatory): kana representation of the word # field #3 (optional): remarks, between parenthesis # 06-FEB-03: Modified by Norbert Burger (norbert.burger@mindspring.com) # to include EDICT definition # field #4 (optional): English definition from EDICT V03-001 あ [(感動詞)] ああ [(指示詞)] /(int) Ah!/Oh!/Alas!/ あいさつ /(n,vs) greeting/salutation/(P)/ 間 [あいだ] /(n) space/room/time/pause/(P)/ 合う [あう] /(v5u) to fit/to suit/to agree with/to match/to be correct/to be profitable/(P)/ あかちゃん /(n) baby/infant/(P)/ 上る [あがる] /(v5r) to rise/to ascend/to be promoted/to go up/to climb/to go to (the capital)/to add up to/to advance (in price)/to sail up/to come up (on the agenda)/(P)/ 赤ん坊 [あかんぼう] /(n) baby/(P)/ 空く [あく] /(v5k,vi) (1) to open/to become open/to become empty/(2) to be less crowded/(P)/ あげる [(お祝いをあげる)] /(v1) to lift/to fry/(P)/ 朝寝坊 [あさねぼう] /(n,vs) oversleeping/late riser/(P)/ 味 [あじ] /(adj-na,n) flavor/taste/(P)/ 明日 [あす] /(n-t) tomorrow/(P)/ 遊び [あそび] /(n,n-suf) playing/(P)/ 集る [あつまる] /(v5r) (1) to gather/to crowd round/to swarm/to flock/(2) to extort from/to sponge off/(P)/ 集める [あつめる] /(v1,vt) to collect/to assemble/(P)/ 謝る [あやまる] /(v5r) to apologize/(P)/ アルバイト /(de:) (n) part-time job (esp. high school students) (de: Arbeit)/(P)/ 安心 [あんしん] /(n) (Buddhism) obtaining peace of mind through faith or ascetic practice/ 安全 [あんぜん] /(adj-na,n) safety/security/(P)/ あんな /(adj-na,adj-pn) such/so/that/sort of/(P)/ 案内 [あんない] /(n,vs) information/guidance/leading/(P)/ 以下 [いか] /(n) less than/up to/below/under/and downward/not exceeding/the following/the rest/(P)/ 以外 [いがい] /(n-adv) with the exception of/excepting/(P)/ いかが /(adj-na,adv,n) how/in what way/(P)/ 医学 [いがく] /(n) medical science/medicine/(P)/ 生きる [いきる] /(v1) to live/to exist/(P)/ いくら~ても 意見 [いけん] /(n) opinion/view/(P)/ 石 [いし] /(n) volume measure (approx. 180l, 5 bushels, 10 cub.ft)/(P)/ いじめる /(v1) to tease/to torment/to persecute/to chastise/(P)/ 以上 [いじょう] /(n-adv,n-t) more than/exceeding/greater than/this is all/over/above/and up/beyond/the above-mentioned/since/as long as/the end/(P)/ 急ぐ [いそぐ] /(v5g) to hurry/to rush/(P)/ 致す [いたす] /(v5s) (hum) to do/(P)/ いただく /(v5k) to receive/to take food or drink (hum)/to be crowned with/to wear/to live under (a ruler)/to install (a president)/to accept/to buy/to take/(P)/ 一度 [いちど] /(n-adv) once/one time/on one occasion/ 一生懸命 [いっしょうけんめい] /(adj-na,n-adv,n) very hard/with utmost effort/with all one's might/(P)/ いっぱい [(副詞)] /(adj-na,adv,n) (1) a cup of/a drink/(2) full/(3) to the utmost/up to (one's income)/a lot of/much/(P)/ 糸 [いと] /(n,n-suf) thread/yarn/string/(P)/ 以内 [いない] /(n,n-suf) within/inside of/less than/(P)/ 田舎 [いなか] /(gikun) (n) rural/not particularly urban/countryside/suburb/(P)/ 祈る [いのる] /(v5r,vi) to pray/to wish/(P)/ いらっしゃる /(v5aru) (hon) to be/to come/to go/(P)/ ~員 [~いん] 植える [うえる] /(v1) to plant/to grow/(P)/ うかがう /(v5u,vi,vt) (hon) to visit/to ask/to inquire/to hear/to be told/to implore (a god for an oracle)/(P)/ 受付 [うけつけ] /(n) receipt/acceptance/reception (desk)/information desk/(P)/ 受ける [うける] /(v1) to undertake/to accept/to take (lesson, test, damage)/to undergo/to experience/to catch (e.g. a ball)/to become popular/(P)/ 動く [うごく] /(v5k,vi) to move/to stir/to shift/to shake/to swing/to operate/to run/to go/to work/to be touched/to be influenced/to waver/to fluctuate/to vary/to change/to be transferred/(P)/ うそ /(n) lie/falsehood/incorrect fact/inappropriate/(P)/ うち [(この二つのうち)] /(n) inside/ 打つ [うつ] /(v5t) to hit/to strike/(P)/ 美しい [うつくしい] /(adj) beautiful/lovely/(P)/ 写す [うつす] /(v5s) to film/to transcribe/to duplicate/to reproduce/to trace/to describe/to picture/to photograph/to imitate/(P)/ 移る [うつる] /(v5r) (1) to move (house)/to transfer (department)/(2) to be infected/to be contagious/(P)/ 腕 [うで] /(n) (1) arm/(2) skill/(P)/ うまい /(adj) delicious/ 裏 [うら] /(n) reverse side/wrong side/back/undersurface/inside/palm/sole/opposite/rear/lining/last half (of an inning)/ 売り場 [うりば] /(adj-no,n) place where things are sold/salesfloor/counter (in shop)/(P)/ うるさい /(adj) noisy/loud/fussy/(P)/ うれしい /(adj) happy/glad/pleasant/(P)/ うん [(応答)] /(n) fortune/luck/(P)/ 運転手 [うんてんしゅ] /(n) driver/chauffeur/(P)/ 運転 [うんてん] /(n,vs) operation/motion/driving/(P)/ 運動 [うんどう] /(n,vs) motion/exercise/(P)/ エスカレーター /(n) escalator/(P)/ 枝 [えだ] /(n) branch/bow/twig/limb/(P)/ 選ぶ [えらぶ] /(v5b) to choose/to select/(P)/ 遠慮 [えんりょ] /(adj-na,n,vs) diffidence/restraint/reserve/(P)/ おいでになる /(v5r) (hon) (uk) to be/ お祝い [おいわい] /(n) congratulation/celebration/(P)/ 応接間 [おうせつま] /(n) reception room/(P)/ 多い [おおい] /(adj) many/numerous/(P)/ 大きな [おおきな] オートバイ /(n) motorcycle (lit: auto-bi(ke))/(P)/ オーバー /(adj-na,n,vs) (1) overcoat/(2) over/exceeding/going beyond/exaggeration/(3) ball hit over the head of an outfielder (baseball)/(P)/ おかげ /(n) thanks or owing to/ おかしい /(adj) (uk) strange/funny/amusing/ridiculous/ ~おき 億 [おく] /(num) 100,000,000/hundred million/(P)/ 屋上 [おくじょう] /(n) rooftop/(P)/ 贈り物 [おくりもの] /(n) present/gift/(P)/ 送る [おくる] /(v5r) to send (a thing)/to dispatch/to take or escort (a person somewhere)/to see off (a person)/to spend a period of time/to live a life/(P)/ 遅れる [おくれる] /(v1) to be late/to be delayed/to fall behind schedule/(P)/ お子さん [おこさん] /(n) (someone else's) child/ 起す [おこす] /(io) (v5s) to raise/to cause/to wake someone/ 行う [おこなう] /(v5u) to perform/to do/to conduct oneself/to carry out/(P)/ 怒る [おこる] /(v5r) (1) to get angry/to get mad/(2) to be angry/(P)/ 押し入れ [おしいれ] /(n) closet/(P)/ お嬢さん [おじょうさん] /(n) (1) (hon) daughter/(2) young lady/(P)/ お宅 [おたく] /(n) (pol) your house/your home/you/(P)/ 落る [おちる] おっしゃる /(v5aru) (hon) to say/to speak/to tell/to talk/(P)/ 音 [おと] /(n,n-suf) sound/note/(P)/ 落す [おとす] /(io) (v5s) to drop/to lose/to let fall/ 踊り [おどり] /(n) dance/(P)/ 踊る [おどる] /(v5r) to dance/(P)/ 驚く [おどろく] /(v5k) to be surprised/to be astonished/(P)/ お祭り [おまつり] お見舞い [おみまい] /(n) calling on someone who is ill/enquiry/ お土産 [おみやげ] /(n) present/souvenir/(P)/ 思い出す [おもいだす] /(v5s) to recall/to remember/(P)/ 思う [おもう] /(v5u) to think/to feel/(P)/ おもちゃ /(n) (uk) toy/(P)/ 表 [おもて] /(n,n-suf) table (e.g. Tab 1)/chart/list/(P)/ おや [(感動詞)] /(n) parents/(P)/ 下りる [おりる] /(v1) to alight (e.g. from bus)/to get off/to descend (e.g. a mountain)/(P)/ おる [(”いる”の謙譲語)] /(v5r) to break/to fold/to pick flower/(P)/ お礼 [おれい] /(n) thanking/expression of gratitude/(P)/ 折れる [おれる] /(v1,vi,vt) to break/to be folded/to give in/to turn (a corner)/(P)/ 終わり [おわり] /(n) the end/(P)/ ~家 [~か] カーテン /(n) curtain/carton/(P)/ ~会 [~かい] 海岸 [かいがん] /(n) coast/beach/(P)/ 会議 [かいぎ] /(n) meeting/conference/session/assembly/council/convention/congress/(P)/ 会場 [かいじょう] /(n) assembly hall/meeting place/the grounds/(P)/ 会話 [かいわ] /(n) conversation/(P)/ 帰り [かえり] /(n) return/coming back/(P)/ 変える [かえる] /(v1,vt) to change/to alter/to vary/to convert/to revise/to amend/ 科学 [かがく] /(n) science/(P)/ 鏡 [かがみ] /(n) mirror/(P)/ ~学部 [~がくぶ] 飾る [かざる] /(v5r) to decorate/to ornament/to adorn/(P)/ 火事 [かじ] /(n) fire/conflagration/(P)/ ガソリン /(n) gasoline/petrol/(P)/ ガソリンスタンド /(n) gasoline stand/gas station/(P)/ かた [(読み方)] /(adj-na,n) many/plentiful/ 形 [かたち] /(n) form/shape/figure/type/(P)/ 片付ける [かたづける] /(v1) to tidy up/to put in order/to straighten up/to put away/(P)/ 勝つ [かつ] /(v5t) to win/to gain victory/(P)/ かっこう /(n) descent (in skiing)/ 悲しい [かなしい] /(adj) sad/sorrowful/(P)/ 必ず [かならず] /(adv) necessarily/certainly/without fail/positively/invariably/(P)/ 金持ち [かねもち] /(n) rich man/(P)/ 彼女 [かのじょ] /(n) she/girl friend/sweetheart/(P)/ 壁 [かべ] /(n) wall/(P)/ かまう [(かまいません)] /(v5u) to mind/to care about/to be concerned about/(P)/ 髪 [かみ] /(n) hair/(P)/ かむ /(v5m) to bite/to chew/to gnaw/(P)/ 通う [かよう] /(v5u) (1) to go back and forth/to ply between/(2) to commute/to attend (school, church, etc.)/(P)/ ガラス /(n) glass/pane/(P)/ 彼 [かれ] /(n) he/boyfriend/(P)/ 彼ら [かれら] /(n) they (usually male)/(P)/ 乾く [かわく] /(v5k,vi) to get dry/(P)/ 代わり [かわり] /(n) substitute/deputy/proxy/alternate/relief/compensation/second helping/(P)/ 変わる [かわる] /(v5r,vi) to change/to be transformed/to vary/to be revised/to be different/to move location/(P)/ 考える [かんがえる] /(v1) to consider/(P)/ 関係 [かんけい] /(n,vs) relation/connection/(P)/ 看護婦 [かんごふ] /(n) (female) nurse/(P)/ 簡単 [かんたん] /(adj-na,n) simple/(P)/ がんばる /(v5r) to persist/to insist on/to stand firm/to try one's best/(P)/ 気 [き] /(n) spirit/mood/(P)/ 機械 [きかい] /(n) machine/mechanism/(P)/ 機会 [きかい] /(n) chance/opportunity/(P)/ 危険 [きけん] /(adj-na,n) danger/peril/hazard/(P)/ 聞こえる [きこえる] /(v1) to be heard/to be audible/(P)/ 汽車 [きしゃ] /(n) train (steam)/(P)/ 技術 [ぎじゅつ] /(n) art/technique/technology/skill/(P)/ 季節 [きせつ] /(n) season/(P)/ 規則 [きそく] /(n) rule/regulations/(P)/ きっと /(adv,n) (1) (uk) surely/undoubtedly/certainly/without fail/(2) sternly/severely/(P)/ 絹 [きぬ] /(n) silk/(P)/ 厳しい [きびしい] /(adj) severe/strict/stern/austere/grave/solemn/majestic/intense (cold)/(P)/ 気分 [きぶん] /(n) feeling/mood/(P)/ 決る [きまる] /(io) (v5r) to be decided/to be settled/to look good in (clothes)/ 君 [きみ] /(n,suf) Mr (junior)/master/boy/(P)/ 決める [きめる] /(v1) to decide/(P)/ 気持ち [きもち] /(n) feeling/sensation/mood/(P)/ 着物 [きもの] /(n) kimono/(P)/ 客 [きゃく] /(n) guest/customer/(P)/ 急 [きゅう] /(adj-na,n) (1) urgent/sudden/(2) steep/(P)/ 急行 [きゅうこう] /(n) express (e.g. train that bypasses many stations)/(P)/ 教育 [きょういく] /(adj-no,n,vs) training/education/(P)/ 教会 [きょうかい] /(n) church/(P)/ 競争 [きょうそう] /(n,vs) competition/contest/(P)/ 興味 [きょうみ] /(n) interest (in something)/(P)/ 近所 [きんじょ] /(n) neighbourhood/(P)/ 具合 [ぐあい] /(n) condition/state/manner/health/(P)/ 空気 [くうき] /(n) air/atmosphere/(P)/ 空港 [くうこう] /(n) airport/(P)/ 草 [くさ] /(n) grass/(P)/ くださる /(v5aru) (hon) to give/to confer/(P)/ 首 [くび] /(n) neck/(P)/ 雲 [くも] /(n) cloud/(P)/ 比べる [くらべる] /(v1) to compare/(P)/ くれる /(v1) to get dark/to end/to come to an end/to close/to run out/(P)/ 暮れる [くれる] /(v1) to get dark/to end/to come to an end/to close/to run out/(P)/ ~君 [~くん] け [(髪の毛)] /(n) hair/fur/(P)/ け [(毛のセータ)] /(n) hair/fur/(P)/ 計画 [けいかく] /(n,vs) plan/project/schedule/scheme/program/(P)/ 警官 [けいかん] /(n) policeman/(P)/ 経験 [けいけん] /(n,vs) experience/(P)/ 経済 [けいざい] /(n) economics/business/finance/economy/(P)/ 警察 [けいさつ] /(n) police/(P)/ けが /(n,vs) injury (to animate object)/hurt/(P)/ 景色 [けしき] /(n) scenery/scene/landscape/(P)/ 下宿 [げしゅく] /(n,vs) boarding/lodging/boarding house/(P)/ 決して [けっして] /(adv) never/by no means/(P)/ けれど /(conj) but/however/(P)/ けれども /(conj,prt) but/however/(P)/ ~軒 [~けん] 原因 [げんいん] /(n) cause/origin/source/(P)/ けんか /price of a cocoon/ 研究 [けんきゅう] /(n,vs) study/research/investigation/(P)/ 研究室 [けんきゅうしつ] /(n) seminar room/laboratory/prof's office/ 見物 [けんぶつ] /(n) a sight/an attraction/something worth seeing/ 子 [こ] /(n) first sign of Chinese zodiac (The Rat, 11pm-1am, north, November)/ 御~ [ご~] こう [(指示詞)] /(n) box/ 郊外 [こうがい] /(n) suburb/outskirts/(P)/ 講義 [こうぎ] /(n,vs) lecture/(P)/ 工業 [こうぎょう] /(n) (manufacturing) industry/(P)/ 高校 [こうこう] /(n) senior high school/(P)/ 高等学校 [こうとうがっこう] /senior high school/(P)/ 高校生 [こうこうせい] /(n) senior high school student/(P)/ 工場 [こうじょう] /(n) factory/plant/mill/workshop/(P)/ 校長 [こうちょう] /(n) principal/headmaster/(P)/ 交通 [こうつう] /(n) communication/transportation/traffic/intercourse/(P)/ 講堂 [こうどう] /(n) auditorium/(P)/ 公務員 [こうむいん] /(n) government worker/public (civil) servant/(P)/ 国際 [こくさい] /(n) international/(P)/ 心 [こころ] /(n) core/heart/wick/marrow/(P)/ ~ございます 故障 [こしょう] /(n,vs) break-down/failure/accident/out of order/(P)/ ご存じ [ごぞんじ] /(n) knowing/acquaintance/(P)/ 答 [こたえ] /(n) answer/response/(P)/ ごちそう /(n,vs) feast/treating (someone)/ こっち /(n) (1) (uk) this person/(2) this direction/(3) this side/(4) thereafter/(P)/ こと /(n) thing/matter/fact/circumstances/business/reason/experience/(P)/ 小鳥 [ことり] /(n) small bird/(P)/ このあいだ /(n-adv) the other day/recently/lately/during this period/ このごろ /these days/nowadays/ 細かい [こまかい] /(adj) (1) small/(2) fine/minute/(P)/ ごみ /(n) (uk) rubbish/trash/garbage/(P)/ 込む [こむ] /(v5m) to be crowded/(P)/ 米 [こめ] /(n) uncooked rice/(P)/ ごらんになる これから /(n-t) (uk) after this/(P)/ 怖い [こわい] /(adj) scary/frightening/eerie/dreadful/(P)/ 壊す [こわす] /(v5s,vt) to break/to break down/(P)/ 壊れる [こわれる] /(v1,vi) to be broken/to break/(P)/ コンサート /(n) concert/(P)/ 今度 [こんど] /(n-adv,n-t) now/this time/next time/another time/(P)/ 今夜 [こんや] /(n-adv,n-t) this evening/tonight/(P)/ 最近 [さいきん] /(adj-no,n-adv,n-t) latest/most recent/nowadays/(P)/ 最後 [さいご] /(n) last/end/conclusion/(P)/ 最初 [さいしょ] /(adj-no,n-adv,n-t) beginning/outset/first/onset/(P)/ 財布 [さいふ] /(n) purse/wallet/(P)/ 探す [さがす] /(v5s) to search/to seek/to look for/(P)/ 下る [さがる] /(v5r) to get down/to descend/(P)/ 盛ん [さかん] /(adj-na,n) popularity/prosperous/(P)/ 下げる [さげる] /(v1) to hang/to lower/to move back/to wear/to dismiss/to grant/(P)/ 差し上げる [さしあげる] /(v1) (pol) to give/to hold up/to lift up/to offer/(P)/ さっき /(n) thirst for blood/(P)/ 寂しい [さびしい] /(adj) lonely/lonesome/solitary/desolate/ ~様 [~さま] さ来週 [さらいしゅう] 騒ぐ [さわぐ] /(v5g) to make noise/to clamor/to be excited/to be alarmed/to kick up a fuss/to make merry/to be annoying/to be troublesome/to make a noise/(P)/ 触る [さわる] /(v5r) to touch/to feel/(P)/ サンダル /(n) sandal/(P)/ サンドイッチ /(n) sandwich/(P)/ 残念 [ざんねん] /(adj-na,n) deplorable/bad luck/regret/disappointment/(P)/ 字 [じ] /(n) character/hand-writing/(P)/ 試合 [しあい] /(n) match/game/bout/contest/(P)/ 仕方 [しかた] /(n) way/method/means/resource/course/(P)/ しかる /(adj-pn) a particular/a certain/ ~式 [~しき] 試験 [しけん] /(n,vs) examination/test/study/(P)/ 事故 [じこ] /(n) accident/incident/trouble/circumstances/reasons/(P)/ 地震 [じしん] /(n) earthquake/(P)/ 時代 [じだい] /(n-t) period/epoch/era/(P)/ 下着 [したぎ] /(n) underwear/(P)/ 支度 [したく] /(n,vs) preparation/(P)/ しっかり /(adj-na,adv,n) (uk) firmly/tightly/reliable/level-headed/steady/ 失敗 [しっぱい] /(adj-no,n,vs) failure/mistake/blunder/(P)/ 失礼 [しつれい] /(adj-na,int,n,vs,exp) (1) discourtesy/impoliteness/(2) Excuse me/Goodbye/(P)/ 辞典 [じてん] /(n) dictionary/(P)/ 品物 [しなもの] /(n) goods/article/thing/(P)/ しばらく /(adv,int) little while/(P)/ 島 [しま] /(n) island/(P)/ しまう /(v5u) (uk) to finish/to close/to do something completely/to put away/to put an end to/(P)/ 事務所 [じむしょ] /(n) office/(P)/ 社会 [しゃかい] /(n) society/public/(P)/ 社長 [しゃちょう] /(n) company president/manager/director/(P)/ じゃま /(adj-na,n,vs) hindrance/intrusion/(P)/ ジャム /(n) jam/(P)/ 自由 [じゆう] /(adj-na,exp,n) freedom/liberty/as it pleases you/(P)/ 習慣 [しゅうかん] /(n) custom/habit/manners/(P)/ 住所 [じゅうしょ] /(n) address (e.g. of house)/residence/domicile/(P)/ 柔道 [じゅうどう] /(n) judo/(P)/ 十分 [じゅうぶん] /10 minutes/ 出席 [しゅっせき] /(n,vs) attendance/presence/(P)/ 出発 [しゅっぱつ] /(n,vs) departure/(P)/ 趣味 [しゅみ] /(n) hobby/tastes/preference/(P)/ 準備 [じゅんび] /(n,vs) preparation/arrangements/provision/reserve/(P)/ 紹介 [しょうかい] /(n,vs) introduction/(P)/ 正月 [しょうがつ] /(n) New Year/New Year's Day/the first month/January/(P)/ 小学校 [しょうがっこう] /(n) primary school/elementary school/(P)/ 小説 [しょうせつ] /(n) novel/story/(P)/ 招待 [しょうたい] /(n,vs) invitation/(P)/ 承知 [しょうち] /(n,vs) consent/acceptance/assent/admitting/acknowledgment/compliance/agreement/awareness/(P)/ 将来 [しょうらい] /(n-adv,n-t) future/prospects/(P)/ 食事 [しょくじ] /(n,vs) meal/(P)/ 食料品 [しょくりょうひん] /(n) foodstuff/groceries/(P)/ 女性 [じょせい] /(n) woman/(P)/ 知らせる [しらせる] /(v1) to notify/to advise/(P)/ 調べる [しらべる] /(v1,vt) to investigate/to check up/(P)/ 人口 [じんこう] /(n) (1) population/(2) common talk/(P)/ 神社 [じんじゃ] /(n) Shinto shrine/(P)/ 親切 [しんせつ] /(adj-na,n) kindness/gentleness/(P)/ 心配 [しんぱい] /(adj-na,n,vs) worry/concern/anxiety/care/(P)/ 新聞社 [しんぶんしゃ] /(n) newspaper company/(P)/ 水泳 [すいえい] /(n,vs) swimming/(P)/ 水道 [すいどう] /(n) water service/water supply/(P)/ ずいぶん /(adj-na,n-adv) extremely/(P)/ 数学 [すうがく] /(n) mathematics/arithmetic/(P)/ スーツケース /(n) suitcase/(P)/ 過ぎる [すぎる] /(v1,vi) to pass/to go beyond/to elapse/to exceed/(P)/ ~すぎる すく [(おなかがすく)] /(v5k) to be transparent/to leave a gap/(P)/ すく [(すいた電車)] /(v5k) to be transparent/to leave a gap/(P)/ すくない /(adj) few/a little/scarce/insufficient/seldom/(P)/ すごい /(adj) terrible/dreadful/terrific/amazing/great/wonderful/to a great extent/(P)/ すっかり /(adv) all/completely/thoroughly/(P)/ すっと /(adv,n) straight/quickly/directly/all of a sudden/quietly/gently/softly/(P)/ ステレオ /(n) stereo/(P)/ 捨てる [すてる] /(v1) to throw away/to cast aside/to abandon/to resign/(P)/ 砂 [すな] /(n) sand/grit/(P)/ すばらしい /(adj) wonderful/splendid/magnificent/(P)/ すべる /(v1) to control/to supervise/(P)/ 隅 [すみ] /(n,n-suf) corner/nook/(P)/ 済む [すむ] /(v5m) to finish/to end/to be completed/(P)/ すり /(n) pickpocket/(P)/ すると /(conj) thereupon/hereupon/(P)/ ~製 [~せい] 生活 [せいかつ] /(n,vs) living/life (one's daily existence)/livelihood/(P)/ 政治 [せいじ] /(n) politics/government/(P)/ 西洋 [せいよう] /(n) the west/Western countries/(P)/ 世界 [せかい] /(n) the world/society/the universe/(P)/ 席 [せき] /(n) seat/(P)/ 説明 [せつめい] /(n,vs) explanation/exposition/(P)/ 背中 [せなか] /(n) back (of body)/(P)/ ぜひ /(adv,n) (uk) certainly/without fail/(P)/ 世話 [せわ] /(n,vs) looking after/help/aid/assistance/(P)/ 線 [せん] /(n,n-suf) line (also telephone, railway)/wire/beam/(P)/ ぜんぜん /(adv) (1) wholly/entirely/completely/(2) not at all (with neg. verb)/(P)/ 戦争 [せんそう] /(n,vs) war/(P)/ 先輩 [せんぱい] /(n) senior (at work or school)/superior/elder/older graduate/progenitor/old-timer/(P)/ 専門 [せんもん] /(n) speciality/subject of study/expert/(P)/ そう [(指示詞)] /destroy/ 相談 [そうだん] /(n,vs) consultation/discussion/(P)/ 育てる [そだてる] /(v1,vt) to raise/to rear/to bring up/(P)/ 卒業 [そつぎょう] /(n,vs) graduation/(P)/ 祖父 [そふ] /(n) grandfather/(P)/ 祖母 [そぼ] /(n) grandmother/(P)/ それで /(uk) and (conj)/thereupon/because of that/(P)/ それに /(uk) besides/moreover/(P)/ それほど /(adv) (uk) to that degree/extent/(P)/ そろそろ /(n) gradually/steadily/quietly/slowly/soon/(P)/ そんな /(adj-na,adj-pn,adv,n) such/like that/that sort of/(P)/ ~代 [~だい] 退院 [たいいん] /(n,vs) leaving hospital/(P)/ 大学生 [だいがくせい] /(n) college student/(P)/ 大事 [だいじ] /(adj-na,n) important/valuable/serious matter/(P)/ だいたい /(n) battalion/ タイプ /(n) type/style/typing/(P)/ だいぶ [(副詞)] /(adv) considerably/greatly/a lot/(P)/ 台風 [たいふう] /(n) typhoon/(P)/ 倒れる [たおれる] /(v1,vi) to collapse/to break down/to go bankrupt/to fall/to drop/to die/to succumb to/to fall senseless/to be ruined/to have a bad debt/(P)/ だから [(接続詞)] /(conj,n) so/therefore/(P)/ 確か [たしか] /(adj-na,adv,exp,n) certain/sure/definite/if I'm not mistaken/if I remember correctly/(P)/ 足す [たす] /(v5s) to add (numbers)/to do (e.g. one's business)/(P)/ ~だす 訪ねる [たずねる] /(v1) to visit/(P)/ 正しい [ただしい] /(adj) right/just/correct/righteous/honest/truthful/proper/straightforward/perfect/(P)/ 畳 [たたみ] /(n) tatami mat (Japanese straw floor coverings)/(P)/ 立てる [たてる] /(v1) to stand (something) up/to erect (something)/(P)/ 建てる [たてる] /(v1) to build/to construct/(P)/ 例えば [たとえば] /(adv) for example/e.g./(P)/ 棚 [たな] /(n) shelves/rack/(P)/ 楽む [たのしむ] たまに /(adv,suf) occasionally/once in a while/(P)/ ため /(n) cesspool/sink/manure sink/ だめ /(adj-na,n) useless/no good/hopeless/(P)/ 足りる [たりる] /(v1) to be sufficient/to be enough/(P)/ 男性 [だんせい] /(n) male/man/(P)/ 暖房 [だんぼう] /(n) heating/(P)/ 血 [ち] /(n) blood/consanguinity/(P)/ 小さな [ちいさな] 力 [ちから] /(n-suf) strength/power/(P)/ ちっとも /(adv) not at all (neg. verb)/(P)/ ~ちゃん 注意 [ちゅうい] /(n,vs) caution/being careful/attention (heed)/warning/advice/(P)/ 中学校 [ちゅうがっこう] /(n) junior high school/middle school pupil/(P)/ 注射 [ちゅうしゃ] /(n,vs) injection/(P)/ 駐車場 [ちゅうしゃじょう] /(n) parking lot/parking place/(P)/ 地理 [ちり] /(n) geography/(P)/ ~ついて 捕まえる [つかまえる] /(v1) to catch/to arrest/to seize/(P)/ つき [(月と太陽)] /(n,n-suf) attached to/impression/sociality/appearance/furnished with/under/to/ ~月 [~つき] つく [(電灯がつく)] /(v5k) to possess/to haunt/to attach to/ つける [(気をつける)] /(v1,vt) (1) to attach/to join/to add/to append/to affix/to stick/to glue/to fasten/to sew on/to apply (ointment)/(2) to furnish (a house with)/(3) to wear/to put on/(4) to keep a diary/to make an entry/(5) to appraise/to set (a price)/(6) to bring alongside/(7) to place (under guard or doctor)/(8) to follow/to shadow/(9) to load/to give (courage to)/(10) to keep (an eye on)/(11) to establish (relations or understanding)/(P)/ 漬ける [つける] /(v1) to soak/to moisten/to pickle/(P)/ 都合 [つごう] /(adv,n) circumstances/condition/convenience/(P)/ 伝える [つたえる] /(v1) to convey/to report/to transmit/to communicate/to tell/to impart/to propagate/to teach/to bequeath/(P)/ 続く [つづく] /(v5k,vi) to be continued/(P)/ 続ける [つづける] /(v1,vt) to continue/to keep up/to keep on/(P)/ 包む [つつむ] /(v5m) to be engulfed in/to be enveloped by/to wrap up/to tuck in/to pack/to do up/to cover with/to dress in/to conceal/(P)/ 妻 [つま] /(n) (hum) wife/(P)/ つもり /(n) intention/plan/(P)/ 釣る [つる] /(v5r) to fish/(P)/ 連れる [つれる] /(v1) to lead/to take (a person)/(P)/ 丁寧 [ていねい] /(adj-na,n) polite/courteous/careful/care/kind/close/thorough/conscientious/(P)/ テキスト /(n) (1) text/(2) text book/(P)/ 適当 [てきとう] /(adj-na,n) fitness/suitability/adequacy/relevance/(P)/ できる [(銀行ができる)] /(v1) (uk) to be able to/to be ready/to occur/(P)/ できるだけ /if at all possible/(P)/ 手伝う [てつだう] /(v5u) to help/to assist/to take part in/(P)/ テニスコート /tennis court/(P)/ 手袋 [てぶくろ] /(n) glove/(P)/ 寺 [てら] /(n) temple/(P)/ 点 [てん] /(n,n-suf) spot/mark/point/dot/(P)/ 店員 [てんいん] /(n) shop assistant/employee/clerk/salesperson/(P)/ 天気予報 [てんきよほう] /weather forecast/weather report/(P)/ 電灯 [でんとう] /(n) electric light/(P)/ 電報 [でんぽう] /(n) telegram/(P)/ 展覧会 [てんらんかい] /(n) exhibition/(P)/ 道具 [どうぐ] /(n) implement/tool/means/(P)/ とうとう /vast/calm/ 動物園 [どうぶつえん] /(n) zoo/zoological gardens/(P)/ 遠く [とおく] /(adj-no,n-adv,n) far away/distant/at a distance/distant place/by far/(P)/ 通り [とおり] /(n-suf) in accordance with ~/following ~/~ Street/~ Avenue/(P)/ 通る [とおる] /(v5r) to pass (by)/to go through/to walk along/to pass exams/(P)/ ~とき 特に [とくに] /(adv) particularly/especially/(P)/ 特別 [とくべつ] /(adj-na,adv,n) special/(P)/ とこや /(n) barber/(P)/ 年 [とし] /(n-adv,n) year/age/(P)/ 途中 [とちゅう] /(n-adv,n-t) on the way/en route/midway/(P)/ 特急 [とっきゅう] /(n) limited express (train, faster than an express)/(P)/ どっち /(n) (uk) which way/which one/(P)/ 届ける [とどける] /(v1) to deliver/to forward/to send/to report/to file notice (to the authorities)/(P)/ 泊まる [とまる] /(v5r) to stay at (e.g. hotel)/(P)/ 止める [とめる] /(v1,vt) to end/to stop/to cease/to resign/(P)/ 取り替える [とりかえる] /(v1) to exchange/to replace/(P)/ 泥棒 [どろぼう] /(n,vs) thief/burglar/robber/theft/(P)/ 直す [なおす] /(v5s,vt) to cure/to heal/to fix/to correct/to repair/(P)/ 直る [なおる] /(v5r,vi) to be cured/to heal/to get mended/to get well/to be repaired/to be fixed/(P)/ 治る [なおる] /(v5r,vi) to be cured/to heal/to get mended/to get well/to be repaired/to be fixed/(P)/ なかなか /(adv) (uk) very/considerably/easily/readily/by no means (neg)/fairly/quite/highly/rather/(P)/ ~ながら 泣く [なく] /(v5k) to cry/to sing (bird)/(P)/ 無くす [なくす] /(v5s) to lose something/to get rid of/(P)/ 無くなる [なくなる] /(v5r) to disappear/to get lost/(P)/ 亡くなる [なくなる] /(v5r) to die/(P)/ 投げる [なげる] /(v1) to throw/to cast away/(P)/ なさる /(v5aru) (hon) to do/(P)/ なぜ /(adv) (uk) why/how/(P)/ 鳴る [なる] /(v5r) to sound/to ring/to resound/to echo/to roar/to rumble/(P)/ なるべく /(adv) as much as possible/(P)/ なるほど /(adv,exp) (uk) I see/That's right!/indeed/(P)/ 慣れる [なれる] /(v1) to grow accustomed to/(P)/ 苦い [にがい] /(adj) bitter/(P)/ ~にくい 逃げる [にげる] /(v1) to escape/to run away/(P)/ 日記 [にっき] /(n) diary/journal/(P)/ 入院 [にゅういん] /(n,vs) hospitalization/(P)/ 入学 [にゅうがく] /(n) entry to school or university/matriculation/(P)/ 似る [にる] /(v1) to resemble/to be similar/(P)/ 人形 [にんぎょう] /(n) doll/puppet/figure/(P)/ 盗む [ぬすむ] /(v5m) to steal/(P)/ 塗る [ぬる] /(v5r) to paint/to plaster/to lacquer/to varnish/(P)/ ぬれる /(v1) to get wet/(P)/ ねだん /(n) price/cost/(P)/ 熱 [ねつ] /(n,n-suf) fever/temperature/(P)/ ねっしん /(adj-na,n) zeal/enthusiasm/(P)/ 眠い [ねむい] /(adj) (1) aestivation/estivation/(2) sleepy/drowsy/(P)/ 眠る [ねむる] /(v5r) to sleep/(P)/ 残る [のこる] /(v5r) to remain/to be left/(P)/ のど /(n) (uk) throat/(P)/ 乗り換える [のりかえる] /(v1) to transfer (trains)/to change (bus, train)/(P)/ 乗り物 [のりもの] /(n) vehicle/(P)/ 葉 [は] /(n) leaf/(P)/ 場合 [ばあい] /(n-adv,n) case/situation/(P)/ 倍 [ばい] /(n,vi,vs,vt) twice/times/-fold/double/be doubled/increase/(P)/ 拝見 [はいけん] /(n,vs) (hum) (pol) seeing/look at/(P)/ 歯医者 [はいしゃ] /(n) dentist/(P)/ ~ばかり 運ぶ [はこぶ] /(v5b) to transport/(P)/ 始める [はじめる] /(v1,vt) to start/to begin/(P)/ はず /(n) it should be so/(P)/ 恥ずかしい [はずかしい] /(adj) shy/ashamed/embarrassed/(P)/ 発音 [はつおん] /(n,vs) pronunciation/(P)/ はっきり /(adv,n) clearly/plainly/distinctly/(P)/ 花見 [はなみ] /(n,vs) cherry-blossom viewing/flower viewing/(P)/ 払う [はらう] /(v5u) (1) to pay/(2) to brush/to wipe/(P)/ 番組 [ばんぐみ] /(n) program (e.g. TV)/(P)/ 反対 [はんたい] /(adj-na,n,vs) opposition/resistance/antagonism/hostility/contrast/objection/dissension/reverse/opposite/vice versa/(P)/ 日 [ひ] /(n-adv,n-t) sun/sunshine/day/(P)/ 火 [ひ] /(n,n-suf) fire/flame/blaze/(P)/ 冷える [ひえる] /(v1,vi) to grow cold/to get chilly/to cool down/(P)/ 引き出し [ひきだし] /(n) drawer/drawing out/(P)/ ひげ /(n) moustache/beard/whiskers/ 飛行場 [ひこうじょう] /(n) airport/(P)/ 久しぶり [ひさしぶり] /(exp) after a long time/(P)/ 美術館 [びじゅつかん] /(n) art gallery/art museum/(P)/ 非常に [ひじょうに] /(adv) very/extremely/exceedingly/(P)/ びっくりする 引っ越す [ひっこす] /(v5s) to move/to change residence/(P)/ 必要 [ひつよう] /(adj-na,n) necessary/essential/indispensable/(P)/ ひどい /(adj) cruel/awful/severe/very bad/serious/terrible/heavy/violent/ 開く [ひらく] /(v5k) to open (e.g. a festival)/(P)/ ビル /(n) (abbr) building/bill/(P)/ 昼間 [ひるま] /(n-adv,n-t) daytime/during the day/(P)/ 昼休み [ひるやすみ] /(n-adv,n-t) lunch break/noon recess/noon rest period/(P)/ 拾う [ひろう] /(v5u) to pick up/to find/to gather/(P)/ 増える [ふえる] /(v1,vi) to increase/to multiply/(P)/ 深い [ふかい] /(adj) deep/profound/thick/close/(P)/ 複雑 [ふくざつ] /(adj-na,n) complexity/complication/(P)/ 復習 [ふくしゅう] /(n,vs) review/revision/(P)/ 普通 [ふつう] /(adj-na,adj-no,adv,n) (1) generally/ordinarily/usually/(2) train that stops at every station/(P)/ ぶどう /(n) grapes/(P)/ 太る [ふとる] /(v5r) to grow fat (stout, plump)/to become fat/(P)/ 布団 [ふとん] /(n) bedding (Japanese style)/futon/(P)/ 舟 [ふね] /(n) ship/boat/watercraft/shipping/vessel/steamship/(P)/ 船 [ふね] /(n) ship/boat/watercraft/shipping/vessel/steamship/(P)/ 不便 [ふべん] /(adj-na,n) inconvenience/inexpediency/unhandiness/(P)/ 踏む [ふむ] /(v5m) to step on/to tread on/(P)/ プレゼント /(n) present/gift/(P)/ 文化 [ぶんか] /(n) culture/civilization/(P)/ 文学 [ぶんがく] /(n) literature/(P)/ 文法 [ぶんぽう] /(n) grammar/(P)/ べつに /(adv) (not) particularly/nothing/(P)/ ベル /(n) bell (BEL)/(P)/ 変 [へん] /(adj-na,n) change/incident/disturbance/strange/flat (music)/odd/peculiar/suspicious-looking/queer/eccentric/funny/(P)/ 返事 [へんじ] /(n,vs) reply/answer/(P)/ 貿易 [ぼうえき] /(n) trade (foreign)/(P)/ 放送 [ほうそう] /(n,vs) broadcast/broadcasting/(P)/ 法律 [ほうりつ] /(n) law/(P)/ 僕 [ぼく] /(n) (male) I/manservant/(P)/ 星 [ほし] /(n) star/(P)/ ほど /(n) one's walking pace/ ほとんど /(n-adv,n-t) mostly/almost/(P)/ ほめる /(v1) to praise/to admire/to speak well/ 翻訳 [ほんやく] /(n,vs) translation/de-encryption/deciphering/(P)/ 参る [まいる] /(v5r) (1) (hum) to go/to come/to call/(2) to be defeated/to collapse/to die/(3) to be annoyed/to be nonplussed/(4) to be madly in love/(5) to visit (shrine, grave)/(P)/ 負ける [まける] /(v1) to lose/to be defeated/(P)/ まじめ /(adj-na,n) diligent/serious/honest/(P)/ まず /(adv) first (of all)/to start with/about/almost/hardly (with neg. verb)/anyway/well/now/(P)/ または /(conj,exp) or/otherwise/(P)/ 間違える [まちがえる] /(v1) to err/to make a mistake/(P)/ 間に合う [まにあう] /(v5u) (1) to be in time for/(2) to serve (suit, meet) the purpose/to be good enough/to be enough/(P)/ ~まま 周り [まわり] /(n,n-suf) circumference/surroundings/circulation/(P)/ 回る [まわる] /(v5r) to wander around/ 漫画 [まんが] /(n) comic/cartoon/(P)/ 真中 [まんなか] /(n) middle/centre/mid-way/ 見える [みえる] /(v1) to be seen/to be in sight/to look/to seem/to appear/(P)/ 湖 [みずうみ] /(n) lake/(P)/ みそ [(みそ汁)] /(n) (1) miso/bean paste/(2) key (main) point/(P)/ 見つかる [みつかる] /(v5r) (uk) to be found/to be discovered/(P)/ 見つける [みつける] /(v1) to be familiar/to discover/to find fault/to detect/to find out/to locate/(P)/ 緑 [みどり] /(n) greenery/(P)/ 皆 [みな] /(adv,n) all/everyone/everybody/(P)/ 港 [みなと] /(n) harbour/port/(P)/ 迎える [むかえる] /(v1) to go out to meet/to accept as a member of a group or family/(P)/ 昔 [むかし] /(adj-no,n-adv,n-t) olden days/former/(P)/ 虫 [むし] /(n) insect/(P)/ 息子 [むすこ] /(n) (hum) son/(P)/ 娘 [むすめ] /(n) (hum) daughter/(P)/ 村 [むら] /(n) village/(P)/ 無理 [むり] /(adj-na,n,vs) unreasonable/impossible/overdoing/(P)/ ~目 [~め] 召し上がる [めしあがる] /(v5r) (pol) to eat/(P)/ 珍しい [めずらしい] /(adj) unusual/rare/(P)/ 申し上げる [もうしあげる] /(v1) to say/to tell/to state/(P)/ 申す [もうす] /(v5s) (hum) to be called/to say/(P)/ もうすぐ もし /(n) sham examination/ 戻る [もどる] /(v5r) to turn back/to return/(P)/ 木綿 [もめん] /(n) cotton/(P)/ もらう /(v5u) (uk) to receive/(P)/ 焼く [やく] /(v5k) to bake/to grill/(P)/ 役に立つ [やくにたつ] /(v5t) to be helpful/to be useful/(P)/ 約束 [やくそく] /(n,vs) arrangement/promise/(P)/ 焼ける [やける] /(v1,vi) to burn/to be roasted/to be sunburnt/(P)/ 優しい [やさしい] /(adj) tender/kind/gentle/graceful/affectionate/amiable/suave/(P)/ ~やすい やせる /(v1) to become thin/to lose weight/to reduce (one's) weight/to slim/ やっと /(adv) at last/at length/(P)/ やはり /(adv,exp) (uk) also/as I thought/still/in spite of/absolutely/of course/(P)/ やっぱり /(adv,exp) (uk) also/as I thought/still/in spite of/absolutely/of course/(P)/ やむ [(雨/風がやむ)] /(v5m) to fall ill/to be ill/(P)/ やめる [(たばこをやめる)] /(v1) to retire/(P)/ やる [(”あげる”の意味)] /(v5r) (col) (uk) to do/to have sexual intercourse/to kill/to give (to inferiors, animals, etc.)/to dispatch (a letter)/to send/to study/to perform/to play (sports, game)/to have (eat, drink, smoke)/to row (a boat)/to run or operate (a restaurant)/ 柔らかい [やわらかい] /(adj) soft/tender/limp/(P)/ 湯 [ゆ] /(n) hot water/(P)/ 夕飯 [ゆうはん] /(n) evening meal/(P)/ 輸出 [ゆしゅつ] /(n,vs) export/(P)/ 指 [ゆび] /(n) finger/(P)/ 指輪 [ゆびわ] /(n) (finger) ring/(P)/ 夢 [ゆめ] /(n) dream/(P)/ 揺れる [ゆれる] /(v1) to shake/to sway/(P)/ 用 [よう] /(n,n-suf) task/business/use/(P)/ 用意 [ようい] /(n,vs) preparation/(P)/ 用事 [ようじ] /(n) tasks/things to do/(P)/ 汚れる [よごれる] /(v1) to get dirty/to become dirty/(P)/ 予習 [よしゅう] /(n,vs) preparation for a lesson/(P)/ 予定 [よてい] /(n,vs) plans/arrangement/schedule/program/expectation/estimate/(P)/ 予約 [よやく] /(n,vs) reservation/contract/subscription/booking/pledge/advance order/(P)/ 寄る [よる] /(v5r) to visit/to drop in/to approach/(P)/ ~によると 喜ぶ [よろこぶ] /(v5b) to be delighted/to be glad/(P)/ よろしい /(adj) (hon) good/OK/all right/fine/very well/will do/may/can/(P)/ 弱い [よわい] /(adj) weak/frail/delicate/tender/unskilled/weak (wine)/(P)/ 理由 [りゆう] /(n) reason/pretext/motive/(P)/ 利用 [りよう] /(n,vs) use/utilization/application/(P)/ 両方 [りょうほう] /(n) both sides/both parties/(P)/ 旅館 [りょかん] /(n) Japanese hotel/inn/(P)/ 留守 [るす] /(n) absence/being away from home/(P)/ 歴史 [れきし] /(n) history/(P)/ 連絡 [れんらく] /(n,vs) junction/communication/contact/connection/coordination/(P)/ 沸かす [わかす] /(v5s,vt) to boil/to heat/(P)/ 別れる [わかれる] /(v1) to be divided/to part from/to separate/to bid farewell/(P)/ 沸く [わく] /(v5k) to boil/to grow hot/to get excited/to gush forth/(P)/ 訳 [わけ] /(n) (uk) meaning/reason/circumstances/can be deduced/situation/(P)/ 忘れ物 [わすれもの] /(n) lost article/something forgotten/(P)/ 笑う [わらう] /(v5u) to laugh/to smile/(P)/ 割合 [わりあい] /(adv,n) (1) rate/ratio/percentage/proportion/(2) comparatively/(3) contrary to expectations/(P)/ 割れる [われる] /(v1,vi) to break/to split/to cleave/to fissure/to be smashed/to crack/to be torn/(P)/