## Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at [https://github.com/VitalConnectInc/rack-openid2][🚎src-main] . This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the [code of conduct][🤝conduct]. To submit a patch, please fork the project and create a patch with tests. Once you're happy with it send a pull request. ## Release ### One-time, Per-developer, Setup **IMPORTANT**: Your public key for signing gems will need to be picked up by the line in the `gemspec` defining the `spec.cert_chain` (check the relevant ENV variables there), in order to sign the new release. See: [RubyGems Security Guide][🔒️rubygems-security-guide] ### To release a new version: 1. Run `bin/setup && bin/rake` as a tests, coverage, & linting sanity check 2. Update the version number in `version.rb` 3. Run `bin/setup && bin/rake` again as a secondary check, and to update `Gemfile.lock` 4. Run `git commit -am "🔖 Prepare release v"` to commit the changes 5. Run `git push` to trigger the final CI pipeline before release, & merge PRs - NOTE: Remember to [check the build][🧪build]! 6. Run `export GIT_TRUNK_BRANCH_NAME="$(git remote show origin | grep 'HEAD branch' | cut -d ' ' -f5)" && echo $GIT_TRUNK_BRANCH_NAME` 7. Run `git checkout $GIT_TRUNK_BRANCH_NAME` 8. Run `git pull origin $GIT_TRUNK_BRANCH_NAME` to ensure you will release the latest trunk code 9. Set `SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH` so `rake build` and `rake release` use same timestamp, and generate same checksums - Run `export SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH=$EPOCHSECONDS && echo $SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH` - If the echo above has no output, then it didn't work. - Note that you'll need the `zsh/datetime` module, if running `zsh`. - In `bash` you can use `date +%s` instead, i.e. `export SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH=$(date +%s) && echo $SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH` 10. Run `bundle exec rake build` 11. Run [`bin/checksums`][🔒️rubygems-checksums-pr] to create SHA-256 and SHA-512 checksums - Checksums will be committed automatically by the script, but not pushed 12. Run `bundle exec rake release` which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the `.gem` file to [rubygems.org][💎rubygems] ## Contributors [![Contributors][🖐contributors-img]][🖐contributors] Made with [contributors-img][🖐contrib-rocks]. [🧪build]: https://github.com/VitalConnectInc/rack-openid2/actions [🤝conduct]: https://github.com/VitalConnectInc/rack-openid2/blob/main/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md [🖐contrib-rocks]: https://contrib.rocks [🖐contributors]: https://github.com/VitalConnectInc/rack-openid2/graphs/contributors [🖐contributors-img]: https://contrib.rocks/image?repo=VitalConnectInc/rack-openid2 [💎rubygems]: https://rubygems.org [🔒️rubygems-security-guide]: https://guides.rubygems.org/security/#building-gems [🔒️rubygems-checksums-pr]: https://github.com/rubygems/guides/pull/325 [🚎src-main]: https://github.com/VitalConnectInc/rack-openid2