// ========================================================================== // Project: SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework // Copyright: ©2006-2011 Apple Inc. and contributors. // License: Licensed under MIT license (see license.js) // ========================================================================== /*globals module ok equals same test Sample */ var store; module("SC.CascadeDataSource", { setup: function () { SC.RunLoop.begin(); var Sample = (window.Sample = SC.Object.create()); Sample.FooDataSource = SC.DataSource.extend({ commitRecords: function (st, createStoreKeys, updateStoreKeys, destroyStoreKeys, params) { equals(store, st, "should equal store"); equals(0, createStoreKeys[0], "should equal [0]"); equals(1, updateStoreKeys[0], "should equal [1]"); equals(2, destroyStoreKeys[0], "should equal [2]"); equals('world', params.hello, 'should equal { hello: "world" }'); return YES; }, retriveRecords: function () { ok(true, "retriveRecords should be handled by baz"); return NO; }, fetch: function (store, query) { ok(true, "fetch should be handled by bar"); return NO; }, cancel: function (st, storeKeys) { equals(store, st, "should equal store"); equals(1, storeKeys[0], "should equal [1]"); return NO; } }); Sample.fooDataSource = Sample.FooDataSource.create(); Sample.BarDataSource = SC.DataSource.extend({ commitRecords: function () { ok(false, "should never be called, since foo handles commitRecords first"); return NO; }, retriveRecords: function () { ok(true, "retriveRecords should be handled by baz"); return NO; }, fetch: function (st, query) { equals(store, st, "should equal store"); equals('query', query, "should equal 'query'"); return YES; } }); Sample.barDataSource = Sample.BarDataSource.create(); Sample.BazDataSource = SC.DataSource.extend({ commitRecords: function () { ok(false, "should never be called, since foo handles commitRecords first"); return NO; }, retrieveRecords: function (st, storeKeys, ids) { equals(store, st, "should equal store"); equals(0, storeKeys[0], "should equal [0]"); equals("id", ids[0], 'should equal ["id"]'); return YES; }, fetch: function () { ok(false, "should never be called, since bar handles fetch first"); return NO; } }); Sample.bazDataSource = Sample.BazDataSource.create(); Sample.dataSource = SC.CascadeDataSource.create({ dataSources: "foo bar baz".w(), foo: Sample.fooDataSource, bar: Sample.barDataSource, baz: Sample.bazDataSource }); store = SC.Store.create({ dataSource: Sample.dataSource }); }, teardown: function () { SC.RunLoop.end(); } }); test("Verify dataSources points to the actual dataSource", function () { var dataSource = Sample.dataSource; equals(dataSource.dataSources[0], dataSource.foo, 'should equal data source foo'); equals(dataSource.dataSources[1], dataSource.bar, 'should equal data source bar'); equals(dataSource.dataSources[2], dataSource.baz, 'should equal data source baz'); }); test("Verify dataSources added using 'from' are appended in order", function () { Sample.dataSource = SC.CascadeDataSource.create() .from(Sample.fooDataSource) .from(Sample.barDataSource) .from(Sample.bazDataSource); var dataSource = Sample.dataSource; equals(dataSource.dataSources[0], Sample.fooDataSource, 'should equal data source foo'); equals(dataSource.dataSources[1], Sample.barDataSource, 'should equal data source bar'); equals(dataSource.dataSources[2], Sample.bazDataSource, 'should equal data source baz'); }); test("Verify dataSource returns 'YES' when handled by a child dataSource for commitRecords", function () { ok(Sample.dataSource.commitRecords(store, [0], [1], [2], { hello: "world" }), "commitRecords should be handled by foo"); }); test("Verify dataSource returns 'YES' when handled by a child dataSource for fetch", function () { ok(Sample.dataSource.fetch(store, 'query'), "fetch should be handled by bar"); }); test("Verify dataSource returns 'YES' when handled by a child dataSource for retriveRecords", function () { ok(Sample.dataSource.retrieveRecords(store, [0], ['id']), "retrieveRecords should be handled by baz"); }); test("Verify dataSource returns 'NO' when not handled by a child dataSource", function () { ok(!Sample.dataSource.cancel(store, [1]), "cancel should be handled by no data source"); });