require 'cide/constants' require 'cide/docker' require 'cide/build' require 'thor' require 'json' require 'time' module CIDE # Command-line option-parsing and execution for cide class CLI < Thor include CIDE::Docker include Thor::Actions add_runtime_options! default_command 'build' desc 'build', 'Builds an image and executes the run script' method_option 'name', desc: 'Name of the build', aliases: %w(n t), default: File.basename(Dir.pwd) method_option 'export', desc: 'Whenever to export artifacts', type: :boolean, default: nil method_option 'export_dir', desc: 'Change the ouput directory on the host', aliases: %w(o host_export_dir), default: nil method_option 'run', desc: 'Override the script to run', aliases: ['r'], default: nil method_option 'ssh_key', desc: 'Path to a ssh key to import into the docker image', aliases: ['s'], default: '~/.ssh/id_rsa' def build containers = [] setup_docker ## Config ## banner 'Config' build = Build::Config.load_file CONFIG_FILE exit 1 if build.nil? export_dir = options.export_dir || File.dirname(build.export_dir) = if name = tag = "cide/#{name}" say_status :config, build.inspect ## Build ## banner 'Build' if build.use_ssh unless File.exist?(options.ssh_key) fail ArgumentError, "SSH key #{options.ssh_key} not found" end create_tmp_file SSH_CONFIG_FILE, create_tmp_file TEMP_SSH_KEY, end create_tmp_file DOCKERFILE, build.to_dockerfile docker :build, '--force-rm', '--pull', '-f', DOCKERFILE, '-t', tag, '.' ## CI ## banner 'Run' build.links.each do |link| args = ['--detach'] link.env.each_pair do |key, value| args.push('--env', [key, value].join('=')) end args << link.image args << if = docker(:run, *args, capture: true).strip containers << end run_options = ['--detach'] build.forward_env.each do |env| run_options.push '--env', [env, ENV[env]].join('=') end build.links.each do |link| run_options.push '--link', [,].join(':') end run_options.push tag run_options.push id = docker(:run, *run_options, capture: true).strip containers << id docker(:attach, id) ## Export ## return unless options.export banner 'Export' fail 'export flag set but no export_dir given' if build.export_dir.nil? guest_export_dir = File.expand_path(build.export_dir, CIDE_SRC_DIR) host_export_dir = File.expand_path(export_dir, Dir.pwd) docker :cp, [id, guest_export_dir].join(':'), host_export_dir rescue Docker::Error => ex exit ex.exitstatus ensure # Shutdown old containers unless containers.empty? docker :rm, '--force', *containers.reverse, verbose: false, capture: true end end desc 'clean', 'Removes old containers' method_option 'days', desc: 'Number of days to keep the images', default: 7, type: :numeric method_option 'count', desc: 'Maximum number of images to keep', default: 10, type: :numeric def clean setup_docker days_to_keep = options[:days] max_images = options[:count] x = docker('images', '--no-trunc', capture: true) iter = x.lines.each cide_image_ids = iter .map { |line| line.split(/\s+/) } .select { |line| line[0] =~ %r{^cide/} || line[0] == '' } .map { |line| line[2] } if cide_image_ids.empty? puts 'No images found to be cleaned' return end x = docker('inspect', *cide_image_ids, capture: true) cide_images = JSON.parse(x.strip) .each { |image| image['Created'] = Time.iso8601(image['Created']) } .sort { |a, b| a['Created'] <=> b['Created'] } if cide_images.size > max_images old_cide_images = cide_images[0..-max_images] .map { |image| image['Id'] } else old_times = - (days_to_keep * 24 * 60 * 60) old_cide_images = cide_images .select { |image| image['Created'] < old_times } .map { |image| image['Id'] } end if old_cide_images.empty? puts 'No images found to be cleaned' return end docker('rmi', *old_cide_images) end desc 'init', "Creates a blank #{CONFIG_FILE} into the project" def init puts "Creating #{CONFIG_FILE} with default values" create_file CONFIG_FILE, end private def create_tmp_file(destination, *args, &block) create_file(destination, *args, &block) at_exit do remove_file(destination, verbose: false) end end LINE_SIZE = 78.0 def banner(text) pad = (LINE_SIZE - text.size - 4) / 2 puts '=' * pad.floor + "[ #{text} ]" + '=' * pad.ceil end end end