require 'brakeman/checks/base_check' require 'set' #Checks for mass assignments to models. # #See for details class Brakeman::CheckMassAssignment < Brakeman::BaseCheck Brakeman::Checks.add self @description = "Finds instances of mass assignment" def run_check return if mass_assign_disabled? models = [] tracker.models.each do |name, m| if unprotected_model? m models << name end end return if models.empty? Brakeman.debug "Finding possible mass assignment calls on #{models.length} models" calls = tracker.find_call :chained => true, :targets => models, :methods => [:new, :attributes=, :update_attributes, :update_attributes!, :create, :create!, :build] Brakeman.debug "Processing possible mass assignment calls" calls.each do |result| process_result result end end #All results should be or Model.attributes=() calls def process_result res call = res[:call] check = check_call call if check and not call.original_line and not duplicate? res add_result res model = tracker.models[res[:chain].first] attr_protected = (model and model[:options][:attr_protected]) if attr_protected and tracker.options[:ignore_attr_protected] return elsif input = include_user_input?(call.arglist) if not hash? call.first_arg and not attr_protected confidence = CONFIDENCE[:high] user_input = input.match else confidence = CONFIDENCE[:low] user_input = input.match end else confidence = CONFIDENCE[:low] user_input = nil end warn :result => res, :warning_type => "Mass Assignment", :message => "Unprotected mass assignment", :code => call, :user_input => user_input, :confidence => confidence end res end #Want to ignore calls to that have no arguments def check_call call args = process_all call.args if args.empty? #empty new() false elsif hash? args.first and not include_user_input? args.first false elsif all_literals? args false else true end end LITERALS = Set[:lit, :true, :false, :nil, :string] def all_literals? args args.all? do |arg| if sexp? arg if arg.node_type == :hash all_literals? arg else LITERALS.include? arg.node_type end else true end end end end