README This is a generic README generated by jruby-enginize. Please replace with something more meaningful... ;-) INSTALL MISSING GEMS As a basic requirement, you have to install missing gems required by the template (this task is implemented individually for each template): sudo rake template:gems !!Attention: Whenever you want to install additional gems, be sure to use "appcfg.rb gem" provided by the Google AppEngine JRuby tools and not "jgem" as Google maintains a local repository per project and bundles the files to upload from that information. You will run into missing gems on the server if you bypass this! GOOGLE APPENGINE DEPLOYMENT Deploy the application with rake appengine:deploy and open http://{{name}} to have a first test. Be sure to set the version number in the AppEngine::Rack.configure_app part of "" to a new value, when you are experimenting with an unstable version and don't want to risk your users getting exceptions. You can try the new version by opening e.g. http://3.latest.{{name}} and replacing "3" with the version number you want to run. Switch the application to the new version as default (stable version) by opening{{name}} and setting a new default. SOME MORE INFO - Gems installed with "appcfg.rb gem" reside in directory ".gems". Again: Do not use "jgem" at all! - Some gems will throw exceptions during bundling: Have a look for paths assembled using ".." to reach the parent directory and replace with File.dirname(...). Retry and be a good citizen and send in the patch the developer of that gem... ;-) - Data uploaded to the server is gathered in directory "WEB-INF" as with any Java project. The first time "rake appengine:run" or "rake appengine:deploy" is called, this directory will be created and "jruby-rack-xx.jar" is downloaded from its homepage. The first call to "rake appengine:run" or "rake appengine:deploy" with downloading the rack jar will fail. Just ignore and retry. - "WEB-INF/lib/gems.jar" is only created or updated after a call to "appcfg.rb gem". This is enforced by "rake appengine:deploy" but not by "rake appengine:update".